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Jedi Poker 01-16-2004 02:01 AM

The Apprentice #2
Episode 2 was even better than 1. I predict Sam will finally be out next week if the guys lose. Good decision by Trump to fire Jason. The guy broke the most basic rule of marketing, namely, "Know the customer". Troy is probably the top guy with Kwame waiting in the wings as the others take the risks. Among the girls, Katrina is playing the same "safety first" game that Kwame is playing. Erika (too impulsive) and Osarosa (too dominating) probably won't make it.

Utah 01-16-2004 02:04 AM

Re: The Apprentice #2
I thought is was great too.

How can you be so stupid as to not ask the customer what they want. However, the girls were pretty stupid too and they didn't deserve to win. To say, "hey, lets use sex" is not overly creative nor was it appropriate for the situation.

My only concern with the show is that Sam didn't get booted because he makes the show interesting not because the other guy deserved to get fired more.

Also, some of those chics are real witches. The marketing manager girl is a complete freak.

baggins 01-16-2004 09:27 AM

Re: The Apprentice #2
I only watched the first one...

interesting show. it seems like the ones that make the show interesting are the worst at playing 'the game'. it's a tournament, really. the ones we haven't seen do much really are not taking too big of risks, and are building their stacks steadily, so to speak. the ones we have seen so far are making plays that are a bit too risky for the early rounds of a winner-take-all tournament, where the #1 key to winning is outlasting EVERY opponent. It's a bunch of dominating leaders who don't really work well as parts of a team, all jumping in and trying to prove who's a better stuffed suit or ass-kisser, not who's going to outlast the competition. that's what a bunch of suits do - they sit around and come up with *horrible* names for businesses (ok Protege wasn't ~bad~), spout a lot of boardroom babble at each other, flounder in the marketplace, and then blame each other for the varying degrees of success they had. a bunch of kids in the playground, really, all trying to make it as an individual, instead of working together as a team to get the job done (job = beating the other team to gain 'immunity' from being fired) and playing the politics and making moves later in the game when they make more sense...

anyway, it's an interesting show. it reminded me of MTV Real World/Road Rules meets Girls Gone Wild meets Lets Make a Deal - a bunch of immature 'Leaders' trying to get noticed and doing stupid stuff on television for cash prizes...

Utah 01-16-2004 11:15 AM

Re: The Apprentice #2
do - they sit around and come up with *horrible* names for businesses (ok Protege wasn't ~bad~), spout a lot of boardroom babble at each other, flounder in the marketplace, and then blame each other for the varying degrees of success they had. a bunch of kids in the playground, really, all trying to make it as an individual, instead of working together as a team to get the job done

Ha! Thats too perfect. I am the founder and majority partner in a 6 month old consumer products importing company. I have two other partners (one male and one female) and a national sales manager (female). I feel like a cross between a kintergarten teacher and the U.N. as the other three hate each other and they spend more time backstabbing each other and throwing blame than they do building the business. Yesterday, the two females had a contest to see who could call the other one a b%^%$ more times. The funny thing is that we are having success and we have already landed a major customer. We are our own worst enemy. Unfortunately, this is so common in business as I have seen it a zillion times in my career which spans Fortune500 working with senior management, big5 consulting (note: never use them), a technology company, and small business startup. Its always the same. There are precious few times that everyone comes together as a team (although its beautiful when they do).

Although the T.V. cameras change the dynamics of projects and teamwork the show is not too far off.

superleeds 01-16-2004 12:14 PM

Re: The Apprentice #2
It's great ain't it. It's the only reality prog I've really got into. I disagree tho that Sam will go anytime soon. He's a toady arselicking brown-noser who is a complete tool. Absolutely perfect for this sort of crap TV. As an executive producer Trump ain't gonna get rid of this 'accident waiting to happen' too soon but he's not going to win.
At the danger of being sexist I think a man will win ultimately, the women will cut there own throats as they get bitchier and bitchier. The scene on the plane was just hilarious.

TimTimSalabim 01-16-2004 12:30 PM

Re: The Apprentice #2
Yeah, he definitely made the right choice. Jason is one of those arrogant a-holes who thinks he knows everything and in reality knows nothing. Not much potential there. On the other hand, Sam definitely makes the show interesting, and I believe he might come up with something good given another chance. But the clock is definitely ticking on him.

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