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Raven 08-27-2004 09:27 PM

pocket kings against a loose bring-in
Pokerstars 3/6 Stud

Im dealt (KK)7, I'm first to talk, the highets card on board is a Q just to my left. The table is as usual a mix of loose fishy, average and tight players. I have a tight image for the ones who pay attention.

I raise, the Q calls (semi-tight, he probably has QQ) as a 9 (loose one) in late position and the bring-in (loose one).

So on 4th it look like this:

1- bring-in:(XX)2dAd
2- Me: (KdKh)7hJs
3- (XX)Qh9d
4- (XX)9c3h

The bring-in bet, what should I do ? There are 2 diamonds dead on 3rd street.

Michael Davis 08-27-2004 09:53 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
Don't just call. Against a real player, this would be a fold, but against a fish, you should probably raise.


MRBAA 08-28-2004 12:15 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
I raise just about every time here. Maybe bring in has aces, but it could be a flush draw or a three flush with small pair and ace. See if you can blow the other guys out and take it from there. If he three bets, you can guess he's got aces, but you've still got odds to call unless he pairs on the board.

Andy B 08-28-2004 12:40 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
How many "real" players are there in PokerStars $3/6 stud games? And what exactly do you put the bring-in on that would cause you to fold pocket Kings? I don't think a "real" player calls third street with a bare Ace in the hole. If he has a four-flush, which I think is likely, you're no worse than 50% against him heads-up. If by raising, which is what I'd do, you can get it heads-up, you'll have position throughout the hand unless you improve. I just don't see how you can fold. I think it's probably the worst option of the three.

Raven 08-29-2004 03:44 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
Ok, I raise the bring-in, the Q cold-call, the 9 fold and the bring-in call and the 5th street is now:

1- bring-in:(XX)2dAd6d
2- Me: (KdKh)7hJs9d
3- (XX)Qh9d4s

The bring-in bet into me again, I call and player 3 overcall.

On 6th its:

1- bring-in:(XX)2d Ad 6d 8h
2- Me: (KdKh)7h Js 9h 4c
3- (XX)Qh 9d 4s 8c

The bring-in check, I bet, both calls.

My tought on the 5th street call was that the bring-in was betting because he was looking strong, so he was very strong, on a draw or has nothing. I tought raising into a possible pair of aces or made flush was not right. Since he checked on the 6th street, he was telling me he had nothing.

Comments ?

Chris Daddy Cool 08-29-2004 04:53 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
I think you have to raise on 4th street to try to get it heads up. If he does have aces, well, you have outs, and your chances of kings up being a winner is significantly greater heads up than it would be with 4 way action, and if he's on a flush draw and you can get it heads up, he's still drawing against you. Getting the other players out should have been your goal.

Andy B 08-29-2004 06:12 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
Fifth street is a bit scary; I'd just call too. Sixth is strange. Many low-limit players will check unimproved Aces on sixth, but I think you can go ahead and bet the hand anyway. The river should be interesting.

patrick dicaprio 08-30-2004 09:19 AM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
if you think the Q has QQ then you should raise here hoping to knock him out. often thsi will not work and if you think he will not fold you should probably call and go for a raise on fifth hoping that will do the trick. if fith street comes bad for you then having just called on fourth saves you some money too.


aamitch10 08-30-2004 01:34 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
My two cents is that the fourth street raise is a bad idea. I say wait and raise 5th pending the diamonds don't improve. If another diamond falls and you have put him on a flush draw then you can save yourself money. If no diamond falls then you can now raise and increase your chances of driving out the competition. In my experience the fourth street raise does little good in the 3/6.

Raven 09-02-2004 09:21 PM

Re: pocket kings against a loose bring-in
The river was not, I make Kings-Up, I bet they fold ...

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