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Old 04-12-2002, 03:54 PM
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Default Re: watch out george

I never watched Ungar in action so I would rather not comment.But Warren is different.Why do you make excuses for him.

Think about what you said,he can't sell KO because he owns too much.First off he could have sold some.Secondly does that mean he can never get out?What happens when KO no longer fits his

model(like it probably didn't at 80 bucks)?

If he can't get out why did he buy that much, didn't he know he would have a problem?

If he owns a lot because the stock split he could have sold some as his stake grew.

Sorry..I may be wrong but I think the old coot just got lucky.It should only happen to us!!!

And one last thing,maybe it was his partner who made the right moves.
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