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09-21-2005 05:25 PM

Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
Another member started a thread asking a question similar to what I had hoped to ask of the 2+2 community; what is the best way to go about becoming a true student of poker (before his attitude got out of hand…just kidding, Smokey) [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Nonetheless, the wealth of information here is overwhelming (yet refreshing). I have trolled these forums for quite sometime, and I was finally ready to create an account a few weeks ago (had some issues that Mat helped point me in the right direction).

So before I lay out my self-made study plan, I’ll let you know where I am at in my poker playing and ask a few basic questions…

I have been playing poker for about 30 years (started at the age of 5 on my grandfather’s lap in his weekly home games), so have always been around cards and all games for that matter (competitive chess, backgammon, hell...$25/game Stretego and Risk in the old days) [img]/images/graemlins/ooo.gif[/img] …did well at crazy home games (my favorite was “deuces and jacks, the man with the axe, and a natural pair of sevens,” where 2s and Js were wild, natural 7s automatically win) [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] We played low-hole, roll your own…jacks or better, trips to win…you name it, we played it...3-card guts was another favorite of mine…it was only with the Hold’em explosion that my interests were peaked to learn this new game.

I have been at it for a little more than a year…always play low-level single and multi tournaments ($10-$50+entry), and I play cash games on the $50 and $100 NL tables. This is done mostly online, but I do play back in NY (Turning Stone) every other month or so when I go home; again, I play the $100max NL table and low-entry tournaments for live experience.

I’ve took down a 2,500 person tourney just last Sunday…had a few 1st places before when I was active…feel like I own the $10 single tables, placing in the money about 80% of the time (going to get my stats started soon for more accuracy)….about 50/50 on the $20 single tables, but still large fluctuations there….could win 4 in a row taking 1st, throw in a few 2nds and 3rds, then go 7-8 without hitting the money again…the trend is up, but I think this is where I need to be for quite sometime until I feel I could login and take them down on command like the feeling I get on the $10 tables.

I feel like I have corrected sooo many mistakes I made when I first started…no longer over-value A x<10 offsuit in the early positions, et al….tightened up and play quite aggressive when I do see a flop. I am not afraid to make people pay for the draws…would say that I have an average feel for the game now having played quite a number of hands in my 1st year.

That said, I recognize a number of leaks that I am still trying to work on. For example, playing out of the blinds with a raise and when to raise out of the blinds…reading Slansky’s Hold’em for Advanced Players now and have a better understanding, but still need a lot more time and experience to grasps the concepts until it becomes second nature.

I still need to learn all my odds and % of hitting certain hands (bought Yao's book for this, but not as much math in there as I had hoped...but haven't read it all yet), odds of improving to the best hand, etc, etc…still need to reduce some of my calling and increase my raises (not a calling station by any means, but I think I try to see cheap flops from the middle positions a bit too often with medium 1-gap or suited connectors…)…lots to work on, but at least I have had enough hands that I can see that AJ-off is not the crown jewel I once thought it was…especially with a raise and a re-raise in front of me [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

Another leak that is improving is my semi-bluffs. Admittedly, some of my semi-bluffs or cold bluffs did not make a whole lot of sense. Moreover, I was not semi-bluffing at optimal times, so it seems (again, reading H for Advanced Players now and great chapter on this)…never really considered the J top card vs. 10 top card on the semi bluff…as simple as one having more overcards and straight draw opportunities than the other…simple things like this were never a consideration for me before, thus costing me precious bets.

I pulled out about $7K last year from PP with an average amount of play (couple hours a day here and there…much longer on the weekends, etc)…had a $.25 quarter in the account after I lost the $300 I left in there after the withdraw…every time I take a lose like that, I pull back and figure out why. That said, I was not ready to load the account with the $500 I planned to get casual again until I finished some more studying, so I added $79.75 back in the account to give me $80, which I figured to be (5) $10 tourneys and (1) $25NL session. This was a 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I parlayed that into ~$1,400 currently and (before last night’s placing in the 2,500 tourney, I was ranked 184 for the week) : ) So in short, I would say I am just a little better than average but have a long, long way to go until I feel like I know the game…thus the studying begins.

Here’s what I came up with so far...please advise:

I.) Books, Books, Books.

I must confess; I have bought most of the books, but have yet to work through the whole book before I grab another trying to assimilate everything (every time I won a $20 tourney, I would buy a book…told my wife that I don’t have to read them; just buying them has improved my game) [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] …mostly bathroom work up to this point…while doing some business in the office, I would read a chapter in, say Super System…then after a week or so, I would grab a different book and replace with, say, The Theory of Poker….always hopping all over the place.

Now, I am going to work through one at a time and make note cards…keep a binder of notes…write down every single important concept I need to go over constantly…

I am starting from the beginning (without my list in front of me, I will rough it here):

1.) Theory of Poker (Sklansky)
2.) Hold 'Em Poker (Sklansky)
3.) Hold’em Excellence (Carson? I forget)
4.) Winning Low Limit Hold’em (Lee Jones)
5.) Small-Stakes-Hold’em (Sklansky)
6.) Weighing the Odds (Yao)
7.) Hold’em Poker for Advanced Players (again, Sklansky…noticing a trend here)
8.) Super System (Brunson)

9.) Tournament Play for Advanced Players (yea, you guessed it)
10.) HOHE Part I (Harrington)
11.) HOHE Part II (Harrington)
12.) Book of Tells (Caro)

II.) Software

I will finally pony up the money to register poker tracker, so I can track more games than the 1,000 the free trial is limited to….

I plan to make a series of Excel sheets to track my bank roll; I also want to do some sheets to track certain things like, say, tourney play: # of bluffs, # of semi-bluffs, # raises, #calls, #of re-raises, etc, etc. I want to take some stats from poker tracker, like position and hands win/loss% rates…graph some trend analysis…things like that.

III.) Bonuses

I am still going through the information in the forums, but I want to devise a plan for maximizing bonuses while just starting out again…like to find 2,3,4 sites that are well-respected around here and play the old 0% credit card type of games, moving my money from site to site trying to get as many bonuses as I can to build bank…still looking into this, so could use some help

Also, this rakeback concept is new to me, so going to read up on it this week and see if I can figure it out…which sites…how much…etc…figure all this out before I create any accounts on the poker sites themselves…all new to me still

IV. Misc Ramblings

I want to figure out when it’s time to move up…at first, I was taking it from a money perspective, insofar as once I hit $500, go to $20 single tourneys and $50NL tables; at $1,000, I go to the $100NL and the $50 single table, etc…but I am finding this approach to be flawed, as if I move up too fast, I can’t maintain that level and end up back where I started (with less bank)…so trying to come up with a progression plan, but could use some help there, too.. : )

Also, should I be playing more spread games? I planned on reading my limit books before I even jump into spreads, as there are a lot of strategies (when the three-bet, etc) with which I am not familiar and hate to waste bets. I started with NL because I still haven’t gotten over my hate of the river, given that I usually enter a pot with the best hand or a strong potential to improve to the best hand…of the mentality that people will gladly pay $2/$4 to see the next card that can beat me, but the propensity to call $59.85 to see the next plays into my style of play…but in thinking about, it’s the guys who are willing to pay the $4 to see the next card that will add to my bottom line when I lean how to play spread games….so I should jump into spreads in the not-too-distant future, right?

Lastly, I checked out the ‘Terms and Conditions,” but the link was broke (last time I checked)…some of the acronyms around here are unfamiliar…MP I assume to be middle position, but a moderator posted (OC and MJ and others) some I cannot figure out…like to use the jargon for subsequent posts with hand analysis.

Is Mat and David Sklansky related? I assume Mat is the son of Dave? I did a bunch of searches, but cannot get my queries to yield the answers I seek : )

In short, does my plan seem too obsessive compulsive…things I should change…sites I should check out…books to read…software to play with…things to do…what improvements to my lesson plan can be made at this juncture?

Jacob_Gilliam 09-21-2005 06:07 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
First off, damn that was long. O.K. you need to first learn how much you're winning and losing. Pokertracker should tell you that. Second, pick one form of poker(Limit, NL, Tourneys, S&Gs, etc.) and just work on that. You'll make more progress if you just focus on one thing rather than a grab bag of games. After you've mastered one, you can try out another.

The thing with books, you don't need to read a million of them for poker. Just get a couple of the best titles for the type of poker you want to play (yeah, they're mostly 2+2 books) and reread those over and over again.)

Go to if you want to know everything under the sun about different poker bonuses and whether they are worth doing.

Moving up: Go to the different forums here of the games that you play. This question gets asked every couple of days, and it's different for each game.

That's it from me for now.... Good Luck!

Student 09-21-2005 10:43 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
I work with my 30 poker books in the same way you do! I haven't read any of them from cover to cover, but I explore certain ideas by using all the books as a single research capability.

I would strongly advise that you don't attempt to annotate all your books; life is too short! Learn how to perambulate from book to book, gathering just the information you need for your present preoccupation. Read a chapter here, a paragraph there etc, and then plug that leak!

An extremely public poker player plays in tournaments on TV, and he's admitted to all that he multitables internet poker at his home, in a setup that permits him to keep up with 8 tables at a time. What he doesn't say is that he averages $50,000 per day when playing on the internet. This is NOT SUBSTANTIATED! A fellow in my city claims that he personally had as a daily goal making $1,000, again playing internet poker. Again, NOT SUBSTANTIATED! These stories are intended to encourage, and it really doesn't matter how possible they are. Personally, I'm of the opinion that I could make $100,000 per year within one year of abandoning 1/2 cents NL HE, and some of that is because I don't intend to leave these difficult tables until I know how to win at poker. Then it's just a matter of time to move up the limits to my personal brickwall, and presently I don't have the slightest idea where that wall will come into the picture. But I'm guessing $100K/yr; after all, why not set my goals too high, and then retract them? This goal isn't for publicity purposes; they are merely illustrative of what I think you need to compliment your own progress. Without goals it's pretty hard to know if you're doing OK, or not!

You have mathematical ability. Turn it to your advantage.

Your opening statement didn't mention money management. That's a very serious omission. It's entirely possible that your professional income is vastly superior to your present poker earnings. But with your talents you might easily enough aspire to greatness in poker, and earnings attendent. But don't forget to read the Ed Miller and Alan Schoonmaker articles in Internet Magazine (free here on 2+2) concerning going pro with poker! They will make your toes curl... At any rate, no matter what you do concerning poker, include money management in your considerations. Only with proper money management can you avoid pitfalls, those resulting from attempting to move up the limits too rapidly.

Consider the uselessness of ego in the game of poker...

That's all I noted, as I read your posting. I'm sure there's plenty more to talk about, but that's all for now...


09-22-2005 12:27 AM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
Note that my post adds nothing relevent, read at your own risk.

Wow... Just... Wow. I won 25$ yesterday and ran around my house pumping my fists and yelling "YES"... Im further off than I thought.

aargh57 09-22-2005 10:20 AM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
Just wanted to add a few things.

It looks like your in pretty much the same boat as me as far as books go except I went limit instead of NL. I've got a few others that you don't but you have a few that I don't. FYI, Hold'Em Excellence is written by Lou Krieger (and I didn't find it very helpful although it was the first Hold'Em book I read so I thought it was great at the time).

I think the only book I would add if you want to start playing limit is SSH (small stakes Hold'Em). It's pretty much considered the low limit bible around here and it's written in a very easy to read and systematic format (unlike HPFAP which, although a good book, is a bit clunky to read IMHO.)

As a previous poster said, check out to take advantage of bonuses. Go to the bonuswhores101 guide, there you can find what bankroll situation your in and it will take you through how to get the best bonuses for your bankroll step by step. It will also give you lots of other info on bonuses, namely, hourly bonus rates, reload bounuses, casino bonuses, etc...

Also go to to learn about rakeback. Make sure that you understand about the rakebacks before you do them. Most sites will subtract your bonus from the rakeback so you end up losing out on some good bonuses if you just sign up for each and every rakeback. I believe that rakebackreview has a list of sites that will allow you to do both rakeback and bonus at the same time.

Also, try to look into getting a HUD for your pokertracker. Something like playerview, gametime+, or pokerace. I've used all 3 of these and right now am trying out pokerace. I find it very good and it's free.

Anyway, just keep studying, playing, and good luck.

09-22-2005 11:01 AM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
First off, damn that was long.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am really sorry, but thanks for sticking it out. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] I probably could have made 4-5 separate (and greatly truncated) posts, but wanted to throw everything and the kitchen sink at it (and had nothing to do, so put your tax dollars to good work typing all that drivel out) to give some background info and my self-conceived lesson plan [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

O.K. you need to first learn how much you're winning and losing. Pokertracker should tell you that.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've played with Poker Tracker for a little bit now, and if I bought it, I would check out all the guides and try to use it to its fullest...but after I looked at Poker Office, I am back on the proverbial fence...

I hate the idea of entering in my account info for the stats using Poker Office, but should this steer me away from it? Have you used both...favor one over the other?

I'm with you here 100%...know I am up and always know the bottom-line, but session-wise, I just get a rough feel...want more tracking and deeper analysis that one of these programs offer.

Any more software people suggest? the look of Poker Office, poker tracker seems to kick butt, but a steep learning curve...heard StatKing...some overlays...heard Wilson software to get a few tools to help me save bets...

Second, pick one form of poker(Limit, NL, Tourneys, S&Gs, etc.) and just work on that. You'll make more progress if you just focus on one thing rather than a grab bag of games. After you've mastered one, you can try out another.

[/ QUOTE ]

I always read that's better to start with limit spreads, but as I posted, the no-fold'em-hold'em aspects of the low, low limits doesn't coincide with my play...but I feel I should learn the mechanics of limit and play both NL and one more profitable than the other? I assume NL could be, but has larger swings....perhaps I'll put a few months into spreads and get a little more serious in the 2/4 3/6?

In short, does it make more sense to play one over the other for students of the game? Does one facilitate long-term success more than the other, or give you a more solid understanding of the game? ...seems spreads are more prevalent in casinos that I have been to, so not sure which to spend my time on...prefer NL at the low level, but I could really get into those 30/60 games if I had some money and 4-5 more years of studying and experience under my belt [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] I just feel in less control with lower-limit, but truly do not understand the betting schemes and mechanics of the game...spend little or no time thinking about it (other than I would love to play 20/40 20/60 [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] ), and my results on those tables reflect that, so would quite awhile until I felt I had a grasp of spreads....

If you could start all over (which I am trying to do to build a more solid foundation), would you opt for the spreads of the lower-level Nl tables for your cash games?

The thing with books, you don't need to read a million of them for poker. Just get a couple of the best titles for the type of poker you want to play (yeah, they're mostly 2+2 books) and reread those over and over again.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I hear you on this much overlap I am noticing, but I like that, as it reinforces the idea that this is an important concept I need to master...semi-bluffing is in every single poker book I read, so, as we all know, this is a very important to read these theories from a myriad of perspectives, but the overlap is there...

Go to if you want to know everything under the sun about different poker bonuses and whether they are worth doing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just what the doctor ordered; many, many thanks! I need to digest all that, but as I see it, I could take my current roll from Party, setup an account with a site offering bonuses, play there until it clears, open another one after I clear that bonus, wash, repeat....after a round of the initial deposit bonuses, go around again based on the availability of reloads...this the general premise here?

A question I have, though, is about all these sites that offer Poker. As someone who always thinks there's an angle (my friends call me paranoid; I think of Reagan and his "trust but verify") and look for the angles myself, I am suspect of many of these no-name sites.

Any you recommend? I would do Party...PokerStars has built a solid reputation...Ultimate Bet is well-known...started on Paradise Poker (and have used the sportsbook for year, so trust them), so they get a green light...just not sure of these other sites...Full Tilt seemed solid, but the 100% bonus concerned me [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] ...smelled fishy when I first heard it, though their financials could probably support it.

In short, 4-5 well-respected sites too few to maximize the rounds of bonuses? Also, can't combine rakeback with bonuses, right? If not, I was thinking that I play the bonus game, then in the interim after I do a lap and no others being offered, that's when I fall back to rakeback...sound about right? Do monst players have some rakeback going? This, too, is new to me and not sure about the ins and outs...

I lied, one more on this issue [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] Is it wise to use the micro limits to clear these like most seem to favor, as opposed to just playing my normal games of 25-$50 NL ring or low-level tourney? I guess it depends on the time I commit, but just wondering why most favor the $.10/$.20 type of tables...

Again, thanks for the input, sir...been very helpful.

aargh57 09-22-2005 11:41 AM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
I don't know much about the other programs but PT is very nice and there are some promos that you can get it free from signing up.

The limit vs no limit question gets asked a lot and the responses I've seen is that it really comes down to personal preference. I've heard that no limit actually has less variance than limit but there are still going to be plenty of fish in each one. does a review of how review of each site and tells about how secure there finances are. They also have a list of blacklisted sites to stay away from. I've went through 17 sites (16 on their 101 list) and haven't had a problem with any of them.

A word of caution before you go a whoring. I told you about rakeback in my previous post but I don't think I was 100% clear. While it's true most sites don't let you double dip rakeback and bonus, it's just as true that you won't be able to get a rakeback on a site you already have an account with. The rationale for rakeback is that they give you a % to entice new players to their site. A good strategy is to sign up for rakeback on a skin of each major site. Preferably pick a skin that does will let you do both rakeback and bonuses (again check rakebackreview) or a skin with not as great of bonus potential (like Eurobet for Party).

Hope this helps

09-22-2005 11:42 AM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
I work with my 30 poker books in the same way you do! I haven't read any of them from cover to cover, but I explore certain ideas by using all the books as a single research capability.

I would strongly advise that you don't attempt to annotate all your books; life is too short! Learn how to perambulate from book to book, gathering just the information you need for your present preoccupation. Read a chapter here, a paragraph there etc, and then plug that leak!

[/ QUOTE ]

I like your style! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Maybe review each book and the chapters contained in each, and then make a lesson plan of, say, 10 important concepts, then focus on one a month? For example:

1.) Calculating odds: ..mark each book and its chapter related to each...few notes and concepts...think through these concepts in-game until I feel I have a command of the material, then move on to the next?

2.) could be semi-bluffs
3.) pre-flop play (not in this order, of course)...come up with an ordering that makes sense from preflop to turn to river to betting et al

Sound better than trying to digest every single book written? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

But I'm guessing $100K/yr; after all, why not set my goals too high, and then retract them? This goal isn't for publicity purposes; they are merely illustrative of what I think you need to compliment your own progress. Without goals it's pretty hard to know if you're doing OK, or not!

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand what you are saying here, but I thought of taking the approach of much lower intermediate goals all working toward the same ends...thinking that if I set them too high, I might get a little too froggy and leap up when I shouldn't be and fall right back down to where I was...when off course and not meeting my goals, I might play higher limits...push too hard...and fail miserably.

Right now, I was hoping for input on how to advance and when I crude analysis tells me that until I take down $20 single tables like I do the $10, that's where I should be...any crude measurements I could use? ...something like hitting the money 75% of the time or greater after 50 in a row, or something?

Your opening statement didn't mention money management. That's a very serious omission. It's entirely possible that your professional income is vastly superior to your present poker earnings.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wouldn't say "vastly" [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] , but my government gig does pay the bills...would never consider quitting to play poker full-time unless I felt my game was rock solid, no leaks, and could hang with the best of them (and still pay my bills maintaining the same quality of life)...minimum retirement age is 57 for me, so 22 more years of studying and hope that the game still has some life in it when I get there [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

Money management, though, is the biggest concern for me right now...been setting lower bounds not to cross...if I ever dip a couple hundred and hit the lower bound, I step back, take a poker vacation, and try to figure out the cause...bad play...tilting and throwing good money at bad with terrible plays....trying to get too fancy...over valuing lackluster hands, etc...

But this is related to my "when to move up question." I was hoping for some help devising a method/plan to go from $2K to, say, 5K...which route is best...things to do, etc. From there, where do I need to be (play-wise, table wise, spread-wise) to go to the $10K point in bankroll...etc, etc,

What I do now is funky, but works for me...I play a $10 single table; if I take it down, I have $40 profit...I bank $20 and use $20 on the $20 table...if I money in say, 1st, this is 80 profit...I bank the $20 and use $60 for either 2 more $20s and 2 big cheap multi-tables, or 3 $20 tourneys...sort of make it up as I go along, but a plan is here somewhere...just need to find it [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] Sometimes, I will take the single table winnings and use $50 for the NL cash...if I bust out, I don't play cash until I money in a single table...trying to come up with a scheme (like my old BJ double-the-bet plan...$10...lose...$20...lose...$40...lose...$80.$10) [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] <--thing this is flawed and will just say I no longer play BJ, so moot [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

For money management, I guess, like everyone else, I am just trying to figure out the best way to grow the roll while playing within myself...where I suspect the answer lies.

Am I thinking too much about all this, or have you devised a similar plan/angle of attack to reach your $100k? I could set my goals to $1M in 5 years, but without a map and a game plan, I have no idea the best way to get from point A to point B....I need direction (story of my life) [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Consider the uselessness of ego in the game of poker...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ut oh, I guess by me saying that "I own" the $10 tables could be considered hubris, but I was trying to paint the picture of where I am at so people could help with the game plan I said, I have played cards, though not as long as many here, for 30 years and I am still posting posts like this trying to be a student...I have some hubris, but never on the table during a match and always looking for ways to improve...and always say I have so much ground to cover until I would consider myself better than average...also feel my love of money is holding me back...know the move is to fire $100 at the pot, but I still value $100 too much sometimes to make the move, for example...

Thanks for the input, Dave...I truly value your posts and advice, as a bunch of your threads and have a lot of respect for you, sir....all/any future criticisms/advice/thoughts/game plans are more than welcome. I need a plan! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

09-22-2005 12:43 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
Wow... Just... Wow. I won 25$ yesterday and ran around my house pumping my fists and yelling "YES"... Im further off than I thought.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, you got me....I sometimes do the exact same thing. My wife hates it when I take 1st, as I go out on the balcony to smoke afterwards and review a couple key hands and I do that SNL move....."Superstar!" [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] She just rolls her eyes at my stupidity and questions my stability . [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img]

AASooted 09-22-2005 01:00 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
Also go to to learn about rakeback. Make sure that you understand about the rakebacks before you do them. Most sites will subtract your bonus from the rakeback so you end up losing out on some good bonuses if you just sign up for each and every rakeback. I believe that rakebackreview has a list of sites that will allow you to do both rakeback and bonus at the same time.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's my understanding that playing a bonus on a site on which you have rakeback can only help you. I know at least one site (Absolute) gives the same rakeback whether you're playing for a bonus or not. From what I've read, other sites subtract the bonus from your rake contribution, not your rake rebate. I don't believe it can ever hurt you to have rakeback at a site.

In other words, if you pay $150 in rake at a site where you get 25% rakeback and get a $50 bonus, you'd receive the $50 bonus plus 25% of $100 (the $150 in rake paid - $50 bonus), for a total of $75. Playing for rakeback only would total only $37.50. Playing the same amount without rakeback would get you only the $50 bonus.

I'm new to rakeback, but that's my understanding. Someone please correct me if I have something wrong.

09-22-2005 01:01 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
FYI, Hold'Em Excellence is written by Lou Krieger (and I didn't find it very helpful although it was the first Hold'Em book I read so I thought it was great at the time).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks...I stand corrected. When I wrote that, somehow Krieger came to mind, but I just moved my books from downstairs (wife is sick of them being all over the house) to upstairs and specifically remember writing down Gary Carson for some reason....just checked Amazon. I don't have the Krieger book; this is the one I was thinking of:

The Complete Book of Hold 'Em Poker: A Comprehensive Guide to Playing and Winning by Gary Carson

..skimmed it like the others...seemed to be written in layman terms and had a few things the others didn't have...will hit it a little harder since I bought it, but not hanging my hat on it...seemed like a good book by my newbie standards, though.

I think the only book I would add if you want to start playing limit is SSH (small stakes Hold'Em). It's pretty much considered the low limit bible around here and it's written in a very easy to read and systematic format (unlike HPFAP which, although a good book, is a bit clunky to read IMHO.)

[/ QUOTE ]

...thought I added it to the list. I just got SSH a few days ago [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] And also agree with HPFAP...almost like way too much information crammed into some of the examles...found parts difficult to follow even after 2-3 passes...not difficult concepts, just hard to get a visual on what he's saying becuase he's jumping all over trying to cover everything in 3 pages...but like the book and will spend a lot more time on it...still working the semi-bluff section and I really dig it.

Also go to to learn about rakeback. Make sure that you understand about the rakebacks before you do them. Most sites will subtract your bonus from the rakeback so you end up losing out on some good bonuses if you just sign up for each and every rakeback.

[/ QUOTE ]

...ended up going down the very path you described last night and read that caveat there...about substraction...arrived at the conclusion that I should focus on bonuses first to get up and running before I look more into that and try to understand it...bonus play is cut and dried...rakeback seems less favorable than the bonus play, so will try to figure it out next, thanks [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Also, try to look into getting a HUD for your pokertracker. Something like playerview, gametime+, or pokerace. I've used all 3 of these and right now am trying out pokerace. I find it very good and it's free.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now you're talking nasty...just what I am looking for. I've been reading about the PokerAce (some say Party is not happy with it and scanning for it? Haven't found out for sure, but seems to be frowned upon...but no risk of locking account using it?) but never heard of the others...all overlays that give feed you data realtime? I'll check them all out this weekend and read up on this...very nice...

many, many thanks.

aargh57 09-22-2005 01:44 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
Also go to to learn about rakeback. Make sure that you understand about the rakebacks before you do them. Most sites will subtract your bonus from the rakeback so you end up losing out on some good bonuses if you just sign up for each and every rakeback. I believe that rakebackreview has a list of sites that will allow you to do both rakeback and bonus at the same time.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's my understanding that playing a bonus on a site on which you have rakeback can only help you. I know at least one site (Absolute) gives the same rakeback whether you're playing for a bonus or not. From what I've read, other sites subtract the bonus from your rake contribution, not your rake rebate. I don't believe it can ever hurt you to have rakeback at a site.

In other words, if you pay $150 in rake at a site where you get 25% rakeback and get a $50 bonus, you'd receive the $50 bonus plus 25% of $100 (the $150 in rake paid - $50 bonus), for a total of $75. Playing for rakeback only would total only $37.50. Playing the same amount without rakeback would get you only the $50 bonus.

I'm new to rakeback, but that's my understanding. Someone please correct me if I have something wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

No this is not correct, This is from a post in MrWookie's 6max baby steps thread:;o=14&vc=1

"In order to increase traffic at their sites, poker sites pay affiliates to recruit people. In exchage, the affiliate gets a cut of the rake you pay. Affiliates, then, in an effort to recruit you, frequently pay you a portion of that rake back. The amount of rake you pay in a month is known as your monthly gross revenue, MGR, and your rakeback is computed against that. At most sites, any deposit bonuses you earn, though, counts against your MGR. For example, you pay $525 in rake one month @ 25% rake back, but you got a $100 reload bonus. Now, instead of getting $131 in rakeback, you only get $31. At Absolute, you get the full $131 in addition to your bonus. I might be off here and there in the details, but this is the gist of it. "

So what will happen is that you will end up starting with a MGR deficit with your bonus. If you have a 50 bonus you will be starting at a -$50 rakeback. Do not get rakeback if you plan on bonuswhoring the site unless they do both. Absolute is one of the few that do both.

aargh57 09-22-2005 02:45 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
About PokerAce,

There is a program that was being banned at Party but it's not PokerAce (if I remember correctly). The program in question pooled other PT databases of different users so it was considered an unfair advantage. If someone knows which program I'm talking about, could they tell me?

TCBSTEVE 09-23-2005 04:51 AM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
If your total rakerake is say $100 for the month, this is your mgr. Say youve earned a $50 bonus. Your bonus would come off your MGR, leaving you $50 net MGR. If you had a 25% rakeback deal, youd get 25% of the $50 net MGR.

Student 09-23-2005 03:37 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan???
I'm struggling in an attempt to understand exactly where you are in poker, just as I'm sure you are! But poker is an extremely large topic, and the more we learn about it the larger the topic becomes. So it appears just about insurmountable to you and I, because after all, we are mere beginners. No matter our occasional accomplishments; we are ignorant (untaught), and simply don't understand the full scope of our ignorance. Just as tiny infants learn at absolutely astonishing rates, but are able to communicate none of it to others, we are learning at a faster rate than we'll ever do in the future, yet communication between us and the rest of the poker world is poor, at best! It goes with the territory!

Simply speaking, poker at every level, even my 1/2 cents NL HE level, is just a plucking of the fish by the sharks! Different fish and different sharks at different levels, but still it's a feeding frenzy whereby the sharks compete for the right to eat the fish. It's instructive to me that my 1/2 cents games are constantly served by sharks, who have played with distinction in $2/4 games, for example, but often because of poor money management ended up nearly broke, so here they are in a 1/2 cents game with their single dollar bankroll. They will take that $1 to a few at 1/2 cents (provided they play conservatively enough, and put their ego aside during the process), will then take their $3 to $10 at a 5/10 cents game, etc etc, and one day they will arrive back at the $2/4 game properly capitalized, and older and wiser.

You and I are different from each other, and we have different approaches to levels. I started with $50 April 6th, and bankroll fluctuated between ABOUT $50 and ABOUT $42, perhaps as many times as 4. Of course I was learning as I went, but true beginners are going to develope leaks where advanced players will never touch again. So all of this was simply various expressions of ignorance. The last trajectory took bankroll to $32, as I was employing more aggression in my play. But I reached bottom at a point where I was fundamentally more sound than I'd ever been. I believe it was July 16th (a Saturday) when I had my metamorphosis; the post of mine documenting this event is well-worthwhile reading, as it demonstrates how things can go together very quickly for poker players (hence there is always hope, even for those who perceive themselves as being poker derelicts!). Bankroll went resolutely up to $57, doing the last in probably a burst of $7 in half an hour. Unfortunately, this half hour burst was followed by a wonderful bad tilt, and I ended the day at $42. BUT. I know when I go back to playing I'll use PokerTracker to find causes for my tilt, and this tilt with accompanying analysis will bless my game forever more! Hence I say wonderful bad tilt... Along the way, since I was documenting everything to 2+2, I received gobs of help, especially from Pov and AKQJ10, and not inconsiderably from Sheridan.

I see you as a very bright young man, who never had a good conception of how to build up a great poker game. It just came to you, assisted by reading etc. Unfortunately you didn't have the opportunity to go back-and-forth on 2+2, as you have been doing in threads lately. As you know from that experience, the back-and-forth process brings to bear the considerable poker experience of others, bringing to your attention perhaps too many wonderful avenues, where growth in your game might be obtained. There is just so much time! You should read and reread these answers, to obtain the full measure of learning implicit of what they've offered. Then go back to them and ask direct tightly limited questions of them! Dialogue. Grow. Apply. Think. Share. Teach.

I'm going to run thru some extracts from your post, so I can give specific answers. It's predictable that I'll run out of gas before I spill my speel, but then you should ask more questions. This dialogue is vitally important, actually for both of us. In the process of attempting to organize my thoughts to provide plausible answers, my understanding of the game also grows. For this I thank you in advance!

"then make a lesson plan of, say, 10 important concepts, then focus on one a month"

[/ QUOTE ] I wouldn't put a timeline on each concept. First present the 10 concepts to 2+2, in the most brief form possible. Ask others to help you to decide order of importance of each concept, so you can work on the most important concept first, etc. For each concept, tell briefly why you believe it's important to your own growth, concerning poker. They'll probably tell why some of the concepts are important to their own game, and then just look at what you've started! Then you should use your many books to enrich your understandings. Report back as to where your big breakthrus in understanding happened: book title, page numbers, and what the breakthru consisted of. You will be simply amazed at how quickly your progress will happen! Why do I predict fast progress? Because you're using all the resources available to you: 2+2 experience of others, your teaching capacities, the knowledge of these great authors, a multiplication of your personal effort to extend to dozens of persons (possibly), thinking, playing, teaching, organizing etc. Do I do this? Only to a degree. Do what I say, not what I do!

"hoping for input on how to advance and when I know"

[/ QUOTE ] Reread my second pharagraph above. When YOU believe you've become a shark at a certain level, rather than a fish, and provided you have the 300 to 500 BBs in bankroll so you're adequately capitalized at the new level, then move up in limits. Remember experts occasionally lose big money playing, and rank beginners often win hugely. So results-oriented observations are poor ones. YOU must build a game, and constantly analyze your game to ferret out weaknesses. Luck is a factor, and it obscures just how good we've actually become (or how bad we really are!).

You have it very right when you retrench after some heavy losses. That's the time to read and think, before playing. It's also a great time to ask 2+2 for help. We're simply not able to see the plank in our own eyes, but we can see the speck in someone else's. That's human nature... Finally, back up to the prior level, until you've regained your former successful status.

"minimum retirement age is 57 for me, so 22 more years of studying and hope that the game still has some life in it when I get there"

[/ QUOTE ] Personally I resigned from Sandia National Lab when I was 30. You'll be brain-dead if you sit in the bureauracy for another 22 years. At least you've got enough spunk left in you to attempt learning poker. Work at poker as though poker were going to be legalized in every way here in the U.S. within a year. The explosion of interest, as all major Las Vegas casinos jump onto the internet, will bring another 60 million poker players to the U.S. crop. There will be another explosion of competition among casinos, we'll find fish simply everywhere, and with big bonuses and rakebacks. There might even be a lowering in rake percentage, with all this competition!

I stayed at Sandia 5 years (and actually received a 5-year pin!). I'm guessing that I was working on passing the exit exam after just 2 years. I could see the people around me. They had a job, and that's about all. I had exciting projects all the while I was there, but I still wanted out. So I bought my first duplex the year I went to Sandia, bought the second the next year, and the 3rd year I stepped it up to 30 apartments. By the time I resigned at age 30, I had 118 apartments, and 3 times the income I'd had as a staff member at Sandia.

Set your sights high! As you succeed with poker, you'll also find your government job gets more interesting. They'll respect you more, and they'll give you better treatment. My work at Sandia was wonderful, but I didn't see that others also had neat jobs. I had a great job because I made it that. They just couldn't keep me down, and in 5 years I was history...

"Money management, though, is the biggest concern for me right now"

[/ QUOTE ] Always have way too much money sitting idle than you employ. Error in favor of even greater conservatism, stressing lower limits until you've proven to yourself you're a shark, and not a fish. It's not statistics that you should use to assess whether you're ready to move to higher limits. It's bankroll size related to BB size, and it's the realization you've settled into a deserved role of shark at tables. When you look around you and can name the sharks at your table, and know how each of them function, you're probably a shark yourself! You'll be beating the other sharks occasionally, too. The shark must, at the minimum, breakeven against other sharks, but dominates the fish utterly.

"old BJ double-the-bet plan: $10...lose...$20...lose...$40...lose...$ .$10"

[/ QUOTE ] This is call Grand Martingale. I've used it successfully at blackjack too, and taught others to do the same. It's totally inappropriate to playing poker. Why? Because competent sharks at $2/4 aren't in the same league as sharks at $1/2, and so on down the levels! They've earned their shark status, and know much more than sharks operating at lesser levels. They've earned the power!

Too many people play at the level at which they're incompetent. They can drop down a single level and make excellent money. Part of the reason is the siren song bonuses present. One is expected to believe one can breakeven on play, and still come out way ahead simply because of bonuses. Fine; show me a breakeven player and I'll show you a player who isn't growing! Show me a player who isn't growing and I'll show you a player who is dead.

"have you devised a similar plan/angle of attack to reach your $100k? I could set my goals to $1M in 5 years, but without a map and a game plan, I have no idea the best way to get from point A to point B....I need direction"

[/ QUOTE ] I believe that the cycles Reading, Playing, Thinking and Teaching are a lifelong thing with poker players. They never end, but relative importance of these 4 components change. As one becomes expert, Reading is done more to refresh memory, than to establish first principals. Playing is at ever more challenging levels. Thinking extends to areas never even conceived of earlier. Teaching becomes almost an end unto itself. Notice that most of the best TV players are entertaining writing a book, if not they're actually doing it! Is it the money from royalties? No, JMHO. To organize a book, one that won't be laughed right out of the bookstore, demands organizing one's poker game as never before! So they write books so as to become better poker players.

When I return to playing it will be to get back to competence with 1/2 cents NL HE, and then move capital to $70.00 (3,500 BBs). I'll attempt to figure out whether I'm a shark at 1/2 cents. Do I breakeven against other sharks? Do I trounce fish? Do I understand other sharks?

Then I'll go on to 5/10 cents NL HE. Because my requirements are so large at the 1/2 cents level, I expect the 5/10 cents games will be easy. With $70, I'll have 700 BBs at this level. My next level would then be 10/25 cents, which requires $125 bankroll. So at 5/10 cents I'll have to win $55 more, to add to my $70 entry level. That's 550 BBs more, to a total of 1,250 BBs. This is much less difficult than the move from 1/2 cents to 5/10 cents, and much less time-consuming. Again, I'll come to grips with my relationship to sharks at the 5/10 cents level. I WON'T GO UP IN LIMITS UNTIL I'VE EARNED THE RIGHT TO BE CALLED A SHARK AT 5/10 CENTS!!!

So I'll move one level at a time. 1/2 cents, 5/10 cents, 10/25 cents, 25/50 cents, 50/100 cents, $1/2, $2/4, $3/6, $4/8, $5/10 and $10/20. There will be some backing down, as I realize I'd gone up to the next level prematurely, or because I need to rebuild confidence after some debilitating drawdowns in bankroll.

I see bonuses coming in not before level $1/2. Playing profitably is more beneficial than bonuses, and I suppose that's always true. I don't have a whole lot of respect for one who breaks even at $2/4, and earns $1,000/mon from bonuses. I have more respect for a 50/100 cents player who wins 6 BBs/100 at NL HE! At 1,000 hands/wk he gains just $50 weekly, but his prospects aren't limited! He'll learn how to multitable 4 tables to win $200/wk, and then he'll take on $1/2. Six months from now he'll be making 4.5 BBs/100 multitabling 4 tables at $5/10. That's 4,000 hands weekly, and $1,800/wk (4.5 x 40 x $10). I'd rather be him!

Let's express the $100,000/yr goal as a daily one. Working 300 days/yr (50 weeks times 6 days/wk), this goal is equivalently $333.33 per playing-day. One can go all over the map varying one's personal VP$IP, average pot size won, hours played per day, number of tables multiplayed etc etc. If one is expert, making $335/day can be done using a variety of playing styles. It's just a matter of learning how to play that expertly, and then going about making the income required. The final result must also be a fun thing! Hope this helps...

"Consider the uselessness of ego in the game of poker..."

[/ QUOTE ] Don't take it personally. Playing without ego is something to be strived for. Ego is simply one of the enemies we face. I have no idea how this fits with you, but you surely do!

"feel my love of money is holding me back...know the move is to fire $100 at the pot, but I still value $100 too much sometimes to make the move"

[/ QUOTE ] We need to master greed, fear, impatience, ego etc etc. It turns out good poker is also a good spiritual walk.

This post was much more ambitious than I'd expected. I hope you'll take it apart, breaking it into half a dozen of your own posts, and put up dozens of questions! Why? Because I'll benefit (and so will you!). As is often the case, some of my best posts are in answer to others in their threads. If there a few responses to my post, given that it's hidden away within your thread, I might republish it as my own thread, with some rewriting. But this will be absolutely unnecessary if you take advantage of my post within your thread, and build a number of useful responses, as above.


AASooted 09-27-2005 06:16 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
In other words, if you pay $150 in rake at a site where you get 25% rakeback and get a $50 bonus, you'd receive the $50 bonus plus 25% of $100 (the $150 in rake paid - $50 bonus), for a total of $75. Playing for rakeback only would total only $37.50. Playing the same amount without rakeback would get you only the $50 bonus.

[/ QUOTE ]

No this is not correct, This is from a post in MrWookie's 6max baby steps thread:;o=14&vc=1

"In order to increase traffic at their sites, poker sites pay affiliates to recruit people. In exchage, the affiliate gets a cut of the rake you pay. Affiliates, then, in an effort to recruit you, frequently pay you a portion of that rake back. The amount of rake you pay in a month is known as your monthly gross revenue, MGR, and your rakeback is computed against that. At most sites, any deposit bonuses you earn, though, counts against your MGR. For example, you pay $525 in rake one month @ 25% rake back, but you got a $100 reload bonus. Now, instead of getting $131 in rakeback, you only get $31. At Absolute, you get the full $131 in addition to your bonus. I might be off here and there in the details, but this is the gist of it. "

[/ QUOTE ]

This quote is confusing. He says the bonus is subtracted from MGR, but he subtracted it from the rakeback in his example. I found a thread that talks about it here and another here.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but there seems to be a lot of confusion out there.

aargh57 09-28-2005 09:46 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???

Those were interesting posts and there is a lot of confusion. I was told that a good strategy is to sign up for rakeback on one skin so you can more profitably whore the other sites. Later on if you end up moving up in limits then you can play that site that you have rakeback on. While it's true that you will never "lose" the money you earned while playing on the bonus while having rakeback this assumes that you will keep playing on that site. It's more profitable to clear the bonuses quickly (without rakeback) and then you can eventually move on to the site that you set up your rakeback with. Of course if I'm wrong then I hope someone will please correct me.

aargh57 09-28-2005 10:28 PM

Re: Help me with a study plan (long and probably boring)???
Here's a thread from bonuswhores where this was discussed.

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