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Jedster 11-01-2005 05:31 PM

Harry Reid is the Man
Democrats Force Senate Into Iraq Meeting

Harry Reid is the Man. Showing that Democrats know brass knuckle politics too. And doing it for all the right reasons. What are the sissy Republicans going to do now? Whine like Bill Frist that they are hijacking the Senate? Well sissy Republicans, do your job, or we'll do it for you. Harry Reid is the Man.

Nepa 11-01-2005 05:58 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
Democrats Force Senate Into Iraq Meeting

Harry Reid is the Man. Showing that Democrats know brass knuckle politics too. And doing it for all the right reasons. What are the sissy Republicans going to do now? Whine like Bill Frist that they are hijacking the Senate? Well sissy Republicans, do your job, or we'll do it for you. Harry Reid is the Man.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm glad someone has a set of balls.

11-01-2005 07:35 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
Another "verrrry in-ter-rest-ting development." (thank you Arte Johnson)

Does anyone know why they had to go into hiding, I mean "closed" session? Aren't they (The Senate) doing good works in the interest of all Americans? Shouldn't we be allowed to know how these good works come about?

Felix_Nietsche 11-01-2005 07:45 PM

I Agree
Harry Reid is the Man.
I agree. Harry made himself look like a jackass. I hope he keeps it up.

Showing that Democrats know brass knuckle politics too.
************************************************** ******
???Are you kidding???
Forged national guard documents made with MS Word is not exactly kid stuff.

What are the sissy Republicans going to do now? Whine like Bill Frist that they are hijacking the Senate?
************************************************** *******
There is a long and distinct culture of the US Senate. One long standing gentleman's agreement is not to spring such manuevers without giving the other side a courtesy call before conducting such a tactic. Harry blind-sided Frist. AND I'M GLAD HE DID. Repubs need to wake up. I want some dirty brass-knuckle partisanship in the US Senate. Hopefully Reid's manuever will fuel this.

Well sissy Republicans, do your job, or we'll do it for you. Harry Reid is the Man.
************************************************** *******
We will. The Dems are looking like jackasses and as a result they will lose another two seats in the senate in the next election. This will make it easier to make things happen with two fewer Dem senators to block the conservative agenda.

Nepa 11-01-2005 08:02 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
Another "verrrry in-ter-rest-ting development." (thank you Arte Johnson)

Does anyone know why they had to go into hiding, I mean "closed" session? Aren't they (The Senate) doing good works in the interest of all Americans? Shouldn't we be allowed to know how these good works come about?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think Harry Reid got what he was asking for. I don't see why Bill Frist is so bent out of shape. T

This was a win for America today.
"Frist said that he and Reid had agreed to each appoint three senators that would report by Nov. 14 on the intelligence committee's progress."

11-01-2005 09:35 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
This was a win for America today.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where have I heard that before? hmmmmmm, now where was that?

Oh, I remember! The last time a Dem/Repub had something go his/her way!

Yeah, that's right. I thought it was familiar.

11-01-2005 10:45 PM

As a democrat, you know you've had a good day when Felix is reduced to one of his more juvenile posts. EXXXXCELLENT!!!

Mroberts3 11-01-2005 11:03 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
kudos to Reid, maybe we can finally get something good done in this country.

Does anyone know why they had to go into hiding, I mean "closed" session? Aren't they (The Senate) doing good works in the interest of all Americans? Shouldn't we be allowed to know how these good works come about?

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a very immature statement. It suggests some sort of improprietary because of a closed meeting. We could fill pages on all of the stuff the Bush admin did behind our backs. Uranium from Africa? Where?--- "DONT ASK QUESTIONS! THATS UNAMERICAN!" If secercy is so bleeping suspicious lets go talk to Rove/Bush/Cheney face to face... until that happens, keep your inuendos to yourself.

I think having a closed session will only save you the embarassment of what revealed there.

11-01-2005 11:17 PM

Re:Here\'s a picture for you, Felix.

Jedster 11-01-2005 11:17 PM

Re: I Agree

Showing that Democrats know brass knuckle politics too.
************************************************** ******
???Are you kidding???
Forged national guard documents made with MS Word is not exactly kid stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

I assume you are bragging about Karl Rove's devious plan to fake those documents (sic)? Seriously, those faked documents were kids play. They were clearly not made by adults.

What are the sissy Republicans going to do now? Whine like Bill Frist that they are hijacking the Senate?
************************************************** *******
There is a long and distinct culture of the US Senate. One long standing gentleman's agreement is not to spring such manuevers without giving the other side a courtesy call before conducting such a tactic. Harry blind-sided Frist. AND I'M GLAD HE DID. Repubs need to wake up. I want some dirty brass-knuckle partisanship in the US Senate. Hopefully Reid's manuever will fuel this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, I was right. They're going to sissy-whine. Anyway, you doubtless know that what you said is bull. I'll elaborate no further than to point out Frist's trip to South Dakota. What a sissy little whiney boy. He's pissed because he's going to get slapped around by the SEC for his illegal trading. I wonder if he and Libby will get to be roommates in the federal pen. Maybe Frist could show him his gavel?

Well sissy Republicans, do your job, or we'll do it for you. Harry Reid is the Man.
************************************************** *******
We will. The Dems are looking like jackasses and as a result they will lose another two seats in the senate in the next election. This will make it easier to make things happen with two fewer Dem senators to block the conservative agenda.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll bet you $1,000 the Dems don't lose two or more seats (net).

Mroberts3 11-01-2005 11:25 PM

Re: I Agree
i wouldnt take that bet. ever. If the republicans don't lose the presidency and the congress after this administration I'll seriously call into question the intelligence of the average voter. Thank god (pun intended) that we dont have a true democracy in this country because Id be in jail for being athiest and my cell mates would be a black man and a gay man for similar "crimes"

11-02-2005 01:11 AM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
Does anyone know why they had to go into hiding, I mean "closed" session? Aren't they (The Senate) doing good works in the interest of all Americans? Shouldn't we be allowed to know how these good works come about? [ QUOTE ]

This is a very immature statement. It suggests some sort of improprietary because of a closed meeting. We could fill pages on all of the stuff the Bush admin did behind our backs. Uranium from Africa? Where?--- "DONT ASK QUESTIONS! THATS UNAMERICAN!" If secercy is so bleeping suspicious lets go talk to Rove/Bush/Cheney face to face... until that happens, keep your inuendos to yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think having a closed session will only save you the embarassment of what revealed there.

[/ QUOTE ]

You think my statement suggests impropriety. I don't. What I thought and meant for it to suggest was my pissed-off-ed-ness at Senator Reid's invoking of a rarely used rule so he and his "esteemed colleagues" could do and say whatever the hell they did and said about something I am greatly interested in and concerned about and he wanted it all kept from the people that elected them.

The pages that could be filled with secrets and back room deals and BS about every friggin' administration would cause a world-wide storage shortage. Don't single out the present one.

No, it is not Un-American to ask questions. It's Un-American to stand by and let crap happen. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for to get elected to office and then lie, deceive and cheat, just to keep the office. It's immoral to take an oath of office and then betray that oath.

Nothing, not one damned thing that comes from any investigation, inquiry, whatever, about why we're in Iraq, who leaked what to who(m)/when or any other thing you can bring up is going to embarrass me. It may disappoint the hell out of me and some of it may even make me ashamed, but embarrass?, nope. And anyone found guilty of any crime should pay the price.

Sparky, I could not possibly care any less about your opinion of my maturity or lack thereof. And I damned sure ain't in-u-end-o-ing anything.

Mroberts3 11-02-2005 01:35 AM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
No, it is not Un-American to ask questions. It's Un-American to stand by and let crap happen. It goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for to get elected to office and then lie, deceive and cheat, just to keep the office. It's immoral to take an oath of office and then betray that oath.

[/ QUOTE ]

That’s exactly why this thread is here to congratulate Reid for stopping exactly what you describe. I’m ashamed that the Democrats, the press, and the public have stood silently by for the last 5 years while our country was being destroyed. Now people are standing up pointing out those who are doing wrong.

What really gets me, that seemed to be missed, is this: why are you posting this kind of stuff now? You are questioning something within the rules of the senate, yet, so far as I can tell, haven’t made any mention of the pre war hype that all turned out to be a lie. What is the big problem when a democrat gets down and dirty… within the rules? Where was everyone before the war? I can’t believe anyone is questioning Reid now for acting lawfully yet still ignoring the liars in the white house.

P.S. yeah we could fill pages with how Clinton got some ass, but as far as I can tell 2,000 and counting Americans and god know how many Iraqis didn’t die because of it. I sound like a raving liberal right now, but I think in 50 years when everything is out in the open Bush will look like a war criminal.

renodoc 11-02-2005 04:49 AM

Re: Harry Reid is an embarrassment to Nevada
super weenie.

I’m ashamed that the Democrats, the press, and the public have stood silently by for the last 5 years while our country was being destroyed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude-- (and I assume you are about 23 when I call you "dude") the islamofascists are the ones who want to destroy the country- not the republicans or democrats.

renodoc 11-02-2005 04:51 AM

Re: Harry Reid is a big weenie boy
P.S. yeah we could fill pages with how Clinton got some ass, but as far as I can tell 2,000 and counting Americans and god know how many Iraqis didn’t die because of it. I sound like a raving liberal right now, but I think in 50 years when everything is out in the open Bush will look like the guy who made america safe from terrorists who have no regard for human life. .

[/ QUOTE ]

FYP, dude

zephed 11-02-2005 07:04 AM

Re: I Agree
Well sissy Republicans, do your job, or we'll do it for you. Harry Reid is the Man.
************************************************** *******
We will. The Dems are looking like jackasses and as a result they will lose another two seats in the senate in the next election. This will make it easier to make things happen with two fewer Dem senators to block the conservative agenda.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh yeah, that's just what Congress needs.

11-02-2005 09:49 AM

Re: Doctor, heal thyself
P.S. yeah we could fill pages with how Clinton got some ass, but as far as I can tell 2,000 and counting Americans and god know how many Iraqis didn’t die because of it. I sound like a raving liberal right now, but I think in 50 years when everything is out in the open Bush will look like an incompetent boob that misled the country into war .

[/ QUOTE ]

FYP, dude

[/ QUOTE ]

FY FYP, dude.
[img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

etgryphon 11-02-2005 10:35 AM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man...Maybe...
Democrats Force Senate Into Iraq Meeting

Harry Reid is the Man. Showing that Democrats know brass knuckle politics too. And doing it for all the right reasons. What are the sissy Republicans going to do now? Whine like Bill Frist that they are hijacking the Senate? Well sissy Republicans, do your job, or we'll do it for you. Harry Reid is the Man.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think in the short term this was a good move: Brings back the Libby Indictment, Cheney, and the whole WMD. Its done in a "extreme" fashion that gets the rumor mills of the MSM media milling. This was a shot across the bow of the Repubs. Stopped the bleeding this week for a time...

In the long term, I think this is a poor move. This move however good in the short term will consolidate the Republican vote and fire up the base. That is the last thing that the Democrates want if they want to defeat Alito. They may have resigned the fact that they wont defeat Alito and now they are starting the Great Senate War.

Jeez, We are going to the mattresses. Cleaning out the bad blood. This could be one of the greatest bloodletting in American Government history.


Jedster 11-02-2005 11:16 AM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man...Maybe...

Jeez, We are going to the mattresses. Cleaning out the bad blood. This could be one of the greatest bloodletting in American Government history.


[/ QUOTE ]


etgryphon 11-02-2005 12:01 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man...Maybe...
I think that both parties are going to forget that the american people are watching and then are going to get fed up with Congress. The party that sees this first and adapts will take the WH and the Congress in the next election.


bobman0330 11-02-2005 12:36 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
P.S. yeah we could fill pages with how Clinton got some ass, but as far as I can tell 2,000 and counting Americans and god know how many Iraqis didn’t die because of it. I sound like a raving liberal right now, but I think in 50 years when everything is out in the open Bush will look like a war criminal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, a handful of Marines died in Mogadishu because of him. And he murdered some Sudanese based on bad WMD intelligence. He killed a lot of innocent people in Kosovo too. And he stood by while almost a million Rwandans were killed.

andyfox 11-02-2005 12:44 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
Some balls from the Democrats? Who would have thunk it? Next thing you know we'll see some ideas too. Take note Peter666: this is a miracle. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

phlup 11-02-2005 04:20 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
Does anyone know why they had to go into hiding, I mean "closed" session? Aren't they (The Senate) doing good works in the interest of all Americans? Shouldn't we be allowed to know how these good works come about?

[/ QUOTE ]

They went into a closed session so that they could talk about classified information.

11-02-2005 04:27 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
They went into a closed session so that they could talk about classified information.

[/ QUOTE ]

If that's the case, then I can understand it. Do you have a source or reference link? I've not seen anything or heard anyone bringing up that point.

I'll try da google-meister in the meantime.


jaxmike 11-03-2005 01:24 PM

Re: Harry Reid is the Man
Democrats Force Senate Into Iraq Meeting

Harry Reid is the Man. Showing that Democrats know brass knuckle politics too. And doing it for all the right reasons. What are the sissy Republicans going to do now? Whine like Bill Frist that they are hijacking the Senate? Well sissy Republicans, do your job, or we'll do it for you. Harry Reid is the Man.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a joke Harry Reid is.

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