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GuyOnTilt 10-19-2005 02:31 AM

Truly Blessed : Rambling
Talking with a friend over a v v good ribeye dinner tonight. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?

Actually thinking about this made me realize how good of a life I have been blessed to have so far. I really can't think of anything truly bad ever happening to me. I am blessed. And I am grateful. I have kind of realized this I think for a while now, and have tried to bless friends and strangers a like whenever I have the chance, even if it may be in the smallest of ways. But I had never actually thought about this specifically. And now that I have, I am that much more grateful. Every now and then I will have this discussion within myself, and it makes me strive to be that much more selfless and try to put others' needs and luxuries before myself. Every time I watch or read Motorcycle Diaries I have a session of massive self-reflection and get back to grips with reality. Things like donating to charities, supporting poverty stricken families, picking up the check at dinners with friends, taking a panhandler out for lunch and giving them the opportunity to have a real conversation with someone, blessing friends of my parents who I know to be stuggling financial with anonymous grocery store gift cards or whatever, etc.

Just doing things like that that are so easy to not do, but I feel like I should be doing when I really get honest with myself and am able to put my selfishness aside. Like not only "it's a nice thing to do", but something I really SHOULD be doing. I have been blessed in just about every aspect of my life, and it's my goal in life to remain humble and selfless when it comes to things like this. And it's not that I "owe" anybody or everybody in general anything. It's just something I feel I should do.

Anyway, drunken rambling. What's the worst thing that's happened to you?



imported_anacardo 10-19-2005 02:39 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
Long story short: I loved her, she died, and now I know what it's like to kiss a pink granite stone, in blazing heat, freezing cold, drizzling rain and dead of night.

Nonetheless, if this is the worst thing that ever happens to me, then statistically I must consider myself very lucky.

manpower 10-19-2005 02:47 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
Life is sweet. I've only got a few broken bones to claim.

balkii 10-19-2005 03:12 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
nothing bad ever happened to me and I realized this recently. if anyone ever asks how i'm doing and i'm actually having a real shitty day/week or whatever i respond, "I can't complain."

TheMainEvent 10-19-2005 03:26 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
I'd have to say that nothing remarkably bad or good has ever happened to me. I guess I have been avoiding the variance, but I think I would prefer it the other way around.

Exitonly 10-19-2005 03:43 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
well my mom developed Glioblastoma Multiforme aka untreatable brain tumor, and in a period of 9 months, went from having nothing wrong (well besides be diabetic) to splitting head aches, a doctor telling her it was just a sinus headache, then the doctors deeciding, oh wait that's a tumor, after 6 months and countless hospital stays (and trips to Johns HOpkins) she's bed ridden in my house, where she'd die shorrtly after meeting up with the rest of my extended family for a thanksgiving dinner (at which she couldnt eat, beecause she had lost any control of her body, she jsut layed motionless).


That's the worst thing that's happened to me, and not for the obvious reasons, not the effect it's had on me, i've been able to handle it unnbelievably well, it doesn't bother me.. But what it did to my dad is what was real [censored] up..he completely gave up his life for those 9 months, he was just starrting up a company that needed him incredibly, but he just stopped it to take care of my mom 24/7, it was just amazing to see someone care that much about another person. And for him to have to go through what he did, was just completely not fair.

So yea, the worst thing that's happened to me, was having ot watch my dad lose the person he loved the most, to a terrible tumor that turned her into a vegetable slowly but surely.


</end sad story>

Anynways, he's coped now and it's made me and him have a better relationship, and now his business is just starrting to become profitable (2.5 years later).

Other than that, i too have had an incredibly blessed life, and it's awesome.

Weatherhead03 10-19-2005 04:11 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
Something very similar happened to my family. My dad was a normal healthy guy. Within the course of a year was diagnosed with colitus. After they couldnt cure what had or even control it he fell into a coma 7 months into his illness. About a month into the coma they finally figured out that he did not have colitus at all but some very rare disease that affects your Duodenum (where a major portion of your digestion and absorbtion occurs). His case was the fifth case ever to be recorded in the medical journal. He started to show stages of improvement. He woke from his coma and was talking again after 4 months. On January 6th we got a phone call saying that he had died from cardiac arrest. I guess your heart can only go so fast for so long.

Its funny how your loss affected your family almost the same as mine. Its only been 9 months now so its a little early to tell how everything will turn out...but then again life does go on.

irishpint 10-19-2005 04:32 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
i had an interview for dental school late week. they asked me what the biggest challenge i faced was. i couldn't think of anything (i should have said i'm a bad speller).

Vavavoom 10-19-2005 04:42 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
Worst thing that ever happened to me was my Grandfather dying. What was worse about it, was that we knew (His children, and me and my brother) his cancer was too far developed to be curable. The last time I saw him was June 10th 2001, just before I went out to resort (I worked abroad as a Holiday Rep)...

Whilst in resort, I got beaten up whilst asleep in bed after some dude thought I was sh*gging his girlfriend (She dumped in resort, extremely long story but I was innocent at the time)...So I took a hiding after he broke into my apartment....I didn't want to tell my parents back home, bu then I got a phonecall 11 days after this from my mum to say that he (my grandfather) had passed away the week before but didn't want to tell me...I got the first plane home for the funeral which happened to be the following day. a way I was glad not to have been there to see his condition deteriorate but it hurt when i left as i knew this was the last time I was going to see him but he didn't know that....

Still hurts......

partygirluk 10-19-2005 04:45 AM

Re: Truly Blessed : Rambling
I think the worst thing that has ever happened to me occured in the 1940s. I have been deprived of a great deal of family.

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