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Old 11-02-2004, 03:09 AM
Sponger15SB Sponger15SB is offline
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Default Re: Excuse me sir...Please check your straight flush...Thank you...

this is part of the reason why i don't like jackpot games... people get crazy.

at chumash where i usually play the jackpot stays around $1500. whoopie do da. nobody gets freaked out and starts clamoring every time there is a possible jackpot.

but in san diego i hate hearing stupid, hypothetical things like this:

"oh man it was almost a jackpot there, see if he had pocket queens instead of jacks and then if that person had the Jack of diamonds then...."

then I of course have to explain to everyone the real rules of the jackpot because everyone forgets them every 30 seconds (ie berating someone for betting their quads when they had A4 on an AAAJ board meaning the kicker wouldn't play) to make them look even more dumb and obsessed.
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