Thread: First Post
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Old 10-29-2004, 06:41 PM
deuces09 deuces09 is offline
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Default Re: First Post

Mainly I want to see how he comes out, is he betting, is he checking, does he look weak, strong, etc.. So by me auto-checking, im now putting the ball in my opponents court without him having any clue as to what I could be holding.

[/ QUOTE ]

This certainly has been a highly debated hand, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people didn't like your play. Obviously kudos for playing so well in that event (and finishing 2nd in that WPT event), but the 55 hand and the A4 hand has lead TV viewers to see you as a lesser player than you really are, sadly (since a large majority of your other hands on ESPN were all-in hands).

My argument is that a dark check could work much more efficiently against a more tighter player, because I have to believe Arieh would have fired on the flop representing any hand. So if you miss, you're potentially looking at overcards, Arieh making another large sized bet that will obviously pot commit you, and you looking at a multitude of different hands Arieh could have that have you beat. But I digress...

What I am more interested in is the A4 play, final hand. You guys had humongous stacks relative to the blinds, and I was surprised to see you calling down each of Raymer's bets. You said you thought he had overcards, I believe. Surely there must have been some point where you thought "This isn't the best time"? Given Raymer's aggression, you had to have had a helluva read that he had high cards, because just about every other possible hand to put him on has you beat.
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