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Old 09-27-2004, 09:06 PM
jayadd jayadd is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 193
Default Re: Dealer Tipping @ foxwoods

heres the thing about tipping dealers. Right now there is a shortage of dealers in many casinos especially good dealers. If you want to continue to wait 3 hours for a game at a place like foxwoods or borgota then continue to insult and degrate dealers till there arent enough to go around.

Dealers are treated like $hit and who wants to do a job that your treated that way for minimium wages.

Now to defend the players a little the dealers need to remember that you need to continue to learn and keep up to date with the poker world. I see many dealers getting into the box without really knowing the rules of the game. This is where management needs to step into and have some kind of retraining at least once a year.

the triangle doesnt connect without all three pieces working together.

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