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Old 10-25-2004, 05:53 PM
fnord_too fnord_too is offline
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Default Re: Basic 15/30 Party Hand, but something feels wrong about it

Pre-flop: I can see raising or calling, but I probably raise. (I think when I first moved from short to full handed, I have was overcompensating pre flop and not raising enough, now I may be overcompensating in the other direction, but I would be inclinded to raise here and try to push out those weak limps).

Flop: I think I like calling the raise, but again, I'm torn. I like trapping MP2 for an extra bet with such a huge draw. I don't know if I would lead or check raise the turn with this line, but I could see myself doing either if I called the flop.

Turn: I would probably lead here, but that is also a close decision.

River: I think you have to call the river if you check. His turn check screams weakness, but if would call with something like 88 checking is probably better. (I'm really having a hard time putting him on a hand here, I made the mistake of looking at the results first so I can't say that is the conclusion I would reach, but it makes sense).

Every street seems to be a close decision. What do you do if he just calls your flop 3-bet?
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