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Old 10-25-2004, 12:07 PM
bodie bodie is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: california
Posts: 43
Default Re: O8 -playing tight and speaking of old-timers

Hi Buzz,

"Bodie - I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “aggressive,” but “tight” is a good way to start - and staying focused is a given."

I meant that if I was playing a hand that I liked, I would play aggressively, rather than just check or call - which is something more new for me, as I was tending to be more passive, since I always think that someone at the table has whatever possible hand is better than mine - it's happened to me too often - I'll have nut full house and someone has quads, etc.

Regarding "old" men, I was only using that term in response to some others who were talking about a group of "oldtimers" who seemed to be really experienced, and the poster was wondering if he should play with them because the men were good players. When I was playing the other day, actually the whole table was made up of older players who seemed to all know each other mostly and seemed experienced. Most of the younger guys who did sit down seemed a lot more hesitant, and eventually left busted out.
However, I mean no disrespect to anyone older, who of course all are differing individuals anyway. (And I'm no spring chicken myself, might I add, unfortunately.)
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