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Old 09-21-2004, 04:52 PM
jcx jcx is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 42
Default Re: A Day In The Life Of Joe Republican

Your sig line betrays you comrade. Peace, Justice, & Nonviolence! I can hear the rage inside you from where I'm sitting. You're little group would like nothing more than to have complete control over the world and everyone in it. Isn't it your peace loving non violent buddies who like to break things and burn cities down whenever there is a WTO or G8 meeting? I'd rather live under Saddam Hussien than a regime controlled by the likes of you. Both would be peace through tyranny, but at least Saddam won't give a hang about what car I drive or whether the life saving medicine I take was tested on animals.

There is a theme in all this drivel...A liberal attacking industrious individuals who invented the products that run those factories or risk everything they have to work those farms. Do you really expect anyone to believe that without liberal watchdog groups people would be dying left and right from bad medicine and meat? The market polices itself, and Merck or Tyson wouldn't be around long if people started dropping like flies from consuming their products. Companies offer good benefits to workers in this job market because if they don't a competitor will and they won't be able to get the best employees. And if Grandad's pocket hadn't been picked his whole life to redistribute his income to the unproductive he'd likely be able to afford retirement on his own. Stop preaching lies to the ignorant!
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