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vulturesrow 06-26-2005 12:37 AM

All you lifters out there, general discussion
Its pretty obvious from some recent threads that there is a decent sized group of 2+2ers that lift regularly. Just curious about your routines, your training approach, etc, basically anything you want to talk about. Anyway, here goes for me.

My routine is a 3 day a week total body routine. I cycle through the routine twice, with about 30 seconds or so between sets, with the exception being when I hit the end of the first cycle I rest for two. Monday is mostly barbell exercises, wednesday mostly dumbbell, and friday being a high rep day. I do a short ab routine each day too. On the off days, I do some moderate cardio. Saturday is hard abs routine with windsprint type cardio training. My strongest exercises right now are probably lats/back, my weakest being anything that targets my biceps directly. The thing I need to improve most is my diet. I tend to use my workout as an excuse to not eat as well as I can. But I am getting better with this. Anyhow, looking forward to hearing from others.

nbake 06-26-2005 12:50 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
I throw javelin so I work on core strength a lot more than anything else. Mondays and thursday consist of cleans or snatches followed by squat (one leg or light jump squats for me as my knees suck ass). After this we always do ham curls and good mornings. On tuesday and friday we do bench, usually with the barbell, but I get better results from dumbells. Pull ups or lat pulls are always good. Pull overs are fun too. We also do some tri ext or push downs and DB shoulder press. This is followed by lots of lateral raises. Finally we finish with curls for the girls.

We supplement lifting with sprinting, running stadiums, and various bounding exercises.

climber 06-26-2005 12:50 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
is it bad that i thought you meant shoplift until at least 3 lines into your post?

vulturesrow 06-26-2005 12:51 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
is it bad that i thought you meant shoplift until at least 3 lines into your post?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, just really funny. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

augie00 06-26-2005 01:30 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
Nice thread.

My routine is 3 days as well, Monday Wednesday and Friday. I do my biceps, back, pecs, obliques, and forearms on Monday and Friday, and my lower body on Tuesday. I also do abs nearly every day (body by jake, tae bo abs, "the firm" abs exercise. I do very little cardio, however I do run on a treadmill Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I am also on the "abs diet" ( so my health habits of about the last month have been pretty decent. Ton of protein and low fat food = big muscles.

vulturesrow 06-26-2005 01:35 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion

I have been doing the absdiet thing as well though I havent been too faithful to the "diet" portion of it [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] As I said, getting better though. Its hard when you are living out of a hotel room. The workout I described is theirs, with some modifications I threw in. I really like it though.

Edge34 06-26-2005 01:37 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
My routine:

M/W/F: Upper body consisting of almost entirely free weights. Overhead dumbell raises, front dumbbell raises, side dumbbell raises, pullovers, back dumbbell raises, butterflies, bicep curls. Treadmill running for 30-45 minutes. Ab workout consisting of bicycles, side bridges, and VKRs (vertical knee raises).

T/Th: Lower body lifting with leg extensions/curls (quads and hammy), calf raises, hip flexor adduction and abduction. Running 30-45 minutes, same ab routine.

Weekends: No lifting, light exercise like pickup football or basketball, something like that. Abs with bicycles and side bridges.

Seriously, the only thing holding me back is my total lack of patience with the proper diet... [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Dan Rutter 06-26-2005 01:41 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
Chest/Back (sometimes back on alt. day depending on how chest went)


Shoulders, Bis, Tris

I run speed and agility training sessions for the football players at the High School I played. So those are three days a week on non-lifting days, and I run all the drills myself. I also do abs on 2 of these conditioning days.

AZK 06-26-2005 02:22 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
It sounds like I have a bit more time than most being a student and transitioning between undergrad/grad, for the last two years I had a girlfriend and totally let myself slide, but this is the routine I used to use, and back to what I've been on for the last two weeks and hopefully the rest of my life:

I lift 5 days a week, normally take 2 days off either together or if one muscle group is particuarly sore, I start with Back and go all the way to biceps (Back>Chest>Shoulders>Tri>Bi ((Large muscles to small) doing 1 group each day. Each day is divided into 3 or 4 different exercises which I rotate every 2 weeks or so, 4 exercises for the big muscles, 3 for the small ones since by then I'm normally maxed out anyway. I change up every 2 weeks since your body is incredibly good at getting used to repititon. So 2 weeks I'll do flat/incline/decline bench, and the next two weeks I'll do free weight flat/incline/decline, things of this nature. This is a 4 - 6 week cycle, afterwards I take a rest for about 1 - 2 weeks where I just do cario and light training (maybe some legs), sort of giving my body time to chill out after also helped cause of finals. I try and do abs 2-3 times a week, depending on how sore they are from the previous time, working from general abs to lower abs. After lifting but before abs I normally do some cardio for about 20 minutes (biking/running in an effort to strengthen my lower body without actually lifting).

As far as the eating goes, if you can eat 6 small meals a day while lifting, it seems to work best from what I hear (and her for me) so that your body has a constant supply of energy. I'll normally do oatmeal for breakfast and a protein shake, then 2-3 hours later I'll eat a small lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and a protein shake before I go to bed. If I go to the gym in the morning I just have a shake... The eating thing is key. A lot of people plateau after a while and it's because they aren't eating enough. I'm currently way overweight from my two year slide so I'm not eating as much and doing more cardio than lifting in an effort to cut some weight.

edfurlong 06-26-2005 02:38 AM

Re: All you lifters out there, general discussion
Train bi's and tri's together and put in a motherfucking leg day!

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