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Ipodkid 10-31-2005 09:06 AM

Almost called ambulance for myself last night
So its midnight last night and I wake up short of breath, I grab my inhaler hit it 2x go back to bed. This happens every hour on the hour until 4am with I say screw it, I get up and get my breathing machine nebulizer and do a treatment ( havent done one in 9 months) so then im stoned out my mind on abuteral and cant sleep. I am 320 lbs and 5 8...yes im fat...I eat out 2 meals a day and usually one includes a buffet. I do not want to get gastric bypass though my mother just did and she has lost 100 lbs in 6 months. I need a serious work out / eating plan that will strip off at least 10 lbs a month pretty quick or im going to end up in the hospital or dead. I can afford pretty much anything including the surgery to correct this problem, but think that should be the last result. Im sure ill get flamed and called a fat bastard, but frankly its worth it if it saves my life. Help guys.

xorbie 10-31-2005 09:07 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Everything you hear will involve eating less (of the crap) and moving more, but I suppose you already know this.

jakethebake 10-31-2005 09:08 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
The first thing you need to do is go to a doctor. I'm sure he'll have some recommendations for you.

diebitter 10-31-2005 09:11 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Holey moley! Thast sounds terrible.

you obviously need to eat less and exercise. Walk everywhere you can to start off.

I'd say no more salad-dodging and nothing, absolutely nothing with processed sugar or salt. No fried food, no choccies, no sweets, no biscuits. Salad + tuna, Salad + skinless chicken, rice and beans, pasta and vegetables (no oil), and get some good vitamin pills.

You must do aerobic exercise, so can be:

and I'd suggest you try some every day.

Just don't go too mad on the exercise to start with - you need to build and build (eg if you choose jogging: walk first day, then try doing very slow jogging and walking second day, the next day a little more etc etc).

Take care now!

Ipodkid 10-31-2005 09:11 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Im hoping someone here was in same situation or is a trainer and can give me more concrete steps then eat less move more, though im sure thats a start

jakethebake 10-31-2005 09:14 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
IndieMatty posted a link to a website that helps calculate the number of calories you should be eating to lose weight given your size or something. I think it was a Friday lunch thread a couple of weeks ago.

10-31-2005 09:37 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
OK i'm pretty health conscious so here are some ideas that might help because they are things that I live by.

First, you need to watch what foods you eat. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight, you just have to eat healthy foods. Don't eat out if you can help it. When you eat at home, read your nutrition labels and be conscious of the amount of saturated fat and sugar. If you notice you're eating something high in these, stop eating it. CUT OUT ALL FRIED FOODS. THEY ARE VERY BAD FOR YOU. Also, buy lean meat instead of fatty meat.

As far as exercise, start out doing some physical activity for 30 mins a day MINIMUM. This comes out to a measly 3.5 hours per week, and might make you live a lot longer and feel better. Trust me it's worth it. Do this and you will eventually develop your own work out plan based on your own needs.

While you are making your healthy transition, drink 10 glasses of water a day (cut out all soda, beer, or drinks high in sugar), and get 8 hours of sleep a night. Do these things and you WILL see improvement

Hope this helps

InchoateHand 10-31-2005 09:39 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
One of the cool things about death is that, finally, you can lose weight and keep it off!

OrangeHeat 10-31-2005 09:55 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
I was topping 360 lbs. last fall when I went to my doctor because I was having headaches and general crappy feelings daily.

I had borderline high blood pressure and also found out that I had sleep apnea (at 28 years old). The blood pressure turned out to be caused by the sleep apnea, but the sleep apnea was definitely weight related.

In high school I weighed 305, got to college got down to 185 and then had slowly crept up to the 360. So I decided to cut down on my nightly p*ker and devote that time to working out.

I am around 260 today (-100 lbs) and still working on it. My waist has gone from 52 to 42 and I have added alot of muscle. How to do it? I work out 6 nights a week for about an hour a night. I do a bodybuilding split schedule - lifting hard and heavy every night. You would be amazed how all fat 260 looks from 260 with muscle.

As far as diet - consume less calories. I went on a controlled carb plan. Basically no bread and such, but lots of fresh veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, salads, etc) and meats. Whatever you do, you have to change how you eat, and not go "on a diet" otherwise you'll end up going back to the beggining.

Go to the doctor, get a plan, committ to it, and you will thank yourself for the rest of your life.


Edit: A good simple start is to cut out any soda/coffee and drink lots of water instead.

jakethebake 10-31-2005 09:57 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
I was topping 360 lbs. last fall...I am around 260 today (-100 lbs)

[/ QUOTE ]

Congrats! Great story.

imitation 10-31-2005 09:58 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Im hoping someone here was in same situation or is a trainer and can give me more concrete steps then eat less move more, though im sure thats a start

[/ QUOTE ]

OrangeHeat 10-31-2005 10:00 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Im hoping someone here was in same situation or is a trainer and can give me more concrete steps then eat less move more, though im sure thats a start

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes this has replaced my 2+2 habit (mostly)! If you need inspiration check out some of the before/after pics.


jakethebake 10-31-2005 10:03 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been awhile, but I really liked the forums at DragonDoor

jokerthief 10-31-2005 10:12 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Anyone who flames you would be a complete loser. What kind of health risks are involed in the surgery? It seems that would be the most likly to work.

SheetWise 10-31-2005 10:25 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
My driver was in a very similar situation -- his doctor recommended surgery. Finally, he just asked the doctor what the consequences of surgery would be. He was told that he would be able to eat no more than 8 oz. of food at a time, four times a day -- but he could eat whatever he wanted. So he skipped the surgery and started carrying a measuring cup with him -- and has stuck to it. Has lost 100+ in the last year, and as far as I know all the exercise he gets is driving a car and occasionally carrying a bag to the curb.

InchoateHand 10-31-2005 10:30 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Jokerthief clearly has no memory.

This guy is famous on the strategy forums as a troll that makes Dead look tame.

You are clearly the complete loser, asshat.

jokerthief 10-31-2005 10:34 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Jokerthief clearly has no memory.

This guy is famous on the strategy forums as a troll that makes Dead look tame.

You are clearly the complete loser, asshat.

[/ QUOTE ]

Clearly your the one... wait a minute...what did you say again?

mmbt0ne 10-31-2005 11:15 AM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Im hoping someone here was in same situation or is a trainer and can give me more concrete steps then eat less move more, though im sure thats a start

[/ QUOTE ]

Listen to jake. See a doctor. Don't trust OOT for stuff like this.

Blarg 10-31-2005 03:04 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
At this stage, almost any reasonable exercise or eating plan will have great results, but you should see a doctor instead of OOT. Your health is right on the edge at that weight.

One thing I always suggest to people wanting to change is not to make little changes or temporary compromises, but change your life. Really change it. Otherwise you'll drift in and out of your old patterns and eventually wind up solidly in them again. If you want to change, it's not enough that your habits are different -- YOU have to be different.

That's not that hard, but it has a high dose of weirdness in it since most of us become so accustomed to our favorite habits that we can sometimes even think they're who we are instead of choices we're making and could just abandon.

One change I'd suggest is to stop eating out so much, if at all possible. Restaurant food is usually very high in salt, sugar, and fats, the better to please even a completely numb, degraded palate. All these things can be bad for you in more than very moderate amounts, but with restaurants, wow, you will get them piledrived into your gut. Cook at home, or just make simple things like sandwiches, salads, cereal or oatmeal. It doesn't have to be elaborate or king-sized. Soup is a good one, since it's incredibly easy to make very well even if you can't cook well at all. Make it mostly vegetables and lean meat, and you can eat a whole lot of it without putting on any weight at all. And at the same time get a very nutritious meal. Cold weather's a brewin', too, so it's a good time for soups. A crock pot is great for soups too, and even an imbecile can use those. Throw some dried soups or fresh ingredients in it, come back hours later to a hot meal -- very close to zero effort, and the stuff can taste great.

When you're making it yourself, it's so much lower calorie and healthier.

I'd also suggest starting to get your mind around food as something you eat for sustenance and want to enjoy, but not as a recreation. Learn to stop eating before you feel stuffed. After a while you will need less food to feel that way, and wind up feeling like you've had a good meal without pounding it down. When I used to go to a Chinese place that had gigantic portions, I got used to eating at least one enormous meal a day -- and that made me want to make other meals enormous too. That lunch triggered a gain in how much I ate on every other meal. My stomach stretched, my expectations stretched, whatever. Once I no longer went there, I got used to meals being a normal size again, and never really had to go hungry to do it. You can scale down your perceived need large amounts by not making it a habit.

I'd suggest checking out the forums at when you get a chance. There are many very experienced physical trainers there who will be better than the ones you can get at most any gym, who can give solid advice to you. Most of them have very broad experience. The site sells kettlebells, and they're all familiar with them, but they recommend many other things besides kettlebells and are well acquainted with the science behind fitness.

Anyway, I'd see the doctor first, the restaurant last, and somewhere in the middle. And plan to change your life, not do a fussy little dabbling and bunch of clever, complicated excuse making with your habits. You've gotta have balls to change, and can't be a big pussy about it, or you're screwed.

Oh, by the way, dragodoor has a nutrition forum too. Skip it! Some of the ideas of the people there, as on every fitness site, on nutrition are terrible and extreme. What you want is to replace extremely bad eating habits with good ones, not with another form of extremism. This is another good reason to let the doctor help you on these things; many diets are dangerous to a guy in your state, whereas they would be merely assinine and unhealthy to others.

B Dids 10-31-2005 03:10 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
I'm heavier than you are and in the same situation, although it sounds like you've got other health issues thatI don't. 10 lbs a month is easily do-able with any reasonable diet and exercise plan. Initially the pounds will fly off if you're good, the first 40 or so are cake, then it gets A LOT harder.

I've been fighting a losing battle with weight loss for years, but this year has been exceptionally bad, as I've put on weight and have really been treating myself like crap.

I'm going to be starting up a new plan right after I get back from Vegas. Trying to be good there just won't work.

Ulysses 10-31-2005 03:36 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Since you make many millions selling product on ebay, you should hire a high-end personal trainer and nutritionist. Rich friends have done this and achieved phenomenal results.

WSUchica 10-31-2005 03:51 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
I think it takes a VERY strong and disciplined person to look at all the things they shouldn't be eating (NO sweets, NO eating out, NO fried foods) in order to lose weight and one day just stop eating them. Near impossible I would imagine...or at least it would be for me. Usually this results in a couple days of following the diet then giving up and binging completely. I think it would be a good idea for you to set goals for yourself; maybe even go so far as to keep a journal. In a journal you could put your goals and record your progress, write things in there such as "I wanted to go out to eat today but instead stayed home and made myself a chicken breast and veggies. I felt very good afterwards" Then you are using positive reinforcement because you can read over it later and make yourself feel good.

Maybe record monthly stats on your weight and body measurements and put them somewhere you can see them often to remind yourself what progress you are making.

Just a couple suggestions, good luck!

theBruiser500 10-31-2005 03:51 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Everything you hear will involve eating less (of the crap) and moving more, but I suppose you already know this.

[/ QUOTE ]

haven't read the whole thread yet so maybe someone has already pointed this out. the key is not eating less, it's eating the right food. you could eat just vegetables and fruit like a pig, but with excercise you will keep losing weight.

ghostface 10-31-2005 03:54 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
drink lots of water

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good advice.

10-31-2005 03:55 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Everything you hear will involve eating less (of the crap) and moving more, but I suppose you already know this.

[/ QUOTE ]

haven't read the whole thread yet so maybe someone has already pointed this out. the key is not eating less, it's eating the right food. you could eat just vegetables and fruit like a pig, but with excercise you will keep losing weight.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bruiser, I have to disagree. Its calorie in v calorie out. If you eat 5000 calories of fruit vegetables, and chicken, and expend 4000 per day, you will get fat. The only thing is, its hard to eat that many calories eating those foods. See a doctor though, not OOT.

theBruiser500 10-31-2005 03:55 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
as for excercise, it's hard to do but once you do it you will feel great. when you're about to do excercise, don't even think about it, JUST DO IT. someone said eat less calories, no breads, vegetables fruits and meat. you might lose weight doing that, eating a lot of meat but it's still very unhealthy.

theBruiser500 10-31-2005 03:58 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
it's impossible to eat 5,000 calories of fruits and vegetables in a day

10-31-2005 04:00 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
it's impossible to eat 5,000 calories of fruits and vegetables in a day

[/ QUOTE ]

Where does your protein come from. Its much better to start off with a well balanced diet, and STICK to it, rather than going crazy, and eating nothing but fruits/meats/veggies etc. He needs a lifestyle change, along with a diet change.

theBruiser500 10-31-2005 04:00 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
read Diet for a New America. There were studies done where people who had heart attacks switched to a vegan diet, and then there was a control group and NO one in the vegan diet (with excercise, and a stress management group) got a heart attack again for a long time period, while 50 or 60% some high number did in the control group. Highly recommend the book, can't recommend it enough. When I was on the appalachian trail a couple years ago there were some overweight people out there. i think one had a heartattack but everyone else lost a ton of weight, like 50 pounds in a couple of months. try hiking, you will lose weight.

asofel 10-31-2005 04:01 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
it's impossible to eat 5,000 calories of fruits and vegetables in a day

[/ QUOTE ]

looks like Crimson has a new challenge

10-31-2005 04:08 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
it's impossible to eat 5,000 calories of fruits and vegetables in a day

[/ QUOTE ]

looks like Crimson has a new challenge

[/ QUOTE ]

Im up for this challenge, as long as avocados arent taken off the menu.

Blarg 10-31-2005 04:11 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Everything you hear will involve eating less (of the crap) and moving more, but I suppose you already know this.

[/ QUOTE ]

haven't read the whole thread yet so maybe someone has already pointed this out. the key is not eating less, it's eating the right food. you could eat just vegetables and fruit like a pig, but with excercise you will keep losing weight.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is very true. It's almost impossible to gain weight eating nothing but vegetables, if you leave out the starchy ones(potatoes, rice, etc.). That's one of the pleasures of a diet that's got a lot of fruits and vegetables in it -- you can eat like a pig if you want. Never get hungry, eat as often as you like. And it's super nutritious, if you get a good mix of veggies instead of just sticking to a couple favorites. Of course you'll still need some fats etc. in your diet, but it's nice to have to seek them out instead of wonder how the heck you can possibly stop pounding them into your body.

Of course, if you drown it all in ranch dressing, you might as well just eat a triple cheeseburger.

Blarg 10-31-2005 04:15 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Yeah, that's key. Vegetables contain a lot of water and cellulose, and you can get a lot of eating done before you rack up that many calories.

Even if you do, the calories will be a lot healthier for you than if they came from fatty or junk foods, or any kind of food.

Of course, you can always eat even vegetables badly, so you need some sort of balance. You don't want to eat a pound and a half of carrots a day and get Vitamin A poisoning or something, but you have to get into a really weird unbalanced way of eating vegetables to do something goofy like that. Balance and variety is always called for. Plus, some protein, as with beans, tofu, etc.

Blarg 10-31-2005 04:16 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
One of the rare fatty veggies.

gamblore99 10-31-2005 04:24 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
If you can afford almost any treatment, then talk to your doctor and find a good trainer and nutritionist. Try to find a trainer with a university degree in kinesiology, or biomedical science. Good look.

Blarg 10-31-2005 04:42 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Agreed. A lot of regular gym trainers are basically just dopey gym rats who don't know a thing, even if they are bulky or look good. A bad trainer can do you more harm than good.

Lurkmaster Flex 10-31-2005 04:57 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night is good too. I started that June 1 and have lost 70 lbs so far.

4_2_it 10-31-2005 05:06 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Do whatever this guy says. And yes, I am serious. He's about 92 years old and acts like he is 50!

Stuey 10-31-2005 05:23 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
I don't really know what I am talking about when it comes to this subject but I wanted to get you and others here thinking about some ideas I had.

1. If you are not sure you should find out why you are fat.

Yah that sounds stupid but the way I see it you could be in denial and need to find out the truth as to why you are fat. Plus there could be several odd reasons that I can think of and there must be many others.


You eat too much and you don't exercise.

You have a medical condition that makes you carry more weight while consuming the proper amount of food and exercising.

Someone mention sleep anemia and how that can cause a cycle of problems. So other underlying health problems might need to be addressed to allow you to have a chance at doing this.

You are genetically predisposed to being obese.

There could be countless more. Find out the truth and realize it then you have a chance of taking the proper steps to fix it.

2. 99 percent chance you eat too much and don't exercise. Don't feel bad if this is the case. Tons of people do it and some don't even get fat. And they are the ones that seem to hate fat people. As they just don't see how someone could be that fat.

So stop eating so much and start exercising. Easy right? Why is anyone fat then?

I think you need to learn and understand the reasons you could be overeating and why you don't feel like exercising. Here are a few reasons I can think of.

You are depressed and eating is an easy form of enjoyment.

You eat to relieve stress.

You eat because you were raised in a family that taught you bad habits.

You have low self-esteem and this self-hating attitude is self-defeating when you try to change.

There are tons of others but the idea is to learn and face the ugly truth and then you can beat it. Once it is out in the open it will be easier. Not easy but you have a chance.

This stuff can be hard to face but you should not feel bad about it. People do much worse things than overeat so don't beat yourself up for the past look to the future which could be very good if you make a few changes and stick with them for a long period of time. Forever actually as the second you revert to your old habits you will be headed right back to were you started. So never drop your guard once you start winning.

Good luck man you can do this and don't feel bad if you decide the surgery is the best course of action. Do what you think has to be done after you look at all the options.

Ipodkid 10-31-2005 05:39 PM

Re: Almost called ambulance for myself last night
Thanks all for the advice I have appt tomorrow with doctor. Diablo why are you obsessed with my company and what I do for a living? If you need a job just ask man dont beat around the bush.

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