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Old 10-14-2004, 07:32 PM
LinusKS LinusKS is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 480
Default Re: wow foxnews is biased, look at headlines right now

There's not.

One of the most brilliant tactics the right-wing media came up with was to label the middle-of-the-road, moderate, trying-to-be-objective mainstream news outlets as "liberal," in order to justify their own right-wing bias.

i was thinking about this exact issue today. i watched fox news for about 30 minutes and it was literally nonstop talk about how bush had destroyed kerry and kerry was a flip flopper. i turn to cnn and they were talking about each party's strategy down the homestretch. i dont understand why this would make cnn a bunch of crazy liberals while it is perfectly reasonable that fox is so biased. i wish there was a way to reason with conservatives on this one...


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