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Andrew Fletcher 12-02-2005 11:46 AM

Why Murtha Matters
"Is it just me, or is the national media mostly missing the real story about Pennsylvania Congressman Jack Murtha? It doesn't matter that he is a decorated veteran-- that's not why his statements against the war are so important. Plenty of people who served in the armed forces, including people who were in Iraq, oppose the war. There is another reason.

To people who understand Pennsylvania politics, it should be pretty obvious. Murtha has long been a tireless advocate for the military perspective on Capital Hill. He is their point man on a number of issues. In exchange for that support, the military establishment has helped Murtha bring thousands of jobs and millions of dollars to communities across PA.

Murtha talks with high-level commanders on a regular basis. When he speaks, it means that he is speaking not only for himself, but top military officials. Murtha's reversal on the war is an indication that senior members of the military establishment believe success in Iraq is impossible. In short, Murtha's statements imply that Bush has lost support from high-level military officials and therefore has no alternative but to admit defeat."


BCPVP 12-02-2005 12:18 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
In short, Murtha's statements imply that Bush has lost support from high-level military officials and therefore has no alternative but to admit defeat.

[/ QUOTE ]
And if some/many/most? high level military officials still support Bush?

12-02-2005 12:18 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
Let the swiftboating begin!

From Crazy Legs Coulter:

"And unlike Murtha, who refuses to release his medical records showing he was entitled to his two Purple Hearts, we know what North did. (These Democrat military veterans are hardly shrinking violets when it comes to citing their medals, but they get awfully squeamish when pressed for details.)"

Risking one's life for freedom is not good enough for Crazy Legs if you don't agree with her.

"The only Republican congressman who did not offer to have sex with John Murtha on the House floor was Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio. While debating Murtha's own proposal to withdraw American troops from Iraq in the middle of a war waged to depose a monstrous dictator who posed a threat to American national security, Schmidt made the indisputably true remark that Marines don't cut and run. (She was right! Murtha voted against his own proposal.)"

That was not his bill they were voting on, it was a republican bill designed to fail in the first place.

twowords 12-02-2005 12:59 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
Murtha's reversal on the war is an indication that senior members of the military establishment believe success in Iraq is impossible. In short, Murtha's statements imply that Bush has lost support from high-level military officials and therefore has no alternative but to admit defeat.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sucess? Defeat? What the Hell? If sucess is kill every insurgent and terrorist before the US can leave, then I agree that sucess is impossible and therefore we lose and should admit defeat.

If sucess is a stable democratic regime (not a liberal democracy) in place of Saddam, then if we withdraw over six months and Iraq remains fairly stable then we will have essentially won. Therefore we would not be defeated, we will actually have completed our mission of regime change sucessfully.

Mertha points out that the presense of foreign troops is much of the reason for the insurgency, and our troops are not helping the state of Iraq by remaining. An unholy alliance between Shiites, Sunnis, and Foreign terrorists could never be maintained without a US presence; they all hate each other and would have completely diferent goals after the repulsion of the US. Many Sunnis and Shitites especially would be able to negotiate with the formal government, when mush of the collaborationist label is removed as US troops go. And seriously, if the government has hundreds of thousands of trained security forces, how the hell will fragments of the insurgency be able to take control of the country if we leave? What about foreign intervention? Well that can be deterred under Mertha'a plan by a base in Kuwait, with thousands of marines ready to intervene on Iraq's behalf, acting as a deterrent.

Sounds like a plan to suceed in Iraq, where the hell do people get "admitting defeat", "cut and run", or "sucess is impossible". What the hell.

andyfox 12-02-2005 01:05 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
"in the middle of a war waged to depose a monstrous dictator who posed a threat to American national security"

How can we be in the "middle" of such a war? The dictator was deposed long ago. If that's what the war was waged for, we won and it's over. Time to bring our boys home.

Then again, logic, truth, and Ms. Coulter are strangers to one another.

12-02-2005 02:14 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
I think Murtha's play was more politics than substance, but it was a brilliant move for the Democrats. At a time when many people believe that a reduction of US forces in Iraq will happen anyway, Murtha got the Democrats out in front on the issue making them look pro-active. The Bush administration will look like it's responding to the Democrats call for a troop reduction simply by doing what they were going to do all along. A great play for the Dems before the 2006 mid-term elections.

12-02-2005 05:49 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
The resolution to vote to pull out of Iraq immediately showed two things about the Democrats:
1. the didn't have to balls to stand up for what they CLAIM to believe in.

2. the "bring our troops home now" mantra was a move to pander to their base.

Both points show a lack of integrity and also their true colors.

twowords 12-02-2005 06:27 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
C'mon progressive people can prevail over conservatives with fact. You don't need to make an account for the exclusive purpose of pretending to be a conservative to make them look like idiots. I mean the facts are pretty clear here.

BadBoyBenny 12-02-2005 06:34 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
Murtha's reversal on the war is an indication that senior members of the military establishment believe success in Iraq is impossible. In short, Murtha's statements imply that Bush has lost support from high-level military officials and therefore has no alternative but to admit defeat."

[/ QUOTE ]

Or that Murtha has decided it is more politically advantageous to be in bed with the Democratic ledership on the war at this time than it is to be in bed with the high level military leaders of which you are speaking.

twowords 12-02-2005 06:37 PM

Re: Why Murtha Matters
I suppose 26 years in the marines and a long record of military respect and support means nothing. Ever consider that he may think his plan is the best course for America?

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