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Old 11-04-2004, 10:04 AM
W00lygimp W00lygimp is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: When has it become bad to be a Christian?

Victor, You have to understand we humans are flawed. Thats a common fact of life.

People will always discriminate on the minority, thats a fact of life-- We've been doing it for thousands of yeras.
Just like Catholics take a 2000 page book and then produce a 5000 page Catechism from it. I don't beleive everything the Catechism says such as, "Masturbation is a moral sin."

Thats their belief's, not mine. You'd be surprised how many Christians don't think homosexuals are bad people. I think they are great people with the same rights as you or I. Now the thing is, I voted for the amendment banning gay marriage. There is nothing wrong with CU's and its a whole 'nother argument altogether. Now this may look like discrimination, but a further look shows you that in fact they do have the same rights. They have the same right to get married with a person of the opposite sex, just as I have the same right to get a CU with someone on the same sex.

Also big argument against gay marriage, is we will have to allow bigots and other abominations of marriage next. Because we can't say yes to one group and no to the others, at which point are we intruding on someones rights, and not trampling our own?
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