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Old 09-26-2004, 12:32 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: olympic bloopers ot

I saw these.
As a former broadcaster I cringed on each one but I'm not sure all of them are legitimate.

a few non-olympic additions:

Young broadcaster calling a basketball game for the St. Louis ABA team in the 1970's.
First game of season the team he is broadcasting has a 7 point lead with 1 minute left and they blow it.
Next night they once again have a 7-point lead with 1 minute left and their coach calls time-out ....broadcaster says "Obviously the head-coach doesn't want another blow-job like the one he had last night!"
The young broadcaster, named BOB COSTAS, later said he thought his first job had ended just as quickly as it had started right there on the spot.
He also says he still gets people who tell him how they nearly drove off the road when they were listening to that game.

Phillies-Cubs game in 1970's on TV. 10-1 score in the 5th or 6th inning or so and the cameras spot a couple making-out in the bleachers (which weren't always packed at Wrigley back in the day). In between pitches they cut to the couple and the broadcasters make various 'oh to be young and in love' type comments.
Finally, one of the announcers observes "You know, I'm detecting a pattern. He's kissing her on the strikes and she's kissing him on the balls."

ESPN2 Minor-league baseball game of the week in 1995. Battle Creek has a promising outfielder named Ethan Faggett (withg a rather unfortunate pronounciation).
The lefty-hitter had pulled 3 hits into right-field and had already drawn the attention of the announcers as having a very good game, but they're thinking he might only be a pull-hitter...then in the 8th inning he knocks goes with the pitch and knocks it into the opposite field.
Matt Vasgergian says "And Faggett shows that he DOES know how to go both ways."
commentator Steve Lyons was at a loss for words.
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