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diebitter 12-12-2005 06:12 AM

FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
OK. this may be a bit too well watched to be even worth reviewing, but given the season, and its high ranking on the OOT Christmas poll, I thouht it was worth a shot, and give all a chance to give an opinion.

This is the third outing for the Griswold family, after 'vacation' and 'European vacation' (both gooduns), and here we get the Griswolds at home. They are in usual Griswold form, and of course every damn thing goes wrong. Any of you that've done it will understand the agony of untangling and putting up lights only to find they don't work, and also some of you will recognise the mean boss and his ultra-lame Christmas bonus. And we all know the agony of relatives, right?

All Clark wants is a great Christmas for all, but it just does it go wrong. Poor guy. You can't feel too sorry for him, though, with his hottie wife. And part of the fun of the Griswolds is the lack of continuity with the kids, and here they change again, with the daughter played by Juiette Lewis, no less!

The highlight here for me is cousin Eddie (trailer trash to the core), played by top guy Randy Quaid, and the best moment is, after taking on Clark's rant about his mean boss, gives Clark his wish and delivers the tightass to face the music...a deeply satisfying film moment, I'd say.

Overall, a fun and undemanding Chrimbo watch, well worth getting as a keeper for the holiday season. No Christmas is truly complete without watching this, I say!

REWATCHABILITY: Yearly, at Christmas!
Adults and teens - some swearing (it's a PG-13, though there is a UK version where the swearing is toned down)

RATINGS (out of 5):
0 - This is a complete waste of time, and you will regret wasting it
1 - don't bother unless no other options at all
2 - okay for a single watch, if you've got time
3 - Definite watch if you get a chance
4 - See it very soon, at least once before you die
5 - See it immediately, no excuses

Opinions/comments/arguments please, especially if you think I missed anything worth of discussion/expansion, or violently agree or disagree.

PM me any films you'd like reviewed

RECENT CHRISTMAS REVIEWS: Trading Places, It's a Wonderful life, A Christmas Story - all in the OOT Film/DVD/TV Archive

(PS. I urge all OOTers who post film reviews/discussions to include a link to the archive at the bottom of their OP - I will maintain it, but it helps out all OOTers if the link is always around, but in the background. tnx)

tonypaladino 12-12-2005 07:22 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
I love the Vacation movies. I just watched Vacation for like the 50th time last night. "I THINK YOU'RE ALL F-CKED IN THE HEAD"

The Truth 12-12-2005 07:25 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
"RATINGS (out of 5):
0 - This is a complete waste of time, and you will regret wasting it
1 - don't bother unless no other options at all
2 - okay for a single watch, if you've got time
3 - Definite watch if you get a chance
4 - See it very soon, at least once before you die
5 - See it immediately, no excuses"

This is one of the best rating systems I have seen in a long time.

Give a few examples of 1's and 5's if you've got time.


diebitter 12-12-2005 07:55 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
Give a few examples of 1's and 5's if you've got time.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm assuming you meant 0's instead of 1's

First my thing about films - the key thing for any film for me, its key function above all others, is it needs to entertain. If it does that, it's a good film. I don't need meaning or subtext or be educational or have great direction/acting/script - it's just got to entertain. Those other things can elevate a film from good to great - obviously - but they can all be plainly absent, and the film can still be good. To me, therefore, Plan 9, Party Animal and a host of films I think a lot of people wouldn't have seen are good films in my book. There, I've got that off my chest...

0 - I honestly can't think of many I really loathe this much. I'm a film nut, I see good in almost all films (else I don't watch em in the first place, I suppose). Even Exorcist 2 (say) has some charm for me. I've not seen Battlefield Earth or Gigli though, so maybe I should force myself...

I do have a -1 though:

-1 = So bad you are willing to give up a month of your life to remove it's revolting aftertaste

There can be only one: "Highlander 2"

5 - Raiders of the Lost Ark, Singin in the Rain, Pulp Fiction, True Romance, Once upon a time in the West, Lawrence of Arabia (BUT ONLY if you're in a properly calm, well-rested and relaxed frame of mind), Seven Samurai, Caddyshack, Life of Brian, Fellowship of the Ring (yah I know there'll be guffaws at this), Spartacus (STFU, okay!), Bride of Frankenstein, maybe Shawshank, and maybe, just maybe Ghost(!).... there's probably more, but that's what I'm thinking at the moment, and I change daily on this...

You can tell me I'm wrong, but if so you have some bollocks and put your 0's and 5's too...

12-12-2005 08:01 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
movie just came in Saturday under my netflix account.

I have had this movie on vhs for so long and never picked it up on dvd I just decided to get it sent in this year.

great flick just finished watching that along with nightmare before christmas, a christmas story and polar express.

nice movie choice diebitter. Regardless of age its a great past time.

diebitter 12-12-2005 08:06 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
Polar express any good? I was thinking of getting it for my kids for Christmas, but heard it was a bit boring.

12-12-2005 08:11 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
Sadly it was very boreing bitter. I think of myself as a big kid so my ways are similar and I must admit it took me 3 times to finish watching it because I kept walking away. Although in the end, after watching it all I wish I had sat through it all the first time because it was a well done movie worth its watch.

KaneKungFu123 12-12-2005 08:13 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
national lampoons vacations and funny farm is the nutz

12-12-2005 08:22 AM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
The highlight here for me is cousin Eddie (trailer trash to the core), played by top guy Randy Quaid, and the best moment is, after taking on Clark's rant about his mean boss, gives Clark his wish and delivers the tightass to face the music...

[/ QUOTE ]
Funnier than hell. This is one of my favorite Christmas movies too. Just thinking about it cheers me up. Gotta love Eddie!

diebitter 12-12-2005 12:10 PM

Re: FILM REVIEW: National Lampoon\'s Christmas Vacation
Bump for the later crowd.

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