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Jedi Flopper 08-31-2005 12:39 PM

What should happen to the New Orleans looters?

ThaSaltCracka 08-31-2005 12:44 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
arrest them?

zipo 08-31-2005 12:50 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
We saw the havoc that looters collectively can wrack upon a city illustrated quite dramatically in Baghdad.

Of course, in a situation like New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, the activities ongoing might be construed as "salvage" rather than looting.

But generally speaking, martial law, shoot on sight, and tagging executed looters where they fall with a bold-lettered sign (e.g., LOOTER) is the way to go.

elwoodblues 08-31-2005 01:08 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Don't waste our valuable, yet limited, resources on something as insignificant (given the context of the disaster) as a property crime. In short, do nothing.

KJS 08-31-2005 01:22 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?

The store owners are not taking a loss here; they are insured. In fact, you could say that by now, any goods they have are owned by the insurance companies. But the insurance companies will not salvage most of them in order to sell, so the goods themselves have no inherent value, IMO. This goes especially for food items. By my way of thinking, they are now valueless items and should be free.

Open the doors of the grocery stores and let people have the stuff.


adios 08-31-2005 01:31 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?

The store owners are not taking a loss here; they are insured.

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Not sure about this but isn't there an issue regarding what damage was caused by the hurricane winds and rain and what damage was caused by flooding as to whether and what people are covered for? My understanding is that most homeowners insurance does not cover floods and separate flood insurance must be purchased to cover flooding. Not sure if this extends to busnisses but I'm guessing it does.

Imagine if you're not covered by flood insurance trying to convince an insurance company that the damage was due to the hurricane and not the resulting flooding.

Felix_Nietsche 08-31-2005 01:40 PM

All the Jails are Flooded

Felix_Nietsche 08-31-2005 01:44 PM

Shoot Them........
Martial law and shooting looters after huricanes use to be SOP(standard operating procedures). As a teenager I would watch the news coverage of hurricane damage and the policy of shooting looters was common place.

I'm not sure why the current state govenors are not doing so.

sam h 08-31-2005 01:54 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Imagine if you're not covered by flood insurance trying to convince an insurance company that the damage was due to the hurricane and not the resulting flooding.

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I'm not sure, but I think that many insurers do not necessarily cover damage from "natural catastrophes" or require additional policies for that. If an insurer did have extensive coverage in the NO area, I can't imagine them not going bankrupt at this point. I smell an enormous government bail-out on the taxpayers' dime...

johnc 08-31-2005 02:15 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
Martial law and shooting looters after huricanes use to be SOP(standard operating procedures). As a teenager I would watch the news coverage of hurricane damage and the policy of shooting looters was common place.

I'm not sure why the current state govenors are not doing so.

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Would you shoot someone coming out a store with a basket of canned goods, camping gear, and water (technically looting)? I couldn't. Obviously the stereotypical looting of TVs and stereos is what most are talking about here but given the circumstances and resources stretched to the limit how is it possible to discern? I also can't see handing that responsibilty over to private citizens who probably won't exercise proper judgement when protecting their property (protection of life is a completely different matter).

vulturesrow 08-31-2005 02:18 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
Martial law and shooting looters after huricanes use to be SOP(standard operating procedures). As a teenager I would watch the news coverage of hurricane damage and the policy of shooting looters was common place.

I'm not sure why the current state govenors are not doing so.

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Sorry, but I cant see shooting someone on sight because they lifted a ******* TV or a can of green beans. My guess it that the governor isnt having this done because he realizes how stupid it is.

jaxmike 08-31-2005 02:20 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Shoot them on sight.

Unless they are stealing vital survival things, then just arrest them.

jaxmike 08-31-2005 02:21 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
But generally speaking, martial law, shoot on sight, and tagging executed looters where they fall with a bold-lettered sign (e.g., LOOTER) is the way to go.

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There is no martial law in Louisiana I don't think.

jaxmike 08-31-2005 02:23 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
Martial law and shooting looters after huricanes use to be SOP(standard operating procedures). As a teenager I would watch the news coverage of hurricane damage and the policy of shooting looters was common place.

I'm not sure why the current state govenors are not doing so.

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Sorry, but I cant see shooting someone on sight because they lifted a ******* TV or a can of green beans. My guess it that the governor isnt having this done because he realizes how stupid it is.

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The Governor is a woman.

Furthermore, I don't think it's stupid. Looting is one of the lowest things anyone can do. It's on the level of child molestation in my book.

elwoodblues 08-31-2005 02:25 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
Looting is one of the lowest things anyone can do. It's on the level of child molestation in my book.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now there's a book that I won't be reading...

elwoodblues 08-31-2005 02:27 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Seriously, do you not think that police have better things to be doing in New Orleans right now than worrying about looters?

Some people are so concerned about upholding the rule of law that they fail to see the forest before the trees. Police officers in New Orleans are needed for other things right now.

vulturesrow 08-31-2005 02:28 PM

Re: Shoot Them........

I agree with you on some things. But the fact that you a) think looting is on the same level as child molestation and b) that you actually think killing someone over what amounts to petty theft is absolutely astounding.

jaxmike 08-31-2005 02:32 PM

Re: Shoot Them........

I agree with you on some things. But the fact that you a) think looting is on the same level as child molestation and b) that you actually think killing someone over what amounts to petty theft is absolutely astounding.

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Maybe I used a bad analogy.

How is this.

Child molestation is the most messed up thing you can do to another human being.

Looting is the most messed up thing you can do to a persons property. (looting as opposed to "normal" theft)

I think killing people for looting is perfectly acceptable. This is a time where lawlessness should be at its lowest and humanity should shine through. However, you have those who seek to take advantage of the tragedy, they should be severly and swiftly punished. I feel the same way about the people who will bilk victims out of their insurance claims in a few weeks/months.

jaxmike 08-31-2005 02:35 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Seriously, do you not think that police have better things to be doing in New Orleans right now than worrying about looters?

Some people are so concerned about upholding the rule of law that they fail to see the forest before the trees. Police officers in New Orleans are needed for other things right now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. But that doesn't mean that if they see looting taking place, they can't open fire.

AngryCola 08-31-2005 02:39 PM

Re: Shoot Them........

I think killing people for looting is perfectly acceptable

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank god you will never be in a position of power.

Yeah, they should open fire on a crowd of people stealing stuff. What universe do you live in? Either you are just saying this stuff for shock value, or you have completely lost your mind. I wish there was a better/nicer way for me to say that, but there's really not.

How in the world can you justify shooting people like that for stealing?
Frankly, your opinion is sickening to me.

johnc 08-31-2005 02:43 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
Martial law and shooting looters after huricanes use to be SOP(standard operating procedures). As a teenager I would watch the news coverage of hurricane damage and the policy of shooting looters was common place.

I'm not sure why the current state govenors are not doing so.

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Sorry, but I cant see shooting someone on sight because they lifted a ******* TV or a can of green beans. My guess it that the governor isnt having this done because he realizes how stupid it is.

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The Governor is a woman.

Furthermore, I don't think it's stupid. Looting is one of the lowest things anyone can do. It's on the level of child molestation in my book.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are we destined to repeat the mistakes that should have learned from the LA riots where store owners posted gunmen on top of their buildings to protect their property? It created so much more potentially dangerous situations as well as creating long lasting community tensions than the property was worth. Besides, this isn't a third world country where anarchy rules

I'm all for protecting one's safety (I won't hesitate to use any force neccessary to protect myself or my family) but IMO, one life (yes, even a scuzbag opportunist) is worth a hell of alot more than a truckload of TVs or greenbeans.

vulturesrow 08-31-2005 02:44 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
I think killing people for looting is perfectly acceptable.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is something seriously wrong with this mindset.

slamdunkpro 08-31-2005 03:03 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
.....where store owners posted gunmen on top of their buildings to protect their property? It created so much more potentially dangerous situations.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Only for the looters.

zipo 08-31-2005 03:06 PM

Beneficial side effects of Martial Law
As many of you have probably read, we have a crisis in this country, with the poverty rate skyrocketing over the last 4 years of the Bush administration.

As many of you also probably know, most of the people remaining in New Orleans during the hurricane were unable to leave because they were impoverished and didn't have access to transportation, or have anywhere else to go, or simply couldn't afford to leave.

By declaring martial law and shooting looters on sight (presumably, the vast majority of whom are likely to be at or below the poverty level), the Bush administration could both solve the looting problem, and make a dent in that worrying poverty rate.

A little pressure on the Governor from the White House, and voila!

SheetWise 08-31-2005 03:17 PM

Re: All the Jails are Flooded
Good point.
Put them in jail.

hurlyburly 08-31-2005 03:19 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Historically where does the money come from for rebuilding after hurricanes? Is the majority from insurance or Federal funds?

SheetWise 08-31-2005 03:22 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Don't waste our valuable, yet limited, resources on something as insignificant (given the context of the disaster) as a property crime. In short, do nothing.

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Amazing you find property insignificant. That's what the disaster is. People had plenty of time to leave, I assume those who stayed were protecting their property or remaining near the services provided by "things" (like property). People have died protecting their property. To you it is all "insignificant"?

SheetWise 08-31-2005 03:29 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
By my way of thinking, they are now valueless items and should be free. Open the doors of the grocery stores and let people have the stuff.

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I don't think it's "free". They could definitely leave an IOU. Starving is one thing ... what do you do about the guy who decided the flood was a good opportunity to get his fiance an engagement ring?

SheetWise 08-31-2005 03:34 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
I think killing people for looting is perfectly acceptable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. What I find amazing are the number of people who think this is a radical idea.

SheetWise 08-31-2005 03:35 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
Only for the looters.

[/ QUOTE ]


SheetWise 08-31-2005 03:37 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Seriously, do you not think that police have better things to be doing in New Orleans right now than worrying about looters?

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. If they shoot them, they won't have to worry about them.

BCPVP 08-31-2005 03:40 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
Do you honestly believe that petty theft is deserving of the death penalty? How do you square that with the notion that the punishment fit the crime?

zipo 08-31-2005 03:54 PM

Re: What should happen to the New Orleans looters?
>>Do you honestly believe that petty theft is deserving of the death penalty? How do you square that with the notion that the punishment fit the crime?<<

The problem with looting is that it goes beyond theft - it is like a contagion that results in catastrophic damage if left unchecked.

Again, look at what happened in Bahgdad when looting went unchecked - it destroyed not only property and infrastructure, but resulted in a significant (and potentially catastrophic) delay in the rebuilding effort.

Now, the damage in New Orleans is so catastrophic that perhaps the property damage aspect is somewhat moot. However, the concomitant breakdown in social order has resulted in armed gangs roving the streets, looting and in all probability raping and killing with wanton abandon.

Without martial law, this can only deteriorate.

vulturesrow 08-31-2005 03:59 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
I think killing people for looting is perfectly acceptable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. What I find amazing are the number of people who think this is a radical idea.

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I dont find it radical, I find it sickening.

Frills 08-31-2005 04:01 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
I think killing people for looting is perfectly acceptable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. What I find amazing are the number of people who think this is a radical idea.

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I dont find it radical, I find it sickening.

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And if you had evacuated and your house is destroyed...I imagine you would be fine with hoodlums going through and taking all your valuables.

vulturesrow 08-31-2005 04:04 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
I think killing people for looting is perfectly acceptable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. What I find amazing are the number of people who think this is a radical idea.

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont find it radical, I find it sickening.

[/ QUOTE ]

And if you had evacuated and your house is destroyed...I imagine you would be fine with hoodlums going through and taking all your valuables.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wouldnt "be fine with it". I also wouldnt want the looters shot on sight either.

Frills 08-31-2005 04:05 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
So lets lock them up in jail...a jail that just happens to be underwater...

vulturesrow 08-31-2005 04:07 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
So lets lock them up in jail...a jail that just happens to be underwater...

[/ QUOTE ]

Temporary holding could be arranged somewhere Im sure.

johnc 08-31-2005 04:07 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
Only for the looters.

[/ QUOTE ]


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You forgot the store owners when the looters decide to retaliate then or at some point in the future
(it happened).

InchoateHand 08-31-2005 04:09 PM

Re: Shoot Them........
I'm sorry vulturesrow---I know these lunatics are not representative of "conservatives," "Christian values," and numerous other positions they frequently stake out for themselves. Still, its hard for the loony-lefties like me not to tar the whole lot of "you" with their adolescent theatrics.

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