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Old 09-29-2004, 09:43 AM
Nate Finch Nate Finch is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Belmont, MA
Posts: 67
Default Re: Does this sound like cheating to you!?!?!

Willie had it exactly right. Let me summarize.

Burn: Prevents using marked cards. Since the only one you can see until betting is finished is one that won't be shown, you can't make much use out of marked cards.

Dealing to empty seats: They can come back before they are folded out of the hand.

The whole "but I would have made my trips without the burn" is a false argument. Whenever you deal from a properly shuffled deck, the results are random. Doesn't matter if it's the top card, bottom card, middle card, whatever. Burning a card is the same as if that card were on the bottom of the deck. You won't see it either way.

It's not cheating, you're not getting screwed, you have 100% exactly the same chance to hit your hand with or without the burn card.

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