Thread: ub $10 MTT
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Old 10-27-2004, 04:01 PM
ferb ferb is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 8
Default ub $10 MTT

sorry no hand history. never seem to remeber to request them from ub. anway two hands in question here. 52 players left, money at 50(though little), avg stack 5000.

Hand #1 150/300
MP goes all in 980
All fold to me in bb with 93s and 5800 chips.
is this an example of a clear call with any two.

Hand #2 150/300 a25

UTG raises 1275 leaving him with 1300
Folded to me on the button with 10d10h and 3850 chips

no real read on utg.
what is the thinking here? i ended up pushing but is calling here better. i knew he would call my reraise. i was willing to play him for all his chips. he ended up having ak and rivered the k.
after the hand wondered if he would have folded the ak after the flop missed him(q72 rainbow) had i had just called his raise.

Is this foldable. i know that i likely a coin flip or possibly behind and am not that concerned about making my entry back.

Also wondering what your thoughts are on the bet pot button on ub. i play on both ub and stars and find that that button seems to aid weaker players when it comes to pre/post flop betting amts.
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