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Old 09-26-2004, 01:46 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: olympic bloopers ot

unlike the first ones....the quotes that i related were true.

I just looked up the Bob Costas quote for accuracy sake.
From the book Loose Balls - The short and wild life of the American Basketball Assn. by Terry Pluto:
p. 355
Bob Costas: Anyway, the Spirits had a 7-point lead with about a minute to go and I turned to Wilkerson and said on the air "Bill, it would seem that the Spirits have this one well in hand. But you can bet that the last thing Coach Bob MacKinnon wants to see is a repeat of Friday night's blow job."
Wilkerson's eyes were as wide as saucers and he pushed away from the microphone and whispered to me "Are you kidding?"
At that moment I figured I was fired. But the engineer signalled for me to keep talking.

Paders announcer Jerry Coleman has had a few good ones including such winners as "Goose Gossage is throwing up in the bullpen" and "It's a long-fly, deep to right. Dave Winfield is going back...back....he hits his head against the wall!! And it's rolling back to the infield!"

Another one:
In hockey you usually play 5-on-5 (and don't include the goalie in that count).
If both teams have a player in the penalty box you play 4-on-4.
it is VERY easy to not refer to it as 'we'll play 4-on-4 for 30 seconds' and instead say something like 'we'll have 30-seconds of four on four-play'.
The young hockey announcer who learned rather quickly that word-order is extremely important is none other than yours truly.

I also once did a hockey game involving a team called the Beavers and my studio-engineer reported that he couldn't stop laughing every time I made a reference to them.
"The Beavers are very tough at home."
"Pass picked off at center and here come the Beavers back the other way."
etc etc etc.
Personally, I was more amused by the cheerleaders who kept chanting "We've got Beaver Fever"
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