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Mat Sklansky 11-11-2005 03:45 AM

A Pm I received
As an early member of 2+2 I have seen it before we even had logins. Only moderation we had was Mason and we know how some of the rgpers loved that

I have never had an issue with any of the moderators but some of the stuff I see seems to be a bit too much.

In the B&M forum, there is a stickied post that discusses things you can get banned for. Now maybe that is just a joke by the moderator, but it is things like that make me wonder how longer I will be around. Getting banned for posting a bad beat? Not posting about things like tipping because they have been discussed before?

Now if the search function worked (better) on 2+2, then maybe I can see whining about the duplicate posts about similar topics on different days/weeks. But what I see all the time is newbie posters being bitched at because of an innocent post that heppened to have been discussed recently.

Maybe having a useful faq for each individual forum is needed but threatning bannings for silly things is just plain stupid.

Have a nice day. I can only imagine the pain you go through with running such a big set of forums.

Lloyd 11-11-2005 04:32 AM

Re: A Pm I received
This gets back to how what each moderator does in his or her own forum affects the rest of us. We have a situation tonight in MTT where I've suspended a poster for continued insults toward two members AFTER being warned not to do so. No big deal. Seems reasonable. But because of all the issues in OOT and WPT (primarily) we're all being accused of over-moderation and being on power trips.

In MTT, there has been one person banned (twolf) and one other suspended for a day (insults AFTER a warning). There have been a handful of edits of inflammatory posts and the usual spam issues. But that's it. Yet we're now getting the same complaints that have appeared in the WPT and OOT forums.

I understand that there are just some people who think they should be able to do and say anything that pleases them. But when taking action we do have to consider that it might trickle down to other forums. And that then creates a problem for the rest of us. If a post needed to be edited or deleted, fine. If a member needs to be suspended or banned, fine. But consider how that decision and any comments you or somebody else makes about it affects 2+2 and the rest of the forums.

BottlesOf 11-11-2005 01:46 PM

Re: A Pm I received
I have no problem modifying the sticky to not threaten baning if that's what everyone feels is the righ tthing to do. However, I made that sticky with strong language because I wanted it to have an impact. I have noticed that sometimes when such forum guides are polite they're ignored, so I wanted to try something else.

I adopted a more [censored] like tone in that sticky because everyone seems to think (including myself, I think) that his moderation style is working in OOT, so why not try it and B&M. I don't think it's fair to allow one forum or one moderator more ability to use his discretion to improve that forum than another.

Please note, I'm on vacation and won't be checking this or any other forum on 2+2 as frequently as normal, I'll be back back on Tuesday.

stabn 11-11-2005 01:57 PM

Re: A Pm I received
Was it death valley? He posted his thoughts in b&m as well: link

Overall it's the b&m regulars that don't want the bad beat stories not JBB. His points on illegal card rooms and underage playing are misguided as well. It's specifically the 2+2 administrators that did not want fake id's etc discussd here and i understand that. If we don't put it in harsh words in the sticky people will continue to post about it. Not discussing illegal cardrooms openly benefits everyone.

It's possible that JBB could have worded it differently and just said they aren't allowed instead of threatening banning. I'm not sure which is better but his current sticky seems to get the point across pretty well.

Mat Sklansky 11-11-2005 03:05 PM

Re: A Pm I received
I think removing the threats of banning are a good idea.

BottlesOf 11-11-2005 04:38 PM

Re: A Pm I received
I will modify the sticky to make it a little friendlier/clearer, but I really don't think its necessary to coddle the B&M users while OOT has a daily banning! I understand the purpose and atmosphere of the two forums are different, but they are both on twoplustwo, and a banning of anyone affects the user in all the forums.

Mat Sklansky 11-11-2005 05:18 PM

Re: A Pm I received
This isn't 100% true. Censored will not ban people from the whole site, he exiles them from OOT if they are posters in the other forum. It's also not yet clear that Censored's methods are going to continue. I definitely don't want anyone else emulating him.

It's perfectly ok to tell people not to do things. It's even ok to ban them when they've clearly ignored the rules. I just don't want new users coming to the strategy sections and feeling as if they are being threatened with banning if they make an innocent mistake.

Lloyd 11-11-2005 05:56 PM

Re: A Pm I received
I really think we should have consistent guidelines on suspensions and banning. Notice I said guidelines, not rules. Obviously there's a bit of interpretation in anything we do. But I do agree people should be treated similarly regardless of what forum they are posting in (putting aside OOT issues for now).

Personally, I think unless someone blatantly, intentionally, and severely violates the T&C that they should receive some type of warning via PM prior to suspension or banning. Now, what's considered blatant, intentional, and severe is up for debate. But I've personally never seen any post (in MTT or other forums I peruse) that is so severe that I would suspend or even ban someone without notice. Most of the time it's throwing out insults, name calling, etc. That shouldn't be tolerated, but I personally think a warning usually gets the job done. And if it doesn't it's tough for them to argue when they are no longer welcomed at 2+2.

Mat Sklansky 11-11-2005 06:58 PM

Re: A Pm I received
I haven't seen much in the way of bannings outside of oot and wpt. So i think we're all on the same page as yourself here. That's whuy I don't like the idea of anyone actually making the threat of banning included in a sticky, outside of the two problem (and experimental) forums.

Surfbullet 11-11-2005 07:13 PM

Re: A Pm I received
I really think we should have consistent guidelines on suspensions and banning. Notice I said guidelines, not rules. Obviously there's a bit of interpretation in anything we do. But I do agree people should be treated similarly regardless of what forum they are posting in (putting aside OOT issues for now).

Personally, I think unless someone blatantly, intentionally, and severely violates the T&C that they should receive some type of warning via PM prior to suspension or banning. Now, what's considered blatant, intentional, and severe is up for debate. But I've personally never seen any post (in MTT or other forums I peruse) that is so severe that I would suspend or even ban someone without notice. Most of the time it's throwing out insults, name calling, etc. That shouldn't be tolerated, but I personally think a warning usually gets the job done. And if it doesn't it's tough for them to argue when they are no longer welcomed at 2+2.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. I've never had to ban a poster in HUSH, a warning PM/edited post is the worst i've encountered.


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