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AZK 10-17-2005 06:49 PM

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Wasn't really sure where to post this, I guess here works. Anyway, I think I've developed CTS in my right hand. Basically I have this weird sharp pain starting at my elbow and going down my arm all the way to the tip of my pinky while I type/mouse. After being on the comptuer for hours, afterwards my hand is numb here and there sometimes, tingly some of the other time, and generally just throbs here and there. The pain just stays in my elbow aftewards, last night it was especially bad after being on the comp for 4 hours that I almost couldn't sleep. Is this CTS or something else?

I lived on the computer this summer for 10+ hours a day and didn't have a single problem. Two weeks ago I bought a new laptop and I just got the new logictech MX1000 mouse. I think the cramped keyboard laptop/touchpad started the condition and now the logitech mouse (the logitech mouse is a tilted mouse rather than just flat like normal mice) is just making it worse, before I just had a regular microsoft mouse and it was never an issue. Thoughts? Anyone experience anything like this? WTF do you do? I use the laptop for school, but otherwise I'm almost always on a desktop. Taking time away from the computer is not an option due to obvious reasons. Do you just deal with it? Get a brace? I switched mice to see if it chills out but as for the laptop I don't know what to do, it is essential for the program I am in. Any thoughts/advice would be much appreciated. Thanks OOT.

astroglide 10-17-2005 06:57 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

this basically did the trick for me. i got it to use as a secondary mousing device as much as i could stand it, but i've switched to using them exclusively at home and work.

wh1t3bread 10-17-2005 06:59 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Sounds like you have the symptoms of CTS. I'm no doctor though so I think you should probably see one. I would expect them to start you out (if you do have it) with some hand/arm exercises and possibly a wrist brace. Depending on how you respond to treatment there are other things they can do including surgery (which would be the extreme last resort).

M2d 10-17-2005 07:09 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
it's kind of hard to determine root cause of RMI's by reading a description. can you take a pic of your workstation and post it?

some basics:
use large motions rather than small motions to move your mouse. small motions ("bracing" your wrist on a desk edge or gel pad and moving the mouse with your hand/fingers only) increase the stress on your smaller (more susceptible to injury) muscles and structures while deviating them from a neutral position. larger motions (using your whole arm to control your mouse), allows larger muscles to absorb the stress from these motions and keeps your hand/wrist in line.

here's a picture of the carpal tunnel:

if your wrist deviates from normal (is not in a straight line), the effective area the median nerve has is reduced. because of this, it can rub against the surrounding structures, leading to pain or numbness. alternatively, the surrounding structures such as ligaments can rub against bone because of the reduced area and swell, effectively shutting out the nerve.

the mouse you got is great. used correctly, it should reduce your risk. the problem is that your symtoms have already advanced to a point where it's tough to go back to normal, and rest is likely the best fix. if you can't limit your computer time, try using your left hand to mouse with. use your old mouse and reprogram your keys if necessary, but try it.

note that these are based on what you wrote and not on my actually seeing your workstation and performing a full workstation evaluation. I could be ignoring other risk factors.

HopeydaFish 10-17-2005 07:15 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Use your left hand to mouse for awhile. It'll suck until you get used to it, but it's better than becoming crippled.

crookedhat99 10-17-2005 07:25 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
You're fine, you're only a poo bah

SeaSiren 10-17-2005 07:33 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ouch... I sympathize - had to have the surgery few years ago cuz it got so bad. Started to have symptoms again and called surgeon who said to take Vitamin B12 100mg 3x day as it's an inflammatory that's shown relief for CTS. I've also lowered my mouse to about waist level that's helped alot.

AZK 10-17-2005 08:30 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Thanks for your help, I already started going the left handed thing, I think I'll do it till my right hand feels completely better than I'll give the logitech mouse another shot, I'll post pics of desktop in a few....

CD56 10-17-2005 08:43 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
I'm a 3rd year med student. Sounds like you have a Carpal Tunnel. Try these two tests:

first put your hands palms together fingers up, right in front of your heart, your hands should be close to your chest, kinda like a praying position, hold it for 90 seconds, this is phelan's test

second, tap on your right wrist (palm side) where it meets your hand, do this several times, this is tinnel's test

if either of these reproduces your pain, the index of suspicion for CT goes way up

as far as treatment, if it's bad i'd skip the arm braces and all the other stuff and go right for the knife, it's literally a 10 minute procedure and your set, you can be typing like 2 days later

Reqtech 10-17-2005 09:04 PM

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
that sucks man. i had a cts scare this week, but it's turned out to be ulnar nerve compression. instead of pain in my hand, my pinky and ring fingers on my left hand are numb. still going to get it checked out at the doctor's, but i feel a bit better about knowing for 90% sure that it's not cts. good luck with that

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