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Old 11-04-2004, 08:31 AM
El Barto El Barto is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 119
Default Your input please (on your US Senator)

Here is a list of the US Senators who's term expires in 2006. Please tell me what you know of these Senators. Who is likely to retire? Who would likely replace a retired Senator? Who is very vunerable to being defeated in their reelection campaign? I want an idea of the likely political result of the 2006 election. Thanks.

AZ Kyl R
CA Feinstein D
CT Lieberman D
DE Carper D
FL Nelson D
HI Akaka D
IN Lugar R
ME Snowe R
MD Sarbanes D
MA Kennedy D
MI Stabenow D
MN Dayton D
MS Lott R
MO Talent R
MT Burns R
NE Nelson D
NV Ensign R
NJ Corzine D
NM Bingaman D
NY Clinton D
ND Conrad D
OH DeWine R
PA Santorum R
RI Chafee R
TN Frist R
TX Hutchinson R
UT Hatch R
VT Jeffords I
VA Allen R
WA Cantwell D
WV Byrd D
WI Kohl D
WY Thomas R
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