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pryor15 11-23-2005 07:06 AM

100 films: Notorious

starring: Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, and Leopoldine Konstantin
written by: Ben Hecht, from the story by John Taintor Foote
directed by: Alfred Hitchcock
NR, 101 min, 1946, USA

Alicia Huberman (Ingrid Bergman), daughter of a traitor, is approached by U.S. agent T.R. Devlin (Cary Grant) to spy on her father's old friends--a group of Nazi's holed up in South America. By exploiting the affections of Alex Sebastian (Claude Rains), she's able to infiltrate the group effectively, but when she gets in too deep, her life becomes endangered.

Alfred Hitchcock, that master of suspense, here focuses on inanimate objects to ratchet up the tension. He zooms the camera in to focus on a wine bottle, a missing key, and in one important sequence, a slowly disappearing supply of champagne, using his patented technique of occasionally giving the audience more information than he gives the characters. Take for example, the key. Alicia has lifted the key from her new husband Alex's key chain and deftly passed it to Devlin during a party. The key is then used to gain entrance to a wine cellar, where Devlin discovers Sebastian's mystery. Unknown to Alicia, Sebastian discovers the key is missing and calmly says nothing, allowing instead the scenario to play itself out. After Alicia is asleep he retires for the night, placing his key chain where he does every night and Hitchcock makes sure we see the key's absense. Early the next morning, before she wakes up, he rushes to the chain, where the key has been replaced, revealing Alicia's deception. Does he confront her? No, rather he plots how to keep this information secret from his colleagues, as it will surely mean his death. Alicia is poisoned to keep her quiet, and it's only a slight tell of the eyes by which she discovers it. But throughout her posioning, Hitchcock continually focuses on the ominous sight of an ornate cup of coffee. Somehow he manages to make the most innocent objects the most frightening thing on the screen. Make no mistake, this is the stuff of genius.

Hitchcock famously said that "Actors are cattle", but he continually got great performances out of them. Ingrid Bergman is brilliant in a layered role of a woman who falls in love with one man, but is forced to seduce and marry another. This is heavy stuff for the 1940's--there's a limit on the length of kisses and a married couple sleeps in separate beds, after all--but she brings a sense of luminence to a somewhat socially unacceptable role[1]. Part of what sells the choices she must make in an early exchange where Cary Grant claims not to love her, even though we all know he's lying and she probably would too, if she took a step back. He knows that in order for her to be able to do the job she must do, she cannot go into it half-way. He has made his protest (as any lover would do) to his superiors and has defended her honor, but he makes no mention of this to her. She naturally assumes he has been using her and is able to muster the ability to marry Sebastian for the sake of the job.[2] Overall, it's a difficult role that requires her to test the full range of her abilities, but Bergman nails every note.

Likewise, Claude Rains turns in one of the best performances of his career. Watch his final scene on the steps as he takes his character all the way from indignation to desperation in the space of just a few seconds. It's a stunning bit of nuanced acting. In fact, there isn't a sub-par performance in the entire film. Not bad for a bunch of cattle.

[1] It's easy to see, between this and Casablanca, why even Woody Guthrie was in love with Bergman.

[2] In a way she does this as a "screw you" to Devlin.

youtalkfunny 11-23-2005 08:20 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
...using his patented technique of occasionally giving the audience more information than he gives the characters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very well put.

Blarg 11-23-2005 08:33 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
Hitchcock has always been one of my very favorites, and though this is not one of my favorites of his films, he does any number of things superlatively well here, including a long descending spiral shot that was a virtuoso bit of storytelling all in itself and will probably be as forever identified with him as the swooning effects of his brilliant shots in Vertigo, but probably never bettered. The perfectly captured queasy aftermath of a night of drinking in the film's beginning is another personal favorite bit. There is a great sense of tension in many of the scenes here, of people concealing things and always on the brink of discovery and catastrophic consequences. This makes for a lot of great moments. And Claude Rains is gold everywhere I've been lucky enough to see him.

This is a big favorite among many Hitchcock fans, though I think it's outshone by many of his others. But you definitely see an astonishing mastery in this film that can make you almost giddy with glee at its perfection sometimes. Even if you wind up not being the greatest fan of the movie, it's hard not to be a great fan of Hitchcock after seeing this flick.

imported_The Vibesman 11-23-2005 09:10 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
Hitchcock famously said that "Actors are cattle"

[/ QUOTE ]

I heard once that Hitch was asked about this comment in an interview, and he replied, "I never said that. I said they should be treated like cattle."

Blarg 11-23-2005 09:37 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
With Hitch's dry sense of humor, you never know. This sounds like an even funnier and worse remark rather than any kind of apology, and I wouldn't have put it past him to say that just for wicked chuckles.

imported_The Vibesman 11-23-2005 10:00 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
Yes, I always thought it was hilarious. One of those things where, if he didn't say it, he should have.

John Cole 11-23-2005 10:14 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
I'm always struck by the way Devlin pronounces his name, stretching it into three syllables, "Dev-il-in." Suggests, at least to me, that there is some of the devil in the character. One of Hitchcock's great films about love between "mature" (read: experienced) adults.

SL__72 11-23-2005 11:44 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
Very well made film by a brilliant director. Not one of my favorites by Hitchcock overall though.

TheBlueMonster 11-23-2005 11:56 AM

Re: 100 films: Notorious
one of my favorite Hitchcock films as well as fav. films period.

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