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Old 11-01-2004, 07:46 PM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 241
Default All In Free Throws

Obviously my calling most tournament pros "rank suckers" when it comes to late stage all in preflop strategy is a bit of hyperbole. A more accurate description is to make an analogy to basketball. The typical NBA player is far above average when it comes to free throws. But in this fairly important aspect of the game most pros are significantly worse than the best practitioners. There are certainly tens of thousands of people who can hit over 85%. Many could do this even in the heat of battle. Some would shoot underhand.

I suspect that most NBA players suckerdom when it comes to free throws is partially a physical attribute. But it is probably also part a lack of studiousness. An unforgiveable lack regardless of how well they play the rest of the game. The analogy to tournament poker where there are thousands of math guys who know more about all in situations than the guys who make their living at it is my point.
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