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Old 11-01-2004, 12:10 AM
Desdia72 Desdia72 is offline
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Default David Sklansky? and Tournament Poker?

i kinda of got to thinking about this when some other poster started a thread about David writing poker books. David responded that he plays $300-$600 just about everyday, i guess as a testament to the success he's achieved in poker, as well as, proff that he has the background to be the foremost authority on How-To Poker books. now, how does that translate over into tournament poker? i'm pretty much used to a guy who has a visible and unrefutable track record in a field or medium (he's supposed to be an expert in) authoring a book on how to achieve success in this field or medium? granted, Barry G did say in one of his insightful posts that if alot of the good cash game players decided to focus more on tournaments, we would all be worshipping a different set of idols. yet, you're a successful cash game player who wrote a book on how to succeed in TOURNAMENT poker. how well has your poker knowledge (which has afforded you the ability to write numerous books on the subject) helped you in Tournament poker?