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Old 11-06-2004, 10:54 PM
Randy_Refeld Randy_Refeld is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Grand Casino - Tunica
Posts: 53
Default Re: An Economics Lesson for Democrats

If lowering them are just plain good, period, why not lower them to zero?

At some level (which we haven't reached) revenues go down with a decrease in raxes rather than up. The government does need some revenue to operate.

How does cutting the highest tax rates hurt poor Americans? It helps them by creating jobs so why are the democrats opposed? Is the only reason so they can cry "tax break fro the rich?" Class warfare works becasue the typical low income earner beleives they pay more in taxes than a high income earner. Does the democratic party have an econmic policy other than saying "vote for us, we'll make the man pay"?

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