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Old 10-17-2004, 05:55 PM
Ajax410 Ajax410 is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 162
Default Re: My thoughts on improving the Micro-Limit Forum

The idea is that this is a community where we can all learn. When I came to this forum, there were situations where I considered myself strong in, that I now know I was misplaying. The fact is, the forum is designed as a tool to learn - you don't reject people because they aren't as knowledgeable.

As a college student, I have all too much time to carouse this forum, but I understand it's frustrating for people with less time to constantly see posts with little content. That having been said, I think making some posts sticky is a great idea - but this forum should never be taken out of the hands of the posters. We're here to learn and educate...not to keep people out.

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