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Old 10-29-2004, 08:54 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Why We Cannot Give In To Bin-Laden


I think, if there were ever a time to take Bin Laden literally, it would be now. He's basically saying... elect whoever the <bleep> you want to... until you change your foreign policy, we're going to be your enemy.

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Guess what though. Even if we changed whatever policy they wanted, bin Laden and all his fanatical Islamist wackos would STILL be our enemies. They aren't like the IRA or the Basque separatists who had/have specfic goals that we might be able to manage to deal with. No, bin Laden's talk about the Palestinians and Lebanon is just a pittance compared to what they really want.

Bin Laden and his ilk are Greater Jihadists, and their principal concerns do not revolve around the Palestinian problem.

First, they want to CLEAR all "ARAB" lands of ALL INFIDELS, and then they want to implement Shar'ia (Islamic law) across all Arab states. Next, they want to expand back to their boundaries prior to Crusades when they held a large part of Spain, with especial attention to Andalusia. Then they want to restore the CALIPHATE. Then they want to continue expanding until the entire world is either: 1) converted to Islam, 2) subjugated under Islam, or 3) killed...all just as Mohammed said they should do in the Q'uran.

That's what bin-Laden wants. That's what Greater Jihadists want. That's why bin-Laden demanded that all US troops leave Saudi Arabia...because he can't stand the idea of INFIDELS on HOLY SOIL.

These are not rational people. They are so brainwashed in religious fanaticism as to be virtually psychotic.
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