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Old 10-16-2004, 10:33 PM
durron597 durron597 is offline
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Default Re: wow foxnews is biased, look at headlines right now

Hannity lies and is a bully. Its no contest and its set up to be that way.

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This is complete BS. OK maybe not the bully part. But he's certainly not the greatest debater there ever was. They had Robert Kennedy on the show when he wrote his book and all Hannity could do was yell at him about some passage where he likened the Bush administration to Nazis. He just kept being mad about that and refused to talk about anything else. He looked like an idiot. (For the record, I would have gotten mad about it too, were I Hannity, but I would have dropped it once my point was made and moved on).


This is Fox's MO. They try to give the impression that they are Fair and Balanced, so that your typical uninformed American thinks they are.

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I don't consider myself an uninformed American, and I think they are less unbiased than most of the media. But in no way do I say they are totally unbiased.


Why do you think they emphasize "Fair and Balanced" as their motto??

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Maybe they are relatively more fair and balanced than the rest of the TV news stations?


Sure some people will see that they are a propaganda machine

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Have you ever consider the fact that you might not be looking at it with an open mind? Let me give you an example.

When CBS published the report with the forged papers regarding Bush's military service, it took Fox News 3 weeks to report the story. One possible reason for this is that "Fox News is biased Republican, and they didn't want to say anything bad about Bush". Another possible reason is that they wanted to wait for confirmation on the story before publishing it. And these documents were SUCH OBVIOUS FORGERIES (they look like they were done off a laser printer and Microsoft Word), yet FOR SOME REASON all the other networks jumped on it like it was the hottest thing since sliced bread.


"Fair and Balanced" is an especially good lie becuase is propagates the myth

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It's not a myth.


that every single other traditional news source is part of the Liberal Media. Think about it, cons are CONVINCED every network, every newpaper, every cable station is liberal.

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I don't think that at all. I think that CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, and Newsweek are all biased liberal. That's such a large chunk of mainstream media that it often get's incorrectly generalized to the liberal media, but it's not everything and I never said it was.

If you want an example of why I think these sources are biased liberal, why did none of them publish the Dalfour report's findings about how France was being bribed by Saddam to oppose us in the war, yet conveniently they all talk about how the Dalfour report said that Saddam had no WMDs and was unable to get any. They also don't talk about how many millions of dollars Saddam paid them for conventional arms in the last year, nor about how Saddam was buying rocket fuel for long range missiles. I wonder why that would be?

An article on the aforementioned subject


You would think one station or paper would, you know, try to do objective jouralism, but no! Liberal Media!!

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I can also think of plenty of Conservatively biased media. Fox is one. But it's not as biased as the aforementioned media, IMO. The Weekly Standard. The National Review. But apart from Fox, these are not nearly as widely circulated.

Off the top of my head, the least biased media that I can think of is the Wall Street Journal.

Have you ever stopped to consider that it might be possible that you think they are so far biased simply because you disagree with them?
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