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MrWookie47 12-14-2005 01:33 AM

MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
I thought about putting this in the original thread, but this would likely get lost amidst all the status reports (not knocking them - they're great). I figure we'll let that thread crash and burn in due course, and we'll hammer out the instruction manual over here. Anyway, if we're going to succeed at this, I think we need to work harder on our openers. I'm not convinced that Inside? is all that and a bag of peanuts, but we haven't got anything that is much better.

Here's at least a start on what a good opener should be:

1. It should set you apart from other guys.
2. It should make the girl want to ask you questions.

In a sense, Inside? accomplishes both those goals. It's different, and she'll be wondering about it. But this is offset by the fact that she may just instantly conclude you're a freak, and she's also not asking questions about you, she's asking questions about Inside?. Maybe we need a couple more stipulations:

3. Those questions should ideally be about you.
4. The opener should make it obvious you're not a weirdo/stalker/rapist/wimp.

The other thing I tried is referring to her profile in your opener. I asked a (fantastically hot) girl who had "i'm looking for baggage that can match with mine," written in her profile, "Does it fit under the seat in front of you?" I got a quick response, laughter, but she didn't seem all that interested in finding about more to me. (It may also be that this girl is just unapproachable. She has over 100 friends and every last one of them is a guy who's drooling over her. It is almost certainly a ridiculously uphill battle to get her to care.) I think I met goals 1 and 4, but I didn't really get 2 or 3. The other weakness in this approach is that a bland profile with nothing that jumps out at you as the above did for me, you'll have a hard time accomplishing goal #1. Commenting on her music is likely to get you nowhere (although this speculation is unsubstantiated).

So, what do you think, guys? Do you have any other ideas how to accomplish the above goals? Are those goals are utter crap and should we come up with a new set? Also, what have your success rates been with various openers? How frequently do you get responses? Conversations? I don't think we necessarily need to consider the frequency with which you get dates. The conversation presumably does that, but, eh, I guess we can include it. Please, don't lie or exaggerate here. This is done in the name of science.

chuddo 12-14-2005 01:42 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
as i stated in the other thread, i think just a form of the simple hello with possible compliment is the way to go.

if she either finds you attractive from your pictures, interesting from your profile, or both, she will get back to you to initiate conversation.

if she doesn't reply, she isn't interested. simple. if she does reply, then you can get back to her with something more substantial.

i created my account after this thread was created, and here are my stats:

-146 profile views.
-187 messages from probably ~70-80 women.
-23 friend requests.
-9 messages out of the blue. most compliments and telling me to fill out my profile, which is as sparse as it gets.

MrWookie47 12-14-2005 01:51 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
80? Dang, dude, I think you'll have to offer up some more schooling than that, as well as a link to your profile. Also, you've gotten responses from 70-80 women. How many did you message to begin with? What would you say is the average rating of those women (3 or 10 point scale)? Can you provide a sample message that worked?

d10 12-14-2005 01:54 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
I believe that points 1 and 2 are more a function of your profile than your opener.

This is the opener that I copy/paste to anyone within 50 miles of me:

Subject: I love Alabama
Body: Hey I was just looking around on here for anyone that lived around me (Enterprise). I just moved here and I don't know the area at all. Is there anything to do around here? I haven't seen much closer than Atlanta but driving 200 miles for something to do is getting a bit old.

This works well for me because (1) Alabama sucks, everyone knows it, and chicks are eager to talk to someone who can sypathize with how much Alabama sucks, (2) It provides a legitimate reason for initiating a coversation. Although the real reason is that the girl has hot pictures up and I want to get in her pants, you can't make this known too soon, or you will come across as either a perv or just like every other guy who messages her. Initiate conversation, display your game, then make your intentions known. Also, (3) The response is always either "There's nothing to do here, AL sucks" or "Yeah you can go here or here" and in either case you're set up well to ask for a date as early as the second message if you feel the time is right.

This might not work for everyone else, because it's very dependent on my situation, but hopefully some people can adapt it or use parts of it to develop their own intro. I'm sitting at about a 50% response rate right now with this message.

Edit: Also (4) I hate Atlanta, and I never go there for fun. I threw that part in there to imply that I like to travel and I like to get away from Alabama, both of which are very common feelings among the average girl I message.

MrWookie47 12-14-2005 01:57 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
Good stuff, guys. Keep it coming. 50% responses is pretty solid. Of those, how frequently do you get a conversation going?

d10 12-14-2005 02:01 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
Of those, how frequently do you get a conversation going?

[/ QUOTE ]

Right now that's all of them, but I've only been doing this for a few days. It's likely that many of these conversations will die out soon, and it's possible that some may have already died out but I just don't realize it yet because the last message is too recent.

BreakEvenPlayer 12-14-2005 02:09 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
Chuddo is too cool for school. His tone is generally condescending because he thinks people look up to him for the Olivia fiasco.

Opener isn't too important as long as you don't tell her that she's "hot." Somebody in the other thread mentioned that they created a fake female profile and these "you're hot" comments come all the time. Don't try it. Save compliments for later messages/actual meetings. Also you shouldn't get long winded. One or two sentences is plenty.

Your profile, attractiveness, and apparent normality are really the keys for a response.

One thing I've noticed looking in the OOTiots Myspace group is that a lot of you guys have pictures of yourselves sitting at the poker table. That's really lame. You need pictures of yourself doing things other than poker. Pics with other chicks, drinking, playing an instrument... these kinds of things.

12-14-2005 02:19 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
One thing I've noticed looking in the OOTiots Myspace group is that a lot of you guys have pictures of yourselves sitting at the poker table. That's really lame. You need pictures of yourself doing things other than poker. Pics with other chicks, drinking, playing an instrument... these kinds of things.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm...this is actually interesting, is this because poker is bad or because it's cliche for all of us? I mean, people at the forums might be saying the same thing about dudes playing guitar in their pictures.

I have one pic of me playing poker, and 7 pics of other things, so I think it's balanced.

BreakEvenPlayer 12-14-2005 02:24 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
A picture of yourself at a poker table will be substantially less appealing to a girl than a picture of yourself playing guitar. This is a fact.

chuddo 12-14-2005 02:26 AM

Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion
bep, not too cool for school. i just thought the "inside?" thing was quite lame and not as effective as a simple hello.

for the record i asked 3 of my cute/normal/cool girl-friends and they all said it was pretty weak and they gave it a thumbs down. that is empirical evidence baby.

but like i said, whatever works for you.

also from the olivia fiasco i looked like a huge douche both for insinuating i bagged her when asking the initial post, and in the conversation she posted where i overly apologized (bear in mind i was trying to still salvage it at that point).

but hey, good luck.

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