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Old 10-12-2004, 12:21 PM
benfranklin benfranklin is offline
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Default Re: The Usual Suspects

That man is a spineless bastard, and very, very good at what he does. I can't believe that man isn't in jail for slander.

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I haven't seen F911, but based on "Bowling...", it would be very difficult to sue Moore for slander. Because he is a worm, he doesn't say things directly. He puts two film clips together, implying that one thing followed from the other. For example, in "Bowling..." he showed people upset that the NRA convention was taking place in Denver soon after Columbine, followed by a shot of Heston holding an old flintlock rifle over his head, doing his "from my cold dead hands" routine. These conventions are planned years in advance, and the NRA could not change the time or place of the Denver meeting. They did cut back on many of the planned activities, including the trade show, which Moore conveniently omits mentioning. The shot of Heston with the rifle was taken almost a year later, I think at the next NRA convention.

Moore also sticks a microphone in peoples' faces and asks slimy questions, of the "Have you stopped beating your wife?" type, rather than actually state his lies as fact. Under the law, you can get away with a lot of innuendo under the guise of entertainment and political satire, which is what Moore's films are. Anyone who thinks Moore's films are documentaries thinks that supermarket tabloids are newspapers.
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