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BillUCF 08-24-2005 06:42 AM

The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
The following is a letter I wrote, but haven't decided who to send it to.

What is the difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties in the United States of America?

Is there a difference between the two major political parties that determine our nation’s leaders? In searching for this answer I read the Charter & Bylaws of the DNC and the Rules that govern the RNC. The majority of these two documents were very similar. They outlined the party structure and how their organization meshes into the framework of our government. I found one primary difference which is described in the excerpts below.

From the DNC Charter & Bylaws:

Charter, Article 1, Section 4. …the formulation of policy, and the conduct of other Party affairs, without prejudice on the basis of sex, race, age (if voting age), color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity or physical disability, …

Bylaw, Article 8, Section 3: To encourage full participation by all Democrats, with particular concern for minority groups, Blacks, Native Americans, Asian/Pacifics, Hispanics, women and youth in the delegate selection process and in all Party affairs, …

From the Rules of the RNC

Rule14: Participation: (b) Participation in a Republican primary, caucus, or any meeting or convention held for the purpose of selecting delegates and alternate delegates to a county, district, state, or national convention shall in no way be abridged for reasons of sex, race, religion, color, age, or national origin.

While both parties claim to encourage participation without prejudice, the Democratic Party adds a bylaw that encourages full participation by everyone except the white male. This is clear discrimination in every sense of the word. I submit the following questions to the DNC leadership.

1. Why single out one particular group to discriminate against?
2. What positive outcome can this discrimination bring?
3. As a white male, why should I ever vote a democrat to elected office when I am specifically not encouraged to participate within the Democratic Party?

m1illion 08-24-2005 06:59 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
The differences do not add up to a hill of beans.
In choosing to side with one or the other a person calls into question their ability to reason.

BillUCF 08-24-2005 07:02 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
Did u even bother to read the whole post? There is a significant difference.

m1illion 08-24-2005 07:03 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
Your post proves nothing.

BillUCF 08-24-2005 07:13 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
As I suspected you didn't even read it. Thanks anyway.

m1illion 08-24-2005 07:18 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
I read your post and replied to it.
Your post proves nothing.
Your assertions are not based in reality.
Any of this sinking in?

tomdemaine 08-24-2005 07:58 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
Bylaw, Article 8, Section 3: To encourage full participation by ALL Democrats, with PARTICULAR concern for MINORITY groups, Blacks, Native Americans, Asian/Pacifics, Hispanics, women and youth in the delegate selection process and in all Party affairs, …

[/ QUOTE ]

And thus I win

BillUCF 08-24-2005 08:21 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
You and million both miss the point. Why does the Democratic party make it a point to specifically single out white males? The Republican party does not do this. If it were blacks or any other group that were not mentioned in the Republican by-laws there would be hell to pay.

I challenge you to give intelligent answers to the questions at the end of my original post. And please don't waste my time with any more 3rd grade "I win" comments.

BillUCF 08-24-2005 08:28 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
The post provides documented evidence of blatant racism in the by-laws of the Democratic party. There are no assertions in my post, only documented facts cut and pasted from the RNC and DNC by-laws. Feel free to answer the three questions at the end of my original post. I challenge you to put together a coherent paragraph instead of a few junior high level sentences.

MtSmalls 08-24-2005 09:11 AM

Re: The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
It appears, with minor differences in syntax that Article 1-4 and Rule 14 are basically the same statement. The DNC piece goes a step further to encourage the participation of all Democrats (meanining everyone), with particular concern (NOT EXCLUSIVE CONCERN) of minorities.

Could it be, using adult abilities of reasoning, that the basic assumption is that the "white male" as you put it, has always been a dominant force (indeed the ONLY force for the first 100 years of our Country), and that they are included in the "Every Democrat"?

Doesn't the prescence of BOTH articles in the DNC charter in fact NOT "single out one particular group" as you put it? If so, the questions 2 and 3 are non-sensical (as in fact they are).

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