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Emperor 07-10-2005 03:54 AM

Move out or continue to live with parents?
I'm 31yrs old. I have been living with my parents for 2 yrs (post divorce)
I've been playing poker part time for 6 yrs.
It has been my sole source of income for the last 2 yrs.
This year I have averaged $25/hr (I suck)
However I am only averaging 20hrs a week (I suck)
I have about a $15K BR. I am currently playing 5/10full.
My parents can NOT get hi-speed. (actually they get 28K max, and I lose conn at least 2x a day) I think if I had Hi speed I would play more because I could surf/post on 2+2 while playing.

Living on my own would cost:
$400/rent (this is splitting a place with a pool,gym,hispeed)
$600/food/gas (car is paid for)

and whatever else I am forgetting per month.

Should I move out and force myself to work the extra 10hrs/wk it would cost to live away from home? Or should I stay at home and force myself to work the extra 10 hrs on dial-up and pocket the cash?


silkyslim 07-10-2005 04:03 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
This sounds like it is going nowhere.

bpb 07-10-2005 04:05 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Your parents do not want you living with them.

Emperor 07-10-2005 04:06 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
This sounds like it is going nowhere.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was that a for or against?

Thank you for your support

Emperor 07-10-2005 04:11 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Actually my parents want me to get a job, buy a house, marry a nice girl, have 6 kids, and live happily ever after

However, my credit is all screwed up from my divorce. They would be happy for me to stay in their house until I can buy my own.

That really isn't the issue, they sat and cried when I told them I was going to look for an apartment today...

But I can understand the theory of getting out of their house, because it is the right thing to do...

pryor15 07-10-2005 04:23 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
I'm 31yrs old.

[/ QUOTE ]

moving out is +EV

cnfuzzd 07-10-2005 05:43 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
i never thought i would actually be able to say this here, but...

you should check out
they could probably help....


john nickle

Killer Man's Son 07-10-2005 06:44 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Dude, you really need to get out of your parents house. Two years is plenty of time to recover from a divorce (I would think but I'm not even married).

$25/hr is obviously more than you can make at a Burger King or something like that. You didn't mention if you had (past tense being operative here) a profession, but it sounds like poker is the best option for you. So, here is what I would do.

1. Move out and keep expenses as small as possible.
2. Add to bankroll as fast as you can. 15K doesn't leave much of a buffer for life's little disappointments.
3. You really need to put in more than 20 hours a week. I work a 40 hour week and play 20+ hours a week on top of that. Try to play at least 30 hours a week, more if you can handle it

Good luck.

GuyOnTilt 07-10-2005 06:50 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
I'm 31yrs old.

[/ QUOTE ]

I very honestly only read this much. You equals pathetic.


arod4276 07-10-2005 07:01 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
He is a pathetic person b/c of where he lives at a particular time in his life? So much for judging people on what type of person they are....VERY POS comment....arod4276

Dariel86 07-10-2005 07:04 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Move the hell out man. What the hell do you need the cash for if you ain't got a life.

GuyOnTilt 07-10-2005 07:05 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
He is a pathetic person b/c of where he lives at a particular time in his life? So much for judging people on what type of person they are....VERY POS comment....arod4276

[/ QUOTE ]

"I'm 31 and still live with my parents." What am I supposed to think? Yes, there are going to be exceptions, but the vast majority of people to whom this statement applies are going to be pathetic. To be fair, I do not know if he is, but as a rule of thumb, ellipses


arod4276 07-10-2005 07:07 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Emperor..IMHO.. find something you love to do ,,and get to it asap. Poker is a very very tough way to make a living. It seems great now,, but think about at 35,40,50.....Also moving out does seem like the best plan for both the short term, and long run..You will feel much better about yourself,, and your place in life by being self supportive..GL arod4276

arod4276 07-10-2005 07:12 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
IMO you sound alot more pathetic than anybody could ever be based on where they live, by judging someones worth by where they lay their head at night...Sorry to sound harsh, but come on.... how can you be so superficial and shallow?

GuyOnTilt 07-10-2005 07:16 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
IMO you sound alot more pathetic than anybody could ever be based on where they live, by judging someones worth by where they lay their head at night...Sorry to sound harsh, but come on.... how can you be so superficial and shallow?

[/ QUOTE ]

I started to write something defending me, but then realized that I really don't need to. I just ended a sentence in a preposition. Shoot me.


Reef 07-10-2005 07:20 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Here's what I would do:

move out
add casino whoring to my repetoire as extra income

arod4276 07-10-2005 07:23 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
No reason to defend....Many many people in life judge people by such truly important things like,, where and who they live with.. what kind of car they drive,,and what they choose to do for a living.... Nothing wrong at all with being that type of ya say. arod4276

GuyOnTilt 07-10-2005 07:25 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
No reason to defend....Many many people in life judge people by such truly important things like,, where and who they live with.. what kind of car they drive,,and what they choose to do for a living.... Nothing wrong at all with being that type of ya say. arod4276

[/ QUOTE ]

You have no idea who I am. I'm done.


arod4276 07-10-2005 07:31 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
I very honestly only read this much. You equals pathetic.

I never claimed to know anything more than what you volunteer...take care,,arod4276

lehighguy 07-10-2005 09:50 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
You should move out. It has nothing to do with finances. It might get your life back on track.

chesspain 07-10-2005 09:58 AM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Grow up.

sirtimo 07-10-2005 12:17 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
I'm a 31 year old loser. I have been living with my parents for 2 yrs (post divorce) because no woman would think about being with me since I've been playing poker part time for 6 yrs and it's has been my sole source of income for the last 2 yrs 'cause I have no skills beyond those of a pizza delivary driver.
This year I have averaged $25/hr (I suck)
However I am only averaging 20hrs a week because it's so hard getting out of bed before noon.(I suck)
I have about a $15K BR because I'm a cheap bastage who won't even help my poor parents out with rent. I am currently playing 5/10full.
My parents can NOT get hi-speed, and they can NOT get it thru my head to get a damn job. I think if I had an ounce of self respect I would get a life because I could become a productive member of society.

Living on my own would cost:
alot more than I listed but would ease the burden on my poor parents as well as actually give me a remote shot at getting laid by an actual female.

Should I move out and force myself to be a man in the real world of jobs and personal reponsiblity and all that icky hard stuff, Or should I just shoot my self in the head with a shotgun right now, ending my loser existance and freeing the world and my parents from the leech-like drain of resorces I have chosen to be?


[/ QUOTE ]


iluzion 07-10-2005 12:19 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
I'm 31yrs old.

[/ QUOTE ]

moving out is +EsexV

[/ QUOTE ]


sinfulslick18 07-10-2005 12:25 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
moving out will most likely get you moving forward and on the right foot. with either more hours in poker and forgetting about your rough past. good luck with any choice you make tho

ginko 07-10-2005 01:19 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Dude, is this a joke?

Get into school ASAP so you can get a somewhat decent job(you can get financial aid). Keep playing poker while you move out. Your bankroll is huge, move up in limits or cash out most of that.

You need to move out soon, or you will end up like Mr. Skinner from the Simpsons.


aargh57 07-10-2005 01:31 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
I could understand moving back with your parents after a divorce (to each his own) but 2 years seems to be a little long. I'm not going to judge you but I think that moving out would be very good for you. With only 15k in bankroll you would probably have only 10k for emergency/non-poker money. I think you need to get a job if for no other reason than to get insurance. If you're not disciplined enough to play more than 20 hrs/week after 2 years I don't think you can trust yourself to play 30 hrs/week (or more) just because you move out. Perhaps a good plan to have would be to find a job now and move out when your benefits kick in while continuing to play poker in the mean time. If you build up a good slush fund in the future and still want to give it a try then you can always go for it. BTW, don't you have to pay some $$$ to the ex now? How does that work with living off poker?

Bluffoon 07-10-2005 01:46 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Step 1 - Get a job. At least part time for steady income and some bennies and to get you out of the house and socializing.

Step 2 - Move out. Obvious

Step 3 - Continue playing your 20hrs per week.

Baulucky 07-10-2005 01:59 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Diz' iz the kulest pozt dat aivever' red.

SippinSoma 07-10-2005 02:10 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
People are being overly harsh on you, but you really need to move out.

arod4276 07-10-2005 02:12 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
You made the post alot better by responding like a two year old to a seemingly serious question...At least be constructive and call him pathetic.......arod4276

lefty rosen 07-10-2005 02:30 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
You sound like a loafer stay at home....... [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

dogmeat 07-10-2005 02:31 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Is this a joke?

BottlesOf 07-10-2005 02:35 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
$400 Rent, OMFG, how can you not move out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greg J 07-10-2005 02:43 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
I think you have recieved a lot of undue harshness. People go through stuff like depression, have nervous breakdowns, and are sometimes just emotionally fragile. Most of the guys that have slammed you never have experienced divorce. I haven't either, but have seen the emotional devestation it has caused to several people that are very close to me, so I do have some sympathy.

Though much of the feedback you have recieved has been a "kick you while you are down (and trying to get up)" feeding frenzy, I think the overall point of many (not all) of the posts is to actually try to help by providing you with a kick in the ass. 2+2 is infamous for tough love. Maybe it has worked.

I do think moving out is probably a good idea. Playing poker for a sole source of income might not be. It might be best to do the poker as a second job thing. That way you could easily make ends meet, esp if you are a winner at 5/10. Perhaps you could seek out a roommate. If you can, go out on a date. If you can't go somewhere to meet some chicks (or dudes if that is yr thing now).

Do something to shake up yr life for the better. Perhaps take a martial arts class to get some confidence. Or maybe you should take some college classes.

Write down some goals that you want to accomplish in life. Then go after them with all the ferocity you would go after a maniac lag when you flopped top set.

Emperor 07-10-2005 02:47 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Hehe, yah I knew I was going to get lambasted for spilling my guts.
Some more info:

I bought my first house at age 20, in a nice suburb, working for a nice engineering company, and then proceeded to get married to a psycho.

I allowed her to turn my life upside down, she left me financially and emotionally bankrupt. I spent the first year at my parents trying to work things out with her, and fix up my house to sell, which I did. (This basically saved me from filing BK). After finally letting go of her, I have fallen into the teenage rut of living at home, I deserve all of the criticism.

Jobs don't pay anything here in the incredibly shrinking city. I was a MANAGER over 3 MCSE's, and an Inventory clerk, I was making $17/hr. I am nowhere qualified for that kind of position anymore. Playing poker an extra 10hrs/week would more than equal what I could make at a job, even if I wasted 2yrs at school finishing my degree first.

Currently I am playing poker 20hrs a week, AND I am rehabbing a house for resale. (I have a partner who put up the money)

GoT - You are correct, I am pathetic. Slightly more pathetic than you, but not much. How much passive income do you have? Because really that is my guage of success. How much income does one generate WITHOUT working. If thats above $10K/yr for you then I will stfu.

Casino whoring - I whored almost all except the stickies, It distracts me from poker, but I will look into it again

Quarter Life Crisis forums are awesome! [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Thank you for all of your supportive comments. I am moving into an apartment tomorrow, I looked at one yesterday, and I am looking at one later today, I will pick between the two.

lefty rosen 07-10-2005 02:47 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Seriously if you can't average 30 hours a week you got motivational issues. If you are willing to do the roommate thing maybe you should move out as you will be forced to work or play to eat, that can be a good thing sometimes..... [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

Your Mom 07-10-2005 04:29 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
GOT, I don't know you from Adam, but I do know that moderaters shouldn't be calling posters "pathetic." Really lame.

GuyOnTilt 07-10-2005 04:51 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
GoT - You are correct, I am pathetic. Slightly more pathetic than you, but not much. How much passive income do you have? Because really that is my guage of success. How much income does one generate WITHOUT working. If thats above $10K/yr for you then I will stfu.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really have no desire to compare passive income penises with you or discuss how much money either of us make, but I will apologize for my initial comment. I was very drunk last night and shouldn't have said that to you, someone I don't know at all. My apologies.


EStreet20 07-10-2005 04:57 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
GoT - You are correct, I am pathetic. Slightly more pathetic than you, but not much. How much passive income do you have? Because really that is my guage of success. How much income does one generate WITHOUT working. If thats above $10K/yr for you then I will stfu.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude I don't think it's right that anyone talked [censored] about you and I hope you find a way to build up a life and wish you all the luck in the world, but although I don't know GuyOnTilt but from what I know about him I know that as of the second he reads that you will have to, as you put it, STFU.

Take care,

augie00 07-10-2005 05:25 PM

Re: Move out or continue to live with parents?
Should I move out and force myself to work the extra 10hrs/wk it would cost to live away from home? Or should I stay at home and force myself to work the extra 10 hrs on dial-up and pocket the cash?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have an even better idea. Move out, and work an extra 20 hours per week.

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