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LALDAAS 09-30-2005 11:29 AM

Any meat heads here?
I dont want to be a meat head but i deffinately want to be bigger.

Ok so I just turned 27 yrs old!

I am not old but I am not to young any more. I feel if I do not attempt some thing now it will never happpen.

I am 5' 11" and weigh around 185 and modest athletic build.

I would like to say I have peks but lets face it I am only kinding my self I really have man boobs.

My man question where to start asside from the obvious answer to go to the gym, Which I have sarted along with recently quiting smoking..

My little brother buddy was a 6 foot twig his whole life and in the matter of 6 months he is now completely jacked.

The kid must have gone from 170lbs to 280. With 3% body fat.

So I asked him "whata ya frigin roiding" He said he got his hands on some frigin harmon "HGH". I am not sure what it is but all I know is it requires some sort of regular injections (*Shivers at the thought)

So I am wondering if there is some alternate route via diet, supplements and vitimans.

I might even be interested in some oral form of the this (If safe) HGH.

I am not looking for a get big quick deal if hazards to my health but something that will show results in some sort of timely manor.

Can any one point me in a direction where I wont become a fat old bastard by the time im 30-35.

Brainwalter 09-30-2005 11:31 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Learn English instead.

Shajen 09-30-2005 11:32 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
HGH is Human Growth Hormone.

Bad stuff, real bad.

Stay away from it.

Get your "pump" the old fashioned way. Earn it.

STLantny 09-30-2005 11:35 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Your little brothers buddy is a complete and utter moron.
1. It probably wasn HGH, just riods, real HGH is WAY WAY to expensive, and not worth it.

I hvae no problem with using gear, but if you dont have A LOT of training years under your belt its not worth it.
Go to Learn to eat right, and workout right first, before you even look at your first supplement.

LALDAAS 09-30-2005 11:38 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Learn English instead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your a tool. This is a frigin message board. I am finished with school and come here to screw around when at work. The last thing on my to do list is check my grammer and spelling.

If you do not have anything to add blow me.

JihadOnTheRiver 09-30-2005 11:41 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
From the resident meat head:

Steroids and HGH are way over-rated. Lift 4 days a week, do cardio 5 days. Take creatine in the appropriate cycles for the first 3 months. Supplement a normal healthy diet with a protein supplement. There is no substitute for sweat though. GL.


jakethebake 09-30-2005 11:43 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
I've said it 100 times.

Squats, Bench Presses, Deadlifts. 5x5. Three times a week.

STLantny 09-30-2005 11:44 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
From the resident meat head:

Steroids and HGH are way over-rated. Lift 4 days a week, do cardio 5 days. Take creatine in the appropriate cycles for the first 3 months. Supplement a normal healthy diet with a protein supplement. There is no substitute for sweat though. GL.


[/ QUOTE ]

Jihad, have you ever used gear? Do you know fi there is anywehre online that we can still buy 4-AD-ec, and 1-test?

xadrez 09-30-2005 11:45 AM

Re: Any meat heads here?
There are a lot of people on the board who know a lot about lifting. Ill give you my 2 cents in the simplest way possible.

Do 5 exercises. Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Pullups, Dips. Do some sprints or FAST jogging on your off lifting days.

Eat a good amount of lean protein. About 1 gram per pound you weigh.

This has kept me in decent shape, Im 27. I love to eat and thus am not "totally ripped" but im not a fat ass, and I dont diet (i do stay away from total junk however, soda, chips, candy).

leehrat 09-30-2005 12:18 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
experienced meathead here..

your focus now, esp. considering we're getting into fall, needs to be a clean bulk. this means eating above maintenance calories from quality food sources while lifting heavy with a proportionally small amount of cardio (elliptical trainer, stationary bike, etc) on the side. go to for more help on workout routines, etc. t-mag is a complete joke. focus on cutting in early spring once you have some muscle mass.

and whoever suggested 5x5, that is not at all suitable for his goals. he doesn't want to be a fatty powerlifter. shoot for 9-10 reps per set to gain visible muscle mass and a nice shape, which is what you're looking for.

to the person who said hgh is "too expensive" that is ignorant blather. it is not too expensive, is available only in injectable form, and is quite effective, particularly for bodyfat loss. however, i would never touch it, nor would i touch even the lighter anabolics (anavar, winstrol, primo, etc) without solid workout consistency for at least a few YEARS. and even then I personally wouldn't touch those substances.

if you're brother's doing this, good for him, but you should not. bodybuilding is a lifestyle, not something you just do for a few months and expect immediate results. make sure he has some clomid and or nolva on hand to get his balls back post-cycle. good luck with your workouts man

STLantny 09-30-2005 12:23 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
experienced meathead here..

your focus now, esp. considering we're getting into fall, needs to be a clean bulk. this means eating above maintenance calories from quality food sources while lifting heavy with a proportionally small amount of cardio (elliptical trainer, stationary bike, etc) on the side. go to for more help on workout routines, etc. t-mag is a complete joke. focus on cutting in early spring once you have some muscle mass.

and whoever suggested 5x5, that is not at all suitable for his goals. he doesn't want to be a fatty powerlifter. shoot for 9-10 reps per set to gain visible muscle mass and a nice shape, which is what you're looking for.

to the person who said hgh is "too expensive" that is ignorant blather. it is not too expensive, is available only in injectable form, and is quite effective, particularly for bodyfat loss. however, i would never touch it, nor would i touch even the lighter anabolics (anavar, winstrol, primo, etc) without solid workout consistency for at least a few YEARS. and even then I personally wouldn't touch those substances.

if you're brother's doing this, good for him, but you should not. bodybuilding is a lifestyle, not something you just do for a few months and expect immediate results. make sure he has some clomid and or nolva on hand to get his balls back post-cycle. good luck with your workouts man

[/ QUOTE ]

In my area HGH is much more expensive than a cycle of gear, and Id rather do gear anyway. And you suggestino that he bulks up, when he has no training experienec is retarded.

leehrat 09-30-2005 12:29 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
yes, i am suggesting that he bulks up since he most likely has no appreciable muscle mass at this point. you bulk first, and then cut later so you'll look strong and lean rather than a scrawny but ripped heroin addict.

yes, hgh is more expensive than most gear (certainly not anavar), that's common knowledge. way, way more expensive for a 3-month cycle? no.

PoBoy321 09-30-2005 12:38 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Definitely add some weight first. Put on like 15-20 lbs or so, but try to get some lifting in while you're doing it. When I was much more into weightlifting than I am now, my regimen was squats, olympic lifts (cleans and snatches), incline press, bench, 10 reps, 5 sets. However, I basically went on a yearly cycle with the school year and would start off doing 10x5, then 9x5, 8x5, 7x5, 6x5 then power lifting which would be 5 sets, 5 reps, 4, 3, 2, 1, increasing the weight each time.

JihadOnTheRiver 09-30-2005 12:49 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
no i haven't. the only thing i've ever used is creatine and free weights. i actually think creatine is overdoing it generally, but after a long break, or if i hit a wall, i will use it to jump start everything. i have a lot of friends who are pill-heads and use everything that they can get their meat hooks on, but i think the pharms are ripping everybody off. it seems that some people lack the understanding of how far a good work ethic can get you.


JihadOnTheRiver 09-30-2005 12:52 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
And you suggestino that he bulks up, when he has no training experienec is retarded.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is correct. that advice will get you a very fast injury

JihadOnTheRiver 09-30-2005 12:52 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
I've said it 100 times.

Squats, Bench Presses, Deadlifts. 5x5. Three times a week.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is incredibly bad advice. please don't take it.

LALDAAS 09-30-2005 01:04 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
experienced meathead here..

your focus now, esp. considering we're getting into fall, needs to be a clean bulk. this means eating above maintenance calories from quality food sources while lifting heavy with a proportionally small amount of cardio (elliptical trainer, stationary bike, etc) on the side. go to for more help on workout routines, etc. t-mag is a complete joke. focus on cutting in early spring once you have some muscle mass.

and whoever suggested 5x5, that is not at all suitable for his goals. he doesn't want to be a fatty powerlifter. shoot for 9-10 reps per set to gain visible muscle mass and a nice shape, which is what you're looking for.

to the person who said hgh is "too expensive" that is ignorant blather. it is not too expensive, is available only in injectable form, and is quite effective, particularly for bodyfat loss. however, i would never touch it, nor would i touch even the lighter anabolics (anavar, winstrol, primo, etc) without solid workout consistency for at least a few YEARS. and even then I personally wouldn't touch those substances.

if you're brother's doing this, good for him, but you should not. bodybuilding is a lifestyle, not something you just do for a few months and expect immediate results. make sure he has some clomid and or nolva on hand to get his balls back post-cycle. good luck with your workouts man

[/ QUOTE ]

In my area HGH is much more expensive than a cycle of gear, and Id rather do gear anyway. And you suggestino that he bulks up, when he has no training experienec is retarded.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wouldnt say I haven't had "any" training. I use to wreastle in high school which was 8 yrs ago which required me to workout everyday but havent even walked in to a gym in 5 yrs.

A long time yes but I can still see some of the results from years ago.

I also have not have had my ass parked in a office chair in front of a pc all day.
I do work for UPS which does require alot of physical labor.Which is not working out or wieght tranning but it does keep me in some what reasonable shape.

Blarg 09-30-2005 01:41 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
I hope you don't get your idea of "timely" putting on muscle as anything remotely like what your brother did.

That said, you can make good gains in the first few months of starting a fitness program. But then it slows down, and quite a bit.

Your goals are not too clear, so you have to specify. Do you not want to be a fat old guy in a few years, or do you want a specific body type or capability. In other words, do you want relatively lean proportions, or do you want to be really bulky? Do you want fantastic endurance, a combination of strength and endurance, pretty much pure strength? There will be trade-offs in benefits you have to make, depending on your goals. You will not be running marathons if you want to weigh 280 pounds, etc.

That much said, you will want to start off with general physical preparedness(GPP) first. Get some flexibility going with some stretching, get some cardio going, build some strength. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups and one and two-legged kneebends(the one legged ones are HARD for most people), pull-ups, dips, and crunches can get you a tremendous amount of physical fitness, and are the best way to start. Jumping rope or power walking, biking, jogging, or swimming can get you some aerobic capacity and endurance.

What you don't want to do is get into the typical bodybuilder routine, especially right away. You want to work up your full-body general conditioning, and stay away from isolation exercises, like the gym rats constantly curling 20 pound dumbbells.

After establishing a physical baseline for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, you can start to specialize toward your particular goals. Your body will be more ready to do what you want without getting injured or pooping out at even light work-outs.

Keep in mind that no matter what you do, the main goal is actually to avoid injury. You can work hard and get in great shape without being careless or stupid, or spending your time recovering rather than working out. Health and fitness are the overall goals, not being gung ho.

Tell us your goals, and we can better tell you how to head toward them.

STLantny 09-30-2005 02:30 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Start at a maintenence program. around 3k cals or so, for men per day, this will keep you from forming bad habits, adn also, this is one fo the only points you can gain muscle and lose fat, so if you are staying hte same weight, while changing your diet and workouts, it is a good thing. Or just go to like I said, and start reading.

J-Lo 09-30-2005 04:48 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
i'm an ectomorph by genetics... in HS i was 5'10" 120... i ran cross country+track. After HS i decided i wanted a bit o muscle. Tried a few different routines. But the one that worked best for me is doing exercises that work compoudn muscles. Like others have suggested, work your torso+legs. Do NOT work your calfs, bi, tris, forarms etc... save those muscles for later (6 moths to 1 year later)

I would usually do squats, pullups, bench press, military press (learn to do these right, u can REALLY mess up your shoulder-- i never got hurt but i've heard of other people), rows (these work your back, seated or pseudo standing are both fine). the main idea is that when you work your chest (bench press) your triceps also get a workout. When you work your back your biceps do alot of work too. When you squat your whole lower body gets worked. Also, A MUST, put in an ab + lower back routine in there-- another way to prevent injuries.

3 years after staring anything serious i weigh 180... still abit o fat. I can bench a bit more than my weight but now much... Also, i worked out my entire body only 2 times per week. Now i've gotten lazier (read last 1.5 years) and workout once per week. Havne't lost strenght but haven't put any on either... O and i've been 180 for the last 2 years.

Another important factor is diet... what worked for me was eating ALOT. I'd have a 1.5 egg breakfast, peanut butter sandwiche(s) for lunch, afternoon snack of chicken, come back form workin' out and eat more chicken+fruit+veggies, before bed (this might be bad) i'd have a egg and cheese sandwich. ALOT of calories... now i eat 3.5 meals per day like a normal person. IT IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGEL.. not something u do overnight.

MyTurn2Raise 09-30-2005 09:09 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Does anybody know if Ed Norton used a bodydouble in American History X? If not, I want to figure out what he did to get his body ready for that flick.

STLantny 09-30-2005 09:11 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Does anybody know if Ed Norton used a bodydouble in American History X? If not, I want to figure out what he did to get his body ready for that flick.

[/ QUOTE ]

He used roids, at least that is what all the rumors say.

Tron 09-30-2005 09:12 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Does anybody know if Ed Norton used a bodydouble in American History X? If not, I want to figure out what he did to get his body ready for that flick.

[/ QUOTE ]

Start by getting a swastika tattoo.

Blarg 09-30-2005 09:19 PM

Re: Any meat heads here?
Not hard to believe. He was skinny as hell in Rounders. The last guy I could remotely picture looking buff.

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