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Old 10-29-2004, 04:45 PM
Rocaix Rocaix is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 31
Default Re: Thoughts on check-raising/slowplaying Vs. rarely doing it?

I think what you are referring to is called defining your hand. This is a mistake alot of novices and intermediates make in higher-stakes no-limit.

Playing a predictable ABC game, where you will only checkraise or reraise without a big hand, i.e playing agressively only when your sure to be ahead. And playing passively when you do not have a big hand.

This style gives your opponents huge implied odds against you when you do have a hand, especially if you are an EP raiser. They know what you are likely to have and you will no clue what they have.

Obviously to beat higher levels it's important to not define your hand, and represent a wide range of hands to keep your opponents guessing. In simpler terms, playing tricky e.g. check-raise overbet with nothing, to set up a guy for a later check-raise overbet with the nuts.

Though it should be mentioned that at lower levels, like 10+1 tournaments, playing straightforward ABC poker is often enough to get yourself deep into the money. At those levels, most players simply could care less what you have, and are only playing their hands. They'll often gladly call your all-in check-raise on a coordinated board with middle pair. So there's no need to be tricky, just pound them when you have hand.
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