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Old 10-21-2004, 09:54 AM
SixgunSam SixgunSam is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 148
Default Re: Do you guys take a few days off every so often....

Sounds like you took some bad beats, but so does everyone else from time to time. I think that winning at poker has a lot to do with an objective approach to the game and the biggest part of having that is through a good mental attitude. If you aren't in the right frame of mind, you should definitely take some time off because pressing to win will only make you play worse. If I am slumping, I will take some time off. I might study poker for a couple of days, maybe watch some tivo'ed WPT events, anything to get me excited about playing again, then when I am really looking forward to it, I start playing again. Another thing, don't worry so much about results, instead worry about whether or not you are playing good poker. You can play well and bust out early 10 tournaments in a row.
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