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Old 10-27-2004, 08:53 AM
Ghazban Ghazban is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 1
Default Playing blinds and check-raising in Omaha8

Recently, I've been playing quite a bit of Omaha8 online and I think I play too loosely from the blinds. Are there any hands that normally wouldn't be playable that are playable for the half bet in the small blind? (assume 3-5 limpers) I think I tend to complete with far too many mediocre to bad hands just to see if I can flop something big. How about facing a single raise in the big blind? (again with 3-5 people in the pot-- I see lots of cold calling in the 2/4 Party game) This is another area where I think I let the discount flop price go to my head and play too many hands.

A separate issue-- I check raise next to never in this game, despite using it a fair amount in both limit and no-limit holdem. I think the only check-raising I've done is with a virtually unbreakable high (aces full or better), usually with some low possibilities, too. Often, it seems most profitable to just bet out with my good hands and let the chasers call along. I suppose if the person sitting to my immediate left was extremely aggressive, I could check-raise after everyone behind him calls but, in my experience, the vast majority of Omaha8 players at my level (2/4 and under online, 5/10 and under live) are very passive. Any thoughts?
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