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J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 08:48 PM

Another night with the Sucker, et al.
It all started out innocently enough; I was in the lab, drinking a beer and messing around with some computer stuff last Friday afternoon and my phone rang. The caller ID said “Boris” so I answered. He said “Hey Sucker, what you up to tonight? Let’s do something low key – we can go see that History of Violence movie, and then we can go play poker with the drunks afterward.”

With my liver still throbbing from last weekend’s debacle, I agreed that this was a good plan. I told him that I had to finish up some stuff in the Lab, and then I’d be in; I’d call him back when I was ready to roll. No problems so far. Of course, if this is what happened, you wouldn’t have this story to read. Not two minutes later, my cell rang again – Diablo this time. He said to me “Hey dude, so you and Boris are coming up tonight for some drinks, right?” I told him that I just spoke to Boris and said that we were keeping it low-key. He said, “No way, dude. I just spoke to Boris 30 seconds ago, and he said you two were coming up tonight.” Que Diablo! I called back Boris, and he said that there was a change of plans – drinks in the City with Diablo and the seldom posting Levi King. I guess I was in for it. I agreed, but had the stipulation that I would take the last train home, because I wanted to sleep in my own bed, and not on Diablo’s couch again. This gave me until midnight to get hammered. I was fine with this, as long as I could get something to eat. No problem, Boris said, so it was on.

I met Boris at the Palo Alto train station and we got on the train. Like the good frined he is, Boris busts out this bottle of Barolo and two cardboard coffee cups. We caught up on the train and polished off that bottle of wine. We were both a little buzzed by the time we hit the City at 8 o’clock, me in particular since I hadn’t eaten anything yet. We met Diablo and Levi in front of the Ballpark and told them my stipulation about the last train.

Diablo said, “Well, we better get to work, since Sucker is such a b!tch. Straight to the Buddha Bar, baby.” It was really on, again.

Within seconds, we were joined by our friendly cabbie, an Angry Persian guy named Sam. I don’t know why I stipulated that Sam was an Angry Persian guy, since I don’t think they come any other way. I’m reminded of an exchange that I had with Gabe in LA one time. He told me that the Italian word for Arabs is “arrabiata,” as in penne arrabiata, which has a spicy sauce. In this case, arrrabiata means “rabid” or “angry.” There’s certainly a connection here, but I digress.

In any event, four drunk guys hopped into this minivan cab and we were on our way to Chinatown and the infamous Buddha Bar, for even more infamous liquor, The Chinese. Diablo mentioned to Sam that he was going to find Boris and I some fat chicks to sleep with. He says “I take you to whorehouse! Whorehouse! You get blowjob, handjob, whatever you want! No problem!!!!” We told him that we didn’t want to hit the whorehouse; we just wanted to find some skanky bar chicks. He says “C’mon, WHOREHOUSE!!! You can EAT THE A$S! YOU LIKE TO EAT THE A$S! EAT THE AS$!!!” We deadpanned, “No eating the as$, just the Buddha Bar.” Sam was disappointed, but we were in route, so no complaints.

Levi was up front in the cab, Diablo and I were in the middle seat, but the back seat of the cab was all folded up, so Boris was sitting on the floor. About halfway to Chinatown, Sam noticed that Boris was sitting on the floor and said “I pull over – need to put up the seat!” We told him to forget it, since we were almost there already. He seemed a little disappointed again, but we forged onward.

Shortly thereafter, we were making a right turn onto 3rd street in front of the W Bar, a trendy joint where Patron is like 25 bucks a shot. While waiting at the red, there were a bunch of chicks standing in front of the bar smoking, and we did what any group of polite, single dudes would do – start yelling at them. Chicks like this. Boris turned to me and said, “I wish the windows were open.” I told him they were. Apparently, these chicks did like this, because not a second later, these two girls wandered over to the cab and asked us where we were going. We said “Buddha Bar, baby! The Chinese! You guys should come with us!” Well, how could they pass that fine offer up? They didn’t, and hopped into the cab. Sam immediately jumped out and put up the back seat. Pimpdaddy Boris jumped into the back with the two ladies, Lisa and Gemini, and we rocketed off to Chinatown.

We hopped out of the cab and the ladies asked us what we did. Professional poker players. They were impressed. We rolled into the bar, and Mark, the same bartender from last week was there when we showed up. The six of us rolled in and screamed “Get us the Chinese!!!” Diablo and Levi b!tched out and said, “no Chinese for us – we’re getting Jameson.” Puzzies. Mark poured us four shots of the evil liquor and two of Ireland’s Breakfast of Champions for the gals not named Gemini and Lisa. We were getting ready to shoot it down and upon smelling the Chinese, Lisa decided that a martini would be wiser. Gemini was a trooper though, and we drank our shots. I still haven’t eaten, and the Chinese was the end of me. The true champ was Boris, however, who shot the extra double of The Chinese. Montana knows how to party! We all got some Pacificos and were chatting up the ladies, who were quite into us. Gemini decided to go outside for a smoke, and I went out with her. The other fellas were inside chatting it up with Lisa – doing quite well, I’m sure.

Outside, I’m sipping my beer and had the following conversation with the beloved Gemini.

Sucker: So, what have you two ladies been up to tonight?
Gemini: Ah, you know. Hanging out, having a good time, partying. Working.
Sucker: Working? On Friday night? What the hell do you guys do?
Gemini: You know… working.
Sucker’s Inner Voice: (SH!T!!!)
Sucker: Ummm, OK.
I bristled and the body language changed radically.
Sucker: That’s cool… (what else was I supposed to say?)
Awkward silence.
Gemini: Don’t be discouraged by what I said. We still like to hang out, and enjoy you guys’ company.
Sucker: Discouraged? Nah, it’s fine.
That was my outward response. Really, my inner voice had another message.
Sucker’s Inner Voice: “Discouraged.” That’s an awful big word for A WHORE!!!

I left her there and decided that I had to go tell the boys what the score was. I ran into Diablo first in the doorway. Gemini was not four feet away from us when we had the following exchange:

Diablo: This is [censored]’ great man! These chicks are awesome!
Sucker: Dude, this chicks are HOOKERS!
Diablo: Ah, hell yeah they are hookers. It’s obvious. You Stanford kids are so naïve – ask Boris and Levi, they all knew. You need to get out more.

It’s a good thing that Diablo plays all of his poker online these days, because he was letting off the biggest tell ever. No way did Joe Cool realize that these were working girls. No way in hell. Of course, nobody could ever convince him otherwise. So I called his bluff and went up to Levi, who’s know Diablo for 15 years.

Levi: What’s up dude? This is awesome!
Sucker: Dude, these chicks are HOOKERS!
Levi: No sh!t. (Obviously stunned). You guys were out there for like 2 minutes. How in the hell did you find that out so fast? Are you sure?
Sucker: 1000% sure, dude. How did I find it out? I’m the Sucker. Tell me honestly, did you have any idea?
Levi: Absolutely none. None at all.
Sucker: Diablo claims that it was obvious, and that he knew.
Levi: (almost peeing his pants laughing) No way. He’s such a liar. Well, should be tell Boris? (He was really into Lisa at this point, conversating with the best of them)
Sucker: I dunno. I tell you what. I’m hungry. Since these guys are our friends, we’ll do what any friend would do. Let’s finish our beer, then go find me food. We won’t tell them where we are and we’ll let them deal with the hookers. Whaddaya think?
Levi: Brilliant!

Luckily for Boris, I still had plenty of beer left, and he came over to me before Levi and I could bolt for the door.

Boris: What’s up, man? These chicks are awesome! We are so getting laid tonight!
Sucker: Well, you are.
Boris: Why do say that?
Sucker: These chicks are HOOKERS!
Boris: No sh!t. How did you find that out?
Sucker: I’m The Sucker. What can I say?
Boris: Oh man, we’ve gotta get out of here.

Here’s where the story gets completely unhinged. My plan was to tell the hookers that they got their free drink and to get the hell out. Levi liked my plan. However, Cassanovas # 1 and 1A wouldn’t go out like that, and were NICE TO THE HOOKERS!!! What the hell? They wanted to let them off easy. I told them, whatever. I was hungry and needed to eat before I passed out Have fun with the cum-dumpsters. I finished my beer and looked over at Diablo – he was getting their numbers and told them good-bye. They left and we did shortly thereafter. On the way out, Mark turned to us and put his fingers up to his mouth and did the tongue gesture. It was awesome.

We headed down the street to some hole-in-the-wall burger joint for some much needed gastrointestinal relief. While getting our burgers, we had some more beers and were regaling our misadventures at the Buddha Bar. Since we were all hammered, everyone in the joint found out about our run-in with the hookers. These two old guys, median age 63 and a half, sitting behind us couldn’t resist and wanted to know what the hell happened. We told them the full story about how we unknowingly picked up two crack-whore steetwalkers out front of the W and hit the Buddha bar. We told them about The Chinese. Boris pointed out that Gemini was a trooper to actually drink the Chinese and to pretend to enjoy it. I said “of course she drank it. She’s used to having foul [censored] in her mouth.”

Boris deadpanned “Well, I guess you’re right. The Chinese is nothing compared to rotten spooge.” He had a point there.

We headed out of the burger shack at about 10:15. I had an hour and a half before I had to go. Feeling better, we hit a bar for some Irish coffees. Yummy. I forgot the name of the place, but Diablo can recommend it to inquiring minds. We chatted there for awhile, and we shuffled out to another place to meet Hakkee. I had another last drink and chatted with those folks for awhile. After awhile, I looked at my watch – 11:45. Crap! I gotta jet, so I said my farewells and sprinted out for a cab.

I finally got a cab at 11:55 and the race was on. Diablo wished me good luck and said that if I got stranded, just give them a call and we’d meet up. Unfortunately, I looked at my phone and the battery was dead. No more outs in the deck for the Sucker. I was committed with the worst of it, so I did what every smart gambler did – I hoped for the best. Miraculously, I hit the train station at 12:01; one minute to spare. My fare was 8 bucks. I gave the cabbie a 20 and told him to just give me some change with a five in it for the train. I took it and ran out – full sprint to the train. I almost knocked over four homeless men and an old lady with a walker, but I made it with 30 seconds to spare. Running good. Running good, indeed.

Back to my thesis, which is obviously writing itself.

Voltron87 10-05-2005 08:55 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
nice. these are awesome, very good stuff.

Ulysses 10-05-2005 09:00 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Yeah, pretty much correct. I will respond later and clarify/correct a few minor errors and add in a whole important section of the trip you forgot.

However, first things first. I will swear upon anything you like that in the cab I was pretty sure they were hookers when:

a) first chick said her name was Gemini
b) the reaction when I asked them where in the City they lived and the way Lisa finally responded "uh, Fillmore Center"

I can give you a number of specific things that were said that made me suspect this even more the more we talked. However, I was hoping against hope that I was wrong, and thus did not say anything until it was confirmed.

I will also swear upon anything that before you went out to smoke with Gemini, I was 100% sure they were hookers. This was because after a few minutes in the bar, I went out of my way to once again ask Lisa where it was she lived in the City.

Ulysses 10-05-2005 09:03 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Oh yeah, Boris and I had another 2 hours of misadventures after this. I'll add that in too.

partygirluk 10-05-2005 09:17 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
So when these girls agreed to go in the car with you, was it because they were hoping to get merely laid, or to get paid as well?

SomethingClever 10-05-2005 09:19 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Sucker: Working? On Friday night? What the hell do you guys do?
Gemini: You know… working.
Sucker’s Inner Voice: (SH!T!!!)

[/ QUOTE ]


siccjay 10-05-2005 09:20 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
[censored] awesome.

IndieMatty 10-05-2005 09:21 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
I love these, but I get sad because I want all my local bars to stock pacificos too. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]

1800GAMBLER 10-05-2005 09:34 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
haha, this line,

While waiting at the red, there were a bunch of chicks standing in front of the bar smoking, and we did what any group of polite, single dudes would do – start yelling at them. Chicks like this

[/ QUOTE ]

reminded me so much of,

Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow.

[/ QUOTE ]

you must have writen it with that in mind.

bravos1 10-05-2005 09:38 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
So when these girls agreed to go in the car with you, was it because they were hoping to get merely laid, or to get paid as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Your kidding right?

ThaSaltCracka 10-05-2005 09:39 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
nice story.

partygirluk 10-05-2005 09:41 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.

1800GAMBLER 10-05-2005 09:43 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
So when these girls agreed to go in the car with you, was it because they were hoping to get merely laid, or to get paid as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Your kidding right?

[/ QUOTE ]

we brits don't understand hookers ways. we are prudes.

[censored] 10-05-2005 09:44 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
I thought the same thing at first but I don't think they would have said they were "working" if they weren't hoping to get paid at somepoint.

ThaSaltCracka 10-05-2005 09:45 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
hookers do not kick it with random dudes just for the sake of kickin it. Most likely they could tell after a while it was just some bro's out on the town, and not some horny degenerates.

bravos1 10-05-2005 09:53 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
So when these girls agreed to go in the car with you, was it because they were hoping to get merely laid, or to get paid as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

Your kidding right?

[/ QUOTE ]

we brits don't understand hookers ways. we are prudes.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's like a garbage man going to the "office" on his day off just because he likes driving the truck.

Los Feliz Slim 10-05-2005 10:07 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.

The first time I read the word "Gemini", my innner voice said, "Who are these, girls, hookers?"

NotMitch 10-05-2005 10:08 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
We told them about The Chinese. Boris pointed out that Gemini was a trooper to actually drink the Chinese and to pretend to enjoy it. I said “of course she drank it. She’s used to having foul [censored] in her mouth.”

Boris deadpanned “Well, I guess you’re right. The Chinese is nothing compared to rotten spooge.” He had a point there.

[/ QUOTE ]

How would he know unless he has experienced both?

partygirluk 10-05-2005 10:11 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Well, here is what bothers me:

Hookers get picked up by guys, but don't state they are whores. Guys get slag back to his place for a good honest game of how's your father? A couple of satisfied hours later he lies back in contentment, only to hear her say

"Cheers luv, that will be $200".

How can hooker expect to get paid if punter didn't know she was on the game?

I was actually really worried about this when I went to Vegas - say some hot girl starts chatting me up, how do I know if she is a hooker or not? Seems impolite to ask, potentially expensive not to.

[censored] 10-05-2005 10:14 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Well, here is what bothers me:

Hookers get picked up by guys, but don't state they are whores. Guys get slag back to his place for a good honest game of how's your father? A couple of satisfied hours later he lies back in contentment, only to hear her say

"Cheers luv, that will be $200".

How can hooker expect to get paid if punter didn't know she was on the game?

I was actually really worried about this when I went to Vegas - say some hot girl starts chatting me up, how do I know if she is a hooker or not? Seems impolite to ask, potentially expensive not to.

[/ QUOTE ]

They will try and make the deal ahead of time man, don't worry.

Boris 10-05-2005 10:23 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
This part of the story is incorrect. The conversation never happened. Sucker was just baiting me to make sure I responded.

Boris 10-05-2005 10:29 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
I will freely admit I didn't know they were hookers. However, when Sucker told me what was up I was completely not surprised. I was a bit suspicious when Lisa started massaging my inner thigh in the cab. But I try to find the best in everybdy and in my mind it was totally natural that a sweet little thing like Lisa would want my cack.

The funniest part for me was when we were at the Buddha Bar and Lisa, sensing we are not money, starts feeling the urge to earn. She says something about having a room in the Marina for the night. I was like "yea I hear ya honey. But I'm gonna stick around here." She gave me her phone number but unfortunately for OOT I lost it.

The entire experience was my first close encounter with whores. It was funny but also a little bit sad. These two girls couldn't have been older than 23 and their lives were pretty much focked already. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

Boris 10-05-2005 10:36 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
From rumors I've heard, if the hooker knows you are rich or famous they will screw you first before essentially blackmailing you for the fee. If you're just an average joe, you come to an agreement for services before the deed is done.

J_V 10-05-2005 10:41 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
No way Diablo could get a real chicks that fast, so they were obviously hookers if they approached the Big D. That should have been obvious to everyone but Diablo - who obviously had no idea they were hookers until you told him.

Boris 10-05-2005 10:46 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Boris: What’s up, man? These chicks are awesome! We are so getting laid tonight!
Sucker: Well, you are.
Boris: Why do say that?

[/ QUOTE ]

not exactly. I'm way too cool to say that.

Matt Flynn 10-05-2005 10:50 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Aiight that's enough. I will come to S.F. in early March, take an afternoon to write your damn thesis for you, then we hit the City. Just give me your publications in advance so I can pick words like "and" and "then" to string them together.

Steaks or sushi, your choice. Bring your liver. Also, start working out. I'm slim but after you carry me a mile I get heavy.

ThaSaltCracka 10-05-2005 10:54 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
hahaha, you really think someone would pay a hooker AFTER they have had sex with them? Haha, thats like getting someone drunk, and then charging them. Just leave and/or kick them out, what are they going to do, call the cops?

brassnuts 10-05-2005 10:56 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
hahaha, you really think someone would pay a hooker AFTER they have had sex with them? Haha, thats like getting someone drunk, and then charging them. Just leave and/or kick them out, what are they going to do, call the cops?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, they could call over some crazy motherfucker with a gun and nothing to lose. This is why you never get a hooker to come to your place.

ThaSaltCracka 10-05-2005 10:56 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
hahaha, you really think someone would pay a hooker AFTER they have had sex with them? Haha, thats like getting someone drunk, and then charging them. Just leave and/or kick them out, what are they going to do, call the cops?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, they could call over some crazy motherfucker with a gun and nothing to lose. This is why you never get a hooker to come to your place.

[/ QUOTE ]true.

Ray Zee 10-05-2005 11:16 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
so you guys go out--pick up some hookers--and still cant get laid--- so sad.

brassnuts 10-05-2005 11:23 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
so you guys go out--pick up some hookers--and still cant get laid--- so sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me think... wait... hold on... yea... yeah...

Ray Zee just completely owned this thread.

J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 11:29 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
You got it, my man. Should I get one of those baby backpack things for you? I think you'd about fit, and it'd make my job a hell of a lot easier.

J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 11:29 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.

J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 11:30 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
If you want to lie to yourself, go ahead. Of course in hindsight, it was obvious they were hookers, but at the time, everything seemed as normal as any other day in my life.

J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 11:31 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Pretty much. We are all lost without you, old wise one. Next time, you can buy the hookers.

J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 11:32 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
How many times do I have to tell you: Who cares? They're CRACK-WHORES!!!!!!

J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 11:33 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Good point, JV. My powers of inference weren't going too well for me at that point, due to all of the booze.

J.A.Sucker 10-05-2005 11:34 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
It's all about the chase.

Boris 10-05-2005 11:37 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
Bro. seriously. I didn't really say that did I? I didn't think so.

Levi King 10-05-2005 11:50 PM

Re: Another night with the Sucker, et al.
First off, I have had more of The Chinese then I would care to admit. Let me know when you catch up to me and I'll start drinking it again. As mosta said in another thread, it tastes like an old leather shoe soaked in rubbing alcohol. I think it has a little sweet and sour sauce mixed in for good measure, and not the quality sweet and sour you get down the street at Yuet Lee, but more like the sickly sweet stuff you get at the Panda Express.

Now that I think about it, I could go for a little Chinese. I'm headed back there tomorrow night.

An important note is that Diablo and I had done a fair bit of drinking before you guys got there. In the hour or so while we waited for your train to get in we managed to polish off a beer and a couple of martinis. That's a good base to start with.

Here's what I want to know - was the cabbie in collusion with the hookers or not? I mean, it's hard to imagine that he was, but it's harder to imagine that the whole thing was coincidental. Particularly because I don't think that that was the most direct route to the Buddha?

The bar we went to after was Amante. We met Haake there. My memory is hazy at that point. I didn't remember, until Boris reminded me, that I bought a drink for this gorgeous Scandanavian girl who then immediately left with the drink in hand to go sit next to Boris. Now, it's not like I expect that buying a drink for a fine Scandanavian chick such as her means she needs to f me, but it seems like some conversation is in order at the very least. Then again, given my state maybe she did try to talk to me and found that I couldn't annunciate or form complete sentences. Or maybe I just kept staring at her breasts and drooling. Regardless, I think Boris said something to her, because about ten minutes later she came back over to inform me that she was married. That's cool I guess.

All in all a good night. Let's do it again soon, fellas.

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