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Old 09-20-2004, 07:38 PM
AeonBlues AeonBlues is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Olympia, WA
Posts: 203
Default Re: Any not *need* a job but *want* a job?

ROFL (Rolling On the Floor Laughing)

My girlfriend offten acuses me of being "The dude", then she imitates "Job?"

Welpers, if the money is better on the poker table, I just can't understand grinding away at a real job. Honestly I never had a job I liked better then sitting my butt all day playing poker. Sometimes it's stressfull, and somtimes it's a grind, but never worse then any real job I've ever had.

If you want structure, then why not set a schedule for your self. This would be more consistant with a student life any how As a student you have to be self modivated, and work when there's no boss standing behind you.

Also, think about how well poker works with being a student. Like, you can play poker when you have time, and not allways having to balance 2 schedules.

If you're interested in a prop job, we need players who want to play at 7 am PST. You get .15 at 3/6, .18 at 4/8, .20 at 5/10, and .25 at 10/20, all per hand. Then you could pretend that you have a real job that you have to set your allarm clock for.

If you're inerested e-mail me :

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