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Old 10-24-2004, 07:22 PM
fred22 fred22 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 14
Default Re: Internet Texas Hold\'em: Poker Concepts II (pg 51-72)

First I'd like to say, I love this book. This is my second reading of it and I'm definitely getting more out of it this time than I did the first time. 18,000 online hands have passed since that first reading, and this second read makes my learning and understanding much better. I'm now thinking I might get even more out of it on a 3rd,4th & 5th reading.

In fact, when ever I see a post from someone saying, "Okay I've read this, that and the other book. What should I read now?", I really think they should try re-reading the books they already have, they might be very surprised. Try to squeeze everything you can out of the books you've got before venturing off to another book.

Anyway, here's a question on the "In Turn" buttons online.
ITH recommends not using the "In Turn" buttons unless you are folding. I've noticed myself that it does seem like when someone is using these buttons on the turn & river and they are called down, they usually do have a big hand.

Do you all see the same thing? Do you use this to aid in your bluffing?

The other reason for using these buttons is for multi-tablers. Guys playing 4 tables probably use these buttons all the time. If some one is using these buttons all the time, then probably not a tell.
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