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IrishHand 05-16-2003 05:18 PM

BBC report: Jessica Lynch rescue story staged by US military

Ah...the joys of propaganda. As a master of the art once said "the bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it." Hey Bob - how's that WMD discovery project going? We're a little behind schedule on that one.

Jimbo 05-16-2003 06:10 PM

Re: BBC report: Jessica Lynch rescue story staged by US military
IrishHand, please don't tell me you believe this contrived story you posted! Alas, I imagine you believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus as well.

The_Baron 05-16-2003 07:25 PM

Re: BBC report: Jessica Lynch rescue story staged by US military
I'm guessing that the Pararescuemen who saw her initially as well as the doctors and nurses at each of the hospitals were instructed to lie about the gunshot wounds. Probably had a plastic surgeon come in to fake the scars on her ankles as well just to keep the maskirovka intact.
For whatever it may be worth, neither the US Army or the US Air Force have upper receivers for the M4 carbines that are set up to use blanks without blank firing adapters. Strangely enough, the M249 (SAW) uses the same blank adapter as the M4/M16. Oddly enough, none of the weapons in the video had blank adapters. Of course, SOCOM could have ordered the special upper receivers from Hollywood prop houses and had them specifically for the rescue... Or it could have happened exactly as it was reported and the BBC's sources are full of [censored].

IrishHand 05-16-2003 07:55 PM

Re: BBC report: Jessica Lynch rescue story staged by US military
Hmm...let's see...which am I more likely to believe...a BBC article or a US military story related during a military campaign. Seriously...I hardly consider the BBC the bastion of outstanding news reporting, but it's miles ahead of our major networks in terms of objectivity and analysis. How accurate this story is, I couldn't tell you. I just found it both interesting and not that surprising.

Jimbo 05-16-2003 08:58 PM

Re: BBC report: Jessica Lynch rescue story staged by US military
In that case I now understand why you liked the Matrix Reloaded, you are easily entertained and have difficulty distinguishing quality from quantity.

Mark Heide 05-16-2003 10:38 PM

Re: BBC report: Jessica Lynch rescue story staged by US military
Not surprised. It's not the first time I heard a lie from the government. Read my lips, no new taxes! I did not have sexual relations with that woman!

Good Luck


Chris Alger 05-16-2003 11:26 PM

Re: Hardly Anything About This War Was Real
Good report.

There have been so many hoax's and subhoax's from the producers of this war that you need a flow chart to sort it all out: the imminent WMD "threat," the "terrorist training camps," the meeting in Prague, the "Basra uprising," the "undisclosed drone," the faked Nigerian documents.

This one falls into the category of opportunistic propaganda, something enlarged from little to make a shoddy enterprise of mass murder appear heroic. It nicely dovetails with the revelations that the toppling of the statue of Saddam was a staged media event with the elated Iraqis being part of Chalabi's militia of exiles flown in by the Pentagon for the purpose of being filmed celebrating the demise of their "leader." See

I notice that the BBC story has, so far, only been picked up briefly by one mainstream outlet, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (one of two major papers in that town). Ari Fleischer was asked about it at a press conference today and had no comment, denying he had heard the report.

If the story is true, the mainstream media will probably ignore it as well. You have to go to non-corporate sources like Indymedia the Johns Hopkins Newsletter to read about the statue fraud, as the latter noted, accurately: "Without exception the major media outlets endorsed this deceptive narrative. The media's treatment of the story has ensured that it will be one of the most lasting images of the war; the innocent victims of Bush's political agenda will remain invisible."

Jimbo 05-17-2003 12:12 AM

Re: Hardly Anything About This War Was Real
"I notice that the BBC story has, so far, only been picked up briefly by one mainstream outlet, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (one of two major papers in that town). Ari Fleischer was asked about it at a press conference today and had no comment, denying he had heard the report."

Imagine that!! Only one paper in the "mainstream" gulllible enough to print this drivel. I was sure there would be at least half a dozen who would slurp this up and regurgitate it as gospel.

Honestly Chris, I gave you more credit..........

Cyrus 05-17-2003 01:42 AM

And why is that?
"Only one paper in the "mainstream" gulllible enough to print this drivel. I was sure there would be at least half a dozen who would slurp this up and regurgitate it as gospel."

I'm curious about that argument : Why do you think so few "mainstream" newspapers (your quotation marks) have picked up on the BBC story?

1. The BBC is an unreliable source of information. (At least, less reliable than venerable sources of information such as FoxNews, etc.)

2. The British, in general, have an anti-American bias, as was shown in the Iraqi War.

3. The American media isn't too keen on picking up stories that throw a bad light on the Iraqi operation.

4. The American media would love to pick up on such stories, but the American public just isn't interested. (There's no way anything could throw "Matrix 2" off the Newsweek cover!)

5. British weather sucks.

Chris Alger 05-17-2003 02:56 AM

Re: You\'re talking to an abyss
Jimbo doesn't share the same notions of right and wrong that most of us accepted by age five. Instead of an "argument," he claims that a statement of fact that supports his indefensible preconceptions is "truth." If it doesn't, it's "drivel," period. He evidently thinks the more he throws around "drivel" and "lie," the more persuasive he sounds. Maybe to him, he does.

Remember that this is someone who admits to accepting the following proposition: "the US has a right to "preemptively" invade and conquer a country that has neither attacked nor threatened to attack the US, but the Palestinians have no right to fight an acutal invader." As in: my side gets to kill, the other side gets to die. The morality is self-evident. Period.

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