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Old 09-27-2004, 11:47 PM
Iplaydrunk Iplaydrunk is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 48
Default Re: Foxwoods \'trip report\' for lack of a better term

went back again tonight. totally different Story. Still played same strategy, but results were horrendous. I couldn't hit a flop to save my life. I'd get AK, flop would come 5 6 7. Pocket Js. Flop AAQ. Limp in with 8h9h...Flop 8s Js Ks. I mean I certainly don't expect to hit every flop, but I couldn't make any hands. Lost with KK twice. Once was with a A-K-rag flop and I lost to the guy who limped with aces. Even though I was behind the whole time, the AA was a real shocker because even after I raised with KK he didn't re-raise. Sure raised the hell out of me on the flop and turn though.

Despite everything I just complained about, I am pretty sure I did not go on tilt. I took the losses in stride and took a break after the AA vs KK hand to take a walk to get some food.

On the other hand, my buddy who has played for real money once for 2 hours, cleaned up a tidy C-note and a half in profit. He was the definition of loose-passive. Raised once in 4 hours with a nut flush and calling-station-ed his way to great results.
Oh well, I made him pay for gas, so I guess I'm up $20 bucks from were I could be
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