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10-19-2005 03:22 PM

My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
I came across this thread the other day:

I realize some people really don't like to read long posts so i'll include a short summary and long version.

Short :
- In high school I had no social life and was depressed, went on meds, became very social, made friends, got a gf, etc. Stopped meds by senior year cuz I felt I didn't need them
- I ended up not enjoying being social anymore and got into being a loner again but still had friends and a GF
- Went back on meds before college, had the best year of my life, drinking, partying, girls, new friends, etc.. what college is all about
- Went off meds cuz I had the life style I wanted for college and lots of friends
- Friends got into poker, leading to me getting into online poker.
- I started playing this all the time but still would go out. It got to the point where I wasn't even interested in going out to parties anymore and they were boring to me. Lost motivation for school work, socializing, and girls.
- I rationalized this by the fact that if I work hard now I can mak alot of money early in life while I have no expenses and financial freedom and I did not want to work a 9 to 5.
- Also rationalized by saying I did not even have fun going out anymore so why do something I don't enjoy.
- Seeking advice on if theres a problem with me not enjoying going out anymore (the parties around here suck, my friends dont party much anymore, i still know alot of people though and cosntantly turn down offers from people I know to hang out), and if there is a problem what can I even do about it if I simply don't enjoy going out. I've tried forcing myself out and still do but it's not a big thrill to me anymore.

His thread really hit home to me on a few categories but there were differences.

First and foremost, I am in school right now with NO plans of dropping out. I have already completed 2 years and am in my third year and I definitely agree wholeheartedly with peoples comments about how college leaves outs. I also know if I were to drop out now and something happened down the road where I needed to go back to college I would have a hard time doing so.

Ok, so that whole point to be made is out the window. So what's the point of this thread you ask?

Well, alot of the comments in that thread had to do with college being the "best years of your life". My freshman year here, I would agree was the best year of my life, I went out and partied pretty much every night, made LOTS of friends, chased alot of girls, got drunk, and was loving it to death. Ok, that's great. My second year alot of my frends that I had got me into poker and we would play poker every day together, but it was a social fun thing to do with a buncha friends. Money wasnt even the issue it was just fun to get together, watch the game, and drink a few beers. Then I started getting better and eventually got into online poker. I started to play more and more but still would see my friends. Fast forward to my junior year now. I still play poker online and already knew the importance of trying to enjoy the other aspects of college like everyone mentioned in that thread. I've tried to go out to parties like I used to, they are boring to me and not fun. I turn down friends trying to get me to go out all the time because it just is not as fun as it used to be. I've actually TRIED to just go out there and do it but I always end up not enjoying myself and just thinking why am i doing something I just do not want to do? Just because it's expected to go out on the weekends does this mean I have to go out if I don't want to? I used to go out every weekend freshman year because I loved to, and I wish I could still love it now but I just don't.

Other things are... just hanging out with friends. I hang out with my friends less and less because it's just not an interest to me. Yes I try to force myself out at least 2-3 times a week to see them but I still get bored doing this. I go out to a party nowadays and think to myself "So is this what people consider to be the best times of their lives?" Maybe the parties around here suck because we're in the middle of no where but they certainly are not all that fun. If they were i'd go.

It's gotten to the point where all I genuinely want to do is stay in my room, talk to friends online, listen to music, and play poker. This is more interesting to me and productive than going out. And the problem is that I DONT want it to be. I would rather enjoy doing something more social but it's like ive lost interest in that and feel as though i've grown out of that getting wasted stage. It somewhat feels like a deprsesion, i'm not sure. I've lost interest in hanging out with friends, lost interest in going out all the time, lost interest in socializing, etc. And I don't know what to do about it.

Even currently i'm still at the point where im forcing myself out just for the sake of going out but I constantly ask myself why? I saw numerous posts in the other thread where people saying college is the time of your life and you should enjoy it while you can. Well what do you do if college is just no longer fun? It also may be important to note that... i've struggled with depression and anxiety all my life and in high school I always was on the computer playing video games, got put on an AD... then boom, had a social life and desire to get out there and be around people within a month. Got a girlfriend and everything. Then near senior year of high school I had quit the meds, and started to feel as though it wasnt that I was scared to be social, just that I had lost desire to. Hmm... sound similar right? I decide that if im going to be able to enjoy college im going to need that desire back, so I get put back on meds. College comes around and I feel rejuviniated, loving it. Ok.. then I decide sophmore year, I don't need meds anymore, I already have a huge network of friends, mission accomplished. Now here I am junior year feeling like all I want to do is sit in my room relaxing and playing online poker.

Again, it's not that i'm unable to socialize, when I go out I end up running into all kinds of people that I know from my freshman year because I was pretty popular and alot of them talk about how they haven't seen me in a while. Then when I go to friends house it's fun I guess but not very. I've got friends who don't like to go out and party anymore either and just drink at their house. Other friends who just play video games. I've rationalized staying inside because i'm making money, enjoying what i'm doing, and that i've tried to go out and do something else but don't enjoy it the way I used to.

So now what? I've also lost motivation to get good grades in school, lost motivation to get girls (this takes efforts folks), lost any desire to meet new people, etc. I've rationalized this as well by just telling myself that after college i'm not going to be seeing many of them anyway and then i'm out in the real world so whats the point? Why not just start early, work hard towards my goals and financial freedom now, so then I can be the one enjoying life while others who decided to enjoy college are working at a 9 to 5?

I'd like to state that no I do not want to be a professional poker player.. I see no stability there. I wanted to just make as much as I could now when I had no expenses or respnosibilities, so that I can get a head start on making money in investing later. If I spent too much time out partying and goofing off now, whose to say this money that's able to be made on the internet will still be there 5 years from now? I want to make it while I can and use it to fuel other business endeavors later in life.

I also viewed what I was doing now as an investment in life. I do not plan on being locked in my room 5 years from now. I plan to work on making money for a few short years, and then get everything else up to par.... people say poker's not going anywhere and to enjoy time spent in college. Well, way I see it is money to be made online might be going somewhere, and even if it's not, the time where I have no expenses or responsibilities is. Whereas, girls.. they're not going anywhere, people to socialize with arent going anywhere, parties aren't going anywhere.. hell by the time I graduate i'll be able to move somewhere where the parties actually are fun. Booze isn't going anywhere... so I assumed if I am able to retire early through working hard now, i'll be able to enjoy all the forementioned things for alot longer than 4 years because hey, where's vegas going?

So i'm looking for advice on either how to enjoy college because I do want to, or comments on my rationalization on why there really is nothing wrong with not going out all the time right now.

My situation right now is that I probably play poker or just relax in my room 4 days a week and the other 3 i'll spend alot of time on the computer but i'll also go out, try to see my friends and socialize but not enjoy myself while I do. Is there a problem? I feel guilty being on the computer so much when i used to always go out. But I think my rationalization has a few good points, please comment.

bigt439 10-19-2005 03:31 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
I kinda want to read this whole thing, but I have to do a little bit of work so I can't. Skimming over the last bit regarding booze, parties, and chicks not going anywhere, I have to say that I think you are really overestimating the scene after school. I mean technically you are right in that they're not going anywhere, but the type of life you lead and how all that fits in to it will change big time. I mean if that's not your scene and you'd rather chill on the computer then that's cool, but it sounds like you think things will be the same after school and I really doubt that. University is just amazing... absolutely ridiculous good times... take advantage of it while you can and forget about being able to play more golf when you retire early. It sounds like you're trying to justify something to yourself that you know isn't true.

And sorry, I've really only skimmed through this, but maybe you, your family, and your doctors should talk about your meds. There seems to be a pretty obvious pattern there.

Seth Money 10-19-2005 04:00 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
Here's my advice. Stay in school. Get on some meds if you ahve to. Enjoy your time there, I miss it and I've been gone a half a year.

Nobody wants to work hard for anything anymore, college is a great opportunity when your young, you cant get those years back once there gone.

The only time I would ever endorse "Going pro" or whatever they like to call it is if you have 2 years plus of proven experience and a 75-100k bankroll. I guess I'm trying to say that if your dropping out of school to make 550/wk playing SnG's you should probably re-think your motives.

Poker doesn't make me complete and I'm guessing it doesnt for a lot of people. Its a means to an end.


10-19-2005 04:07 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
I knew I shoulda just left the long version or else people wouldn't get a real idea of what my situation was [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] Read the first paragraph of the long one mate [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] My thread is about being able to enjoy college, not about dropping out. It's about me playing so much in college that im missing out on the things that come with playing alot and dropping out, I was just posting my situation so those same peole who gave advice in that thread could give advice on my situation too. I am in no way trying to drop out but I certainly am not making only $550 a week, i'm at about 15k a month on average. That's beside the point though. My problem is enjoying college period, I feel as though i've outgrown going out and all that and it's just not fun to me. What's fun to me is playing online poker because I relax and talk to friends online, listen to music, etc while playing.

Seth Money 10-19-2005 04:15 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
I knew I shoulda just left the long version or else people wouldn't get a real idea of what my situation was [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] Read the first paragraph of the long one mate [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] My thread is about being able to enjoy college, not about dropping out. It's about me playing so much in college that im missing out on the things that come with playing alot and dropping out, I was just posting my situation so those same peole who gave advice in that thread could give advice on my situation too. I am in no way trying to drop out but I certainly am not making only $550 a week, i'm at about 15k a month on average. That's beside the point though. My problem is enjoying college period, I feel as though i've outgrown going out and all that and it's just not fun to me. What's fun to me is playing online poker because I relax and talk to friends online, listen to music, etc while playing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok forgive me for saying this but you did title your thread "Try to get me to stay in school!!" Did you not?

I gave an honest answer to your questions and the last time I checked as well college was there to socialize but at the same time get an education you said socially your bored with going out, well hows the old 'edumacation'?

Seacrest Out

SlackerMcFly 10-19-2005 04:22 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
It would seem that depression is the at the root of your problem. On/off meds for that probably isn't very good for you in the long run. Hard to maintain equilibrium if you are bouncing around chemically.

Try some exercise instead of partying. Join an intra-mural team of any kind for the socialization, training and competition. If you aren't good at sports, so what? Ride a bike or lift weights, just make sure you do so in a group environment. Sounds like you can afford to join a gym.

Good luck, feel better. Slacka

fnord_too 10-19-2005 04:25 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
(I just read the summary, one thing that jumps out at me...)

If you haven't, I would talk to a psychiatrist because with some medications, you end up worse than you were before you started them if you go off them. It is very common to be on meds, start feeling good and think you don't need them then go off again. In fact, everyone I know who takes them has done this at least twice.

I would check with a psychiatrist about the specific medications you were taking. (Note: not a psychologist). You may have already done this, but if not, I think it is definitely worth it.

As to the question of whether there is a problem with not liking to go out, I have no idea. I would say if you don't like hanging out with your friends, you may be happier with the alternatives. Personally, I like to have time alone, but I also like spending time out. The general tone of your summary makes it sound like you were happier on the medication.

FieryJustice 10-19-2005 04:38 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
fwiw, i went to the doctor for depression when i was in middle school and was on them for about 3 years. They really didnt do anything for me though. It seems like you want to be a "normal" fake person who depends on others for happiness. I have no desire at all to go hang out with people I dont care to be around. My problem, I guess, is that I really dont want to be around. Simple as that. If you are happy and content being by yourself, I see nothing wrong with it, I guess because that is how I feel. Dont expect the "normal" 9-5 working people to understand this though. I have learned to not care what others think. I guess all I am saying is to do whatever makes you happy.

johnnybeef 10-19-2005 04:46 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
- I rationalized this by the fact that if I work hard now I can mak alot of money early in life while I have no expenses and financial freedom and I did not want to work a 9 to 5.

[/ QUOTE ]


You will always be able to play poker and make money. I'm 25 and would happily give up all of the money in the world to be 21 again. Those were far and away the best years of my life. Enjoy them while you can.

lacky 10-19-2005 05:05 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
not to be rude Fiery, but you've never really struck me as a happy person. Anyone that goes off on the table rants you are legendary for is not generally a happy, emotionally stable, well adjusted person.


FieryJustice 10-19-2005 05:11 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
My little rants help to keep me stable, I think. Also, I am not really a happy person. I never have and probably never will be. I guess I am just happy being content, if that makes sense. I guess part of mentality is that I am never satisfied with anything I do. I remember telling myself when I was in high school if I could ever make $100/hr, i would be happy...well, i'm not. I told myself just the other day if I could ever reach $500/hr, I would be happy. I am pretty sure this isnt the case though. I guess I strive to be perfect and until I am there, which wont ever happen, I doubt I will ever be happy. So, I must simply be content with what i can get.

Also, not being able to chat after i get screwed over is really putting a hurting on my game. It really does suck to not be able to berate the fish. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I love you all. GO VOTE FOR CIT.

I should also mention that I am probably one of the most patient and kind people in anything I do out in the real world, whether it be hanging out with friends or playing poker. When I lay live, I usually dont say much at all and I sure dont berate the fish. It is odd how I become almost crazy when you put me behind a computer.

hyde 10-19-2005 05:17 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
short answer to a long question.

Stay on the meds.

lacky 10-19-2005 05:29 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
for what it's worth, i have some experience with family that has depression that really doesn't respond well to meds. What they found works best for them is starting everyday with a workout. I know it sounds weird, but they say it helps more than anything else and that their deppression is noticibly worse if they fall off the rutine.


FieryJustice 10-19-2005 05:32 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
hmmm...i just might try it. I'l let you know how it goes.

lacky 10-19-2005 05:36 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
if it works great try to guilt trip me into it too, professional poker has done nothing for my general level of fitness.


AtticusFinch 10-19-2005 05:49 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
I only had time to read the short version, because I'm at work. However, I have a couple of comments to make.

I'm not going to repeat my standard "stay in school" speech. I'm sure you've heard it a dozen times, anyway, and you're going to have to make your own mistakes, pay the price, and learn that we're right 10 years from now. I have a much more important comment to make: stay on the meds. I've been on meds for 15 years now. I strongly doubt I'd still be alive otherwise. There have been times when I thought I didn't need them anymore. I was wrong. Everything I've read here indicates that you still need them, too. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Diabetics have to stay on insulin. HIV positive folks must take protease inhibitors. Clinically depressed people must take their medicine as well. This is a life-threatening disease, with serious physical as well as mental consequences. Decades of clinical studies back this up. Do not take it lightly, and don't listen to morons who don't understand it.

Losing interest in things you used to enjoy, especially social activities, is a classic sign of depression. So is withdrawing into an escapist activity. (Of which online Poker is a fine example.)

As for school, please take one piece of advice from a fellow sufferer of chronic depression. Do not make significant life decisions while you are depressed. Stay where you're at until you get treated and straightened out. When you're back to feeling human again, then decide. You'll be much more likely to make the right choice.

Feel free to PM me if you want to talk further in private. Best wishes.


AtticusFinch 10-19-2005 05:55 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
for what it's worth, i have some experience with family that has depression that really doesn't respond well to meds. What they found works best for them is starting everyday with a workout. I know it sounds weird, but they say it helps more than anything else and that their deppression is noticibly worse if they fall off the rutine.


[/ QUOTE ]

Not weird at all. Excercise and diet are the two most effective treatments for depression. Medication is third, but it's employed more often because it's easier to get people to take a pill than exercise (sadly). Plus it's more profitable for drug companies.

The Chinese treat depression using exercise alone. And they do it very effectively.

I do both, and I feel great, now. But if I slack on either, well, you wouldn't much want to be around me.

Hendricks433 10-19-2005 06:05 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
short answer to a long question.

Stay on the meds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally disagree with this. I would recommend what the other guys said and try working out and stuff and get some exercise. I actually have found my self being depressed lately and I havent done any physical activity, I use to play sports everyday.

10-19-2005 06:06 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
Do what makes you happy. If thats staring at a computer screen all day do it. Just keep this in mind. If you can't have fun in college, you can forget about having as much fun after college. Unless you live in a college town, the bars will be 70% guys, 25% skanky dumb girls. Your friends will all be getting jobs and settling down, and one by one won't want to do anything anymore.

I think physical activity is definately the way for you to go. Also try something creative. Learn to play guitar or find some other creative hobby. It is a lot of fun when someone appreciates what you have done creatively.

AtticusFinch 10-19-2005 06:16 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
short answer to a long question.

Stay on the meds.

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally disagree with this. I would recommend what the other guys said and try working out and stuff and get some exercise. I actually have found my self being depressed lately and I havent done any physical activity, I use to play sports everyday.

[/ QUOTE ]

This guy sounds like he has clinical depression. You sound like you don't. Please don't give advice on this topic unless you know what you're talking about. No offense intended, but people who have never experienced this disease have absolutely no idea what it's like, yet they all believe that they do. I can assure you with 100% confidence that it bears no resemblance to how you feel when you're "kinda depressed lately."

That being said -- Yes, hit the gym as well.

d1sterbd 10-19-2005 06:22 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
short answer to a long question.

Stay on the meds.

[/ QUOTE ]

.. and can I have them?

10-19-2005 07:23 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
You will always be able to play poker and make money. I'm 25 and would happily give up all of the money in the world to be 21 again. Those were far and away the best years of my life. Enjoy them while you can.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well dude thats kinda the point of this post. I WANT so badly to enjoy doing things I used to enjoy doing but I just don't. When someone mentions going to a party to me now I have no desire to go and would rather just stay in my room on my computer. I thought this was associated to the fact that maybe i'm just getting older and have gotten tired of the whole party scene or just am maturing but it seems to alot of people that the problem is that i'm still depressed. While on meds I just had a very up beat personality and people wanted to be around me... which is why I still get alot of calls nowadays from friends from my freshman year inviting me to go to parties with them but I always make up some excuse why I can't. I'll say that i'm going home for the weekend or something, when really I just don't want to.

It seems like you want to be a "normal" fake person who depends on others for happiness. I have no desire at all to go hang out with people I dont care to be around.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well I miss that feeling that I used to get when someone mentioned the idea of a party. Also, sitting in your room alone can be fun while you're doing what you want to be doing... but when you look at the bigger picture, it's a pretty sad life style. I definitely have no plans for doing it for the rest of my life.

And about depending on other people for happiness... well thats generally where happiness comes from. Relationships with friends, spouses, childrenn, parents, etc... a life without any of that would be an empty one. My problem is that I realize this but just have no motivation to do anything about it, and that right now... these relationships are not very appealing to me.

Also i've noticed my social skills go down some. I'm not as confident/charismatic with the ladies as I used to be, this is not good.

10-19-2005 07:40 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
hey man, Im in the same boat, and there are two things you can do about it.

take it as a phase, and let it run its course, stop questioning yourself (which is the source of your depression, if you're like me) and just accept it.

The other thing to do is just force yourself out there, but the choice is yours.

Im just keeping my close friends close, and letting this run it's course.. and btw, it's getting better, as Im starting to get downright bored with being home some nights.

I think this might be a way of your body finding a balance between our typical college lifestyle, and relaxation.

PM me if you feel the need, I'd be happy to talk about it with ya.


Costanza 10-19-2005 08:22 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advice?
As a forward, I'm a internist, not a psychiatrist. I've helped a lot of people with fairly straightforward cases of clinical depression, and started with some much more complex cases before referring them to psychiatrists for further treatment.

Losing interest in things you used to enjoy, especially social activities, is a classic sign of depression. So is withdrawing into an escapist activity. (Of which online Poker is a fine example.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true.

While on meds I just had a very up beat personality and people wanted to be around me... which is why I still get alot of calls nowadays from friends from my freshman year inviting me to go to parties with them but I always make up some excuse why I can't. I'll say that i'm going home for the weekend or something, when really I just don't want to.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not really going to attempt a serious diagnosis from a few posts on 2+2, but there's enough here to at least suspect clinical depression. The second quote makes be wonder about bipolar disorder as well. I saw that several times. Someone would come in depressed, I'd start them on an antidepressant and the next thing you know they're the life of the party. What happened was the antidepressant unmasked their manic tendencies. And mania can be even more of a problem than depression. If you think playing poker while you're depressed can be an issue, watch a manic play. 72o? No problem, I'll just outplay them postflop!

You also mentioned that you thought the parties were boring because of where you are, and that if you're financially secure in the future you can move somewhere more interesting where you'll have access to more interesting parties. I don't know where you go to school, but even if it's a small school in the middle of nowhere, it's unlikely you'll ever find another place where there is such a concentration of people your age with similar interests.

Besides, it sounds like you found them when you were taking your meds. And I think it's unlikely that you outgrew them when you stopped.

The people here who are advising you to seek medical help are giving you good advice. A psychiatrist might be the answer, but be wary of someone who just wants to push pills, as there are several medical conditions besides depression which can present similarly.

I'm open for PM's as well, but honestly, it sounds like Atticus would be able to help you more.

bearly 10-19-2005 11:28 PM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
i think atticus' post should be stickied on all the sub-forums at 2+2. concise, true, and more important to the well-being of many of the members here than one would ever guess..................b

AtticusFinch 10-20-2005 12:10 AM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic

The people here who are advising you to seek medical help are giving you good advice. A psychiatrist might be the answer, but be wary of someone who just wants to push pills, as there are several medical conditions besides depression which can present similarly.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is excellent advice. I'd recommend getting a wide range of blood tests, as there are many physical conditions that can cause depression. (Hypoglycemia is a good example).

Apart from that, though, always remember that your doctor is your employee, not the other way around. Ask lots of questions. Learn as much as you can about your condition. If he just wants to talk over you for 30 seconds, throw some pills at you, and move on, fire him and see someone else.


I'm open for PM's as well, but honestly, it sounds like Atticus would be able to help you more.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for that. I've lived with depression my whole life, and I have good news: it can be managed. I've been in remission for several years, and have a great life, now.

But, you must take responsibility for your own health. No doctor is gonig to sit at your place with you and make you take your pills, or force you to exercise. If you commit to doing whatever it takes to beat it, you're already halfway to winning.

SippinSoma 10-20-2005 12:16 AM

Re: My version of the \"Try to get me to stay in school\" thread. Advic
I only read the short version and here is my advice to you.

1. Work out. I'm echoing Lacky for emphasis on something so vital.

2. Get some personal finance books. Knowing how to make a lot of money isn't enough - you need to know what to do with it. Get Rich Slowly is a great blog entry full of good advice and it also drops some good book recommendations.

3. Poker gets boring and putting in full-time hours gets tough. Find a motivation besides of stacks of cash (this is never enough) that'll keep you playing.

4. Should you decide to go pro, take a single semester off. Play full-time. At the end of the semester, honestly evaluate whether or not you're a good pro. Make sure you enjoy it, can put the hours in, and keep the rest of your life unaffected.

Post study, and play a lot, and run well. Good luck.

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