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siegfriedandroy 12-21-2005 01:35 PM

nature of man- siegfried rambles
why does man seek first his own good, at the expense of the good of others? is such selfishness conditioned or innate? cann it be changed/rewired?

is it in man's best interest to seek max happiness/pleasure at any cost? why should i not seek the max good of sklansky? would this be wrong, illogical, nonsensical?

does anything make sense? is anything true? is anything good? or all these questions completely meaningless? if yes, is this affirmative answer a completely meaningless resolution to my above questions?

what is a genius? what is the general correlation between genius and arrogance, etc? are most 'true' geniuses generally humble or arrogant? is sklansky a true 'genius'? is it good that his ultimate end is financial increase? or perhaps that is not his main end? if he were even more of a genius, could he then teach himself immediately to play a mean electric guitar? if he could, and had the musical acumen of mozart, would he then be better qualified to speak on whether God exists?

if God does not exist, is it better for me to disbelieve in Him. Should I then curse and despise those who falsely believe? If not, then why not. If so, then why. Which answer is 'better'. What does 'better' mean? Do any of the words on this website make real sense? Why argue ferociously over whose arguments are better? Why is pride, etc so quick to rule and predominate over most every post one reads in this section? if not, then what purpose to people have in their arguments here? perhaps all these arguments were preordained by blind chance, and not one occurrence of the infinite # of occurrences that occur occur by chance, but are instead predetermined. i am only writing this now because it could be no other way. hitler only killed because it could be no other way. if this were true, which it cannot be, then...well it doesnt matter, most of the arguments i read here are vain, empty, and without any helpful 'meaning' or redemptive quality. all vanity. you are all very smart, many geniuses who enjoy being complimented and being right, who enjoy 'truth' and proclaiming it for the benefit of others

siegfriedandroy 12-21-2005 01:43 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
well good discussions all. i will be back for more perhaps next month. i usually hang out on the philos form for a couple minutes each month. hope to see you all soon. have fun solving all of life's mysteries. most of you are doing very well...

12-21-2005 02:00 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
why does man seek first his own good, at the expense of the good of others?

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You're generalising something that isn't always true

is such selfishness conditioned or innate?

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cann it be changed/rewired?

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Of course, it's called altruism, heroism, philanthropy, being a good person,...

is it in man's best interest to seek max happiness/pleasure at any cost?

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That depends what their goals are.

why should i not seek the max good of sklansky? would this be wrong, illogical, nonsensical?

[/ QUOTE ]
Don't know what you mean.

does anything make sense?

[/ QUOTE ]

is anything true?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, some things are true

is anything good?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, some things are good

or all these questions completely meaningless?

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Depends on why you're asking them.

if yes, is this affirmative answer a completely meaningless resolution to my above questions?

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what is genius?

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The ability to perceive and model reality with unusally high accuracy and in a highly functional manner.

what is the general correlation between genius and arrogance, etc?

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I have found none.

are most 'true' geniuses generally humble or arrogant?

[/ QUOTE ]

is sklansky a true 'genius'?

[/ QUOTE ]

is it good that his ultimate end is financial increase?

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If that was the case, it wouldn't be good.

or perhaps that is not his main end?

[/ QUOTE ]

if he were even more of a genius, could he then teach himself immediately to play a mean electric guitar?

[/ QUOTE ]
Good question.

if he could, and had the musical acumen of mozart, would he then be better qualified to speak on whether God exists?

[/ QUOTE ]
It's human nature to give the views of the highly capable more credit.

if God does not exist, is it better for me to disbelieve in Him.

[/ QUOTE ]
That depends on how much you value honesty vs your needs.

Should I then curse and despise those who falsely believe?

[/ QUOTE ]
Not a good way to make friends

If not, then why not. If so, then why.

[/ QUOTE ]
See above

Which answer is 'better'.

[/ QUOTE ]
My answer

What does 'better' mean?

[/ QUOTE ]
More adequate, more suitable, more correct, more useful, more capable of imparting insight.

Do any of the words on this website make real sense?

[/ QUOTE ]
Depends on how they are used

Why argue ferociously over whose arguments are better?

[/ QUOTE ]
Because it's human nature.

Why is pride, etc so quick to rule and predominate over most every post one reads in this section?

[/ QUOTE ]
Because neither side gives a quarter to the obviously correct points of the other.

if not, then what purpose to people have in their arguments here?

[/ QUOTE ]
Not as much as they could have.

perhaps all these arguments were preordained by blind chance, and not one occurrence of the infinite # of occurrences that occur occur by chance, but are instead predetermined.

[/ QUOTE ]
That is a possibility, but not one I ascribe to.

i am only writing this now because it could be no other way.

[/ QUOTE ]

hitler only killed because it could be no other way. if this were true, which it cannot be, then...well it doesnt matter, most of the arguments i read here are vain, empty, and without any helpful 'meaning' or redemptive quality. all vanity. you are all very smart, many geniuses who enjoy being complimented and being right, who enjoy 'truth' and proclaiming it for the benefit of others

[/ QUOTE ]

12-21-2005 02:12 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
Quick, someone give this guy the blue pill!

hashi92 12-21-2005 02:20 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
man seeks first his own good because of natures built in survival instinct. survival of the species. man will do whatever is in his best interest to survive. sometimes this will mean doing good.

i dont believe that atheist should codemn believers. if the believer wants to come on this forum and debate issues fine. its always good to ask why. but we shouldnt crush their faith because they are not yet ready to live a life of non belief.

12-21-2005 03:02 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
i dont believe that atheist should codemn believers. if the believer wants to come on this forum and debate issues fine. its always good to ask why. but we shouldnt crush their faith because they are not yet ready to live a life of non belief.

[/ QUOTE ]

You confuse me:

J. Stew 12-21-2005 05:28 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
I think you're confused. The questions you are asking can't be answered in a few minutes, they can only be answered instantaneously by yourself, after you know yourself, which you clearly do not. Shine the light inward, so they say. Until then do us a favor and keep your psychotic dreams to yourself.

hashi92 12-21-2005 05:44 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
i dont believe in God or religon but i do see the value of it. some people need guidance and asnwers to the unknown. some peoples lives would be in shambles if they didnt have their faith. religon serves its purpose.

hashi92 12-21-2005 05:47 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
some times i just like to debate things. sometimes its fun to play the devils advocate.

imported_luckyme 12-21-2005 06:03 PM

Re: nature of man- siegfried rambles
i dont believe in God or religon but i do see the value of it. some people need guidance and asnwers to the unknown. some peoples lives would be in shambles if they didnt have their faith. religon serves its purpose.

[/ QUOTE ]

That seems a very culture-bound claim. Why are there so few people like that in other western countries? Sure, religion acts as a crutch but other cultures seem to have citizens that avoid shambling even with a realistic worldview. "If you only tool is a hammer, all problems look like a nail." captures what happens in american culture where religion is the 'recommended' personal assistant.

Am I overreading what you're stating?


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