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Old 09-23-2004, 08:00 PM
helpmeout helpmeout is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 991
Default Re: Is this the best way to begin to learn Hold\'em? New Players Log

Pacific is a good place to start I have to agree.

My progress has gone like this.

Spent 2 weeks playing free money games and learning.

A month playing at pacific and learning, read WLLHE and HEPFAP. $50 --> $300 5c/10c -> 50c/$1 (smashed the games 5BB/HR over about 150 hours)

After a week, maybe only 10 hours or so got my ass handed to me in 50c/$1 (100BB ouch)

Played a bit at pokerstars 5c/10c and 1c/2c NL also more SNGs and MTT and Pacific. Not much luck, played pretty poorly and lost the plot a bit.

Purchased a 21" monitor for potential multitabling but I think it is actually better for finding which games to play in. Eg open 4 tables and watch, join the best game.

Currently reading SSHE(reread WLLHE and half of HEPFAP), waiting on MLHE and going to purchase a few more books soon. I am playing primarily at 5c/10c at pokerstars and am analyzing every hand. Pokertracker works at pokerstars and the games are much tougher, it is good cheap practice. (I already have loose game experience vs bad players at pacific)

My goal is to play short sessions and try to perfect my game. I want to be able to play 4 hours and not make the usual dumb errors I usually do.

After a few months experience and a bit of reading I pretty much know what I should and shouldn't do in low limits so I can pickup most my errors.

The problem is in a game situation you make dumb decisions all the time and not realise after how many mistakes you really make and how much they cost you.

If I am unsure then I post the hand and hopefully get some good feedback.

Over the next month or 2 I plan to mainly read and reread books as well as posts and some articles that are around the place (at mainly). Play a few short sessions and hopefully get closer to perfecting my game.

I eventually want to get to 50c/$1 party games but I am in no hurry, I still have too much to learn.
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