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LoaferGee12 07-05-2005 02:27 AM

Advice for college
Well in a month and a half I'll be off to Indiana University for the first college year of my life. Let's hear some college tips / advice.

jaxUp 07-05-2005 02:31 AM

Re: Advice for college
It's not that hard. Have some [censored] fun.

LoaferGee12 07-05-2005 02:33 AM

Re: Advice for college
nice start

Edge34 07-05-2005 02:34 AM

Re: Advice for college
Well in a month and a half I'll be off to Indiana University for the first college year of my life. Let's hear some college tips / advice.

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Bloomington freaking rocks. Born and raised there, so i may be biased. Its a small town if it weren't for the college, but there's plenty to do, I mean, its been the #1 party school in the country once or twice i think.

Go to class. Rule #1. You'll have plenty of time to party. Plenty.

Use that time to party. Rule #2. Get the hell out of the dorm rooms. Meet insane numbers of hot chicks. Get drunk. Have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE.

Go to basketball games. IU hoop is still great even without the right head coach. The records may not be impressive, but its IU hoop. Its life in Bloomington. Plus, you can use this in conjunction with the partying and having fun rule.

The first year of college is a time where you can do (and be) anything you want. Take that chance.

UCF THAYER 07-05-2005 02:35 AM

Re: Advice for college
stay in shape.

nothumb 07-05-2005 02:37 AM

Re: Advice for college
1. Always, always wrap it up. Assuming you can get any.

2. Try to get in the habit of doing 1-2 hours of studying in the afternoon. Especially if you have the time between classes and would otherwise spend it loafing. This allows you to get away with those nights where you take a few bong rips and pass out with a bag of dinner mints on your lap.

3. Make sure you know the names of all your professors, and try to make their acquaintance early, sit in the front of the class for at least a week or two. You can always sit in the back and sleep or cut it later if you want to; for Christ's sake at least but in a little real work.

4. If you haven't registered yet, don't be a donk overachiever and take too many classes, or all serious ones. Do that in the spring.

5. Wear shower shoes. I repeat, WEAR SHOWER SHOES.

6. Wear a snazzy suit every now and then just to mess with people.

7. No serious relationships until spring semester, preferably not until sophomore year. Don't be that guy who disappears into some needy girl's vagina and gets forgotten by November. It won't work out.

8. No drinking after 2 PM on Sunday.

9. "I have a boyfriend back home," actually means, "I'll regret this a little bit, but I'm almost drunk enough. You can get away with not calling me since I'll feel a good bit of shame about this anyway."

10. See rule number 1.


brassnuts 07-05-2005 02:41 AM

Re: Advice for college
Good rules. Execpt:


8. No drinking after 2 PM on Sunday.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get it.

ChoicestHops 07-05-2005 02:42 AM

Re: Advice for college
All pretty good advice so far. The best I've seen is getting to know your teachers. Dont suck their ass, but make sure they know you on a name basis. At big colleges alot of times professors will not know name's of half their class.

Study in the afternoon, so you can party at night. Light on the weekdays, hard on the weekends. I learned the hard way my freshman year.

Only thing I disagree with here is getting into a relationship period.

LoaferGee12 07-05-2005 02:44 AM

Re: Advice for college

4. If you haven't registered yet, don't be a donk overachiever and take too many classes, or all serious ones. Do that in the spring.


[/ QUOTE ]

Sh1t :/ I wanna get in to the business school though.

squeek12 07-05-2005 02:52 AM

Re: Advice for college
I can best reply to this by telling you what I regret about my college experience.

1) I didn't allow myself to make enough new friends. I constantly hung out with my old friends from home. I grew up and many of them didn't, and now I don't have as many cherishable memories as many of my classmates.

2) Stay single as long as possible. There are just too many good times to be had to be in a serious relationship.

3) Grades are important, but not as much as building a well-rounded resume. Get involved on campus and in the community.

4) Major in something that you truly enjoy. If you hate what you study in college, you will most likely hate the job that you get when you get out.

5) Live on campus for at least your first two years.

6) Get to be friends with at least a couple of your professors. Many of them are really interesting people and can help pull strings for you when you get out.

7) Don't be "too cool" for anything. If it interests you, check it out.

8) Study and party equally hard.

9) Don't buy books at the bookstore, they can all be found online.

10) Stay in shape. You will have access to a gym for free on for a marginal fee. Take advantage of it.

Edge34 07-05-2005 02:54 AM

Re: Advice for college
IU's business school kicks ass hardcore, but you can get in with good grades, taking 18 credits per semester isn't going to impress anybody. Its been done, you won't be the first or last.

LoaferGee12 07-05-2005 02:58 AM

Re: Advice for college

9) Don't buy books at the bookstore, they can all be found online.

[/ QUOTE ]

Link? -.-

squeek12 07-05-2005 02:58 AM

Re: Advice for college
IU's business school kicks ass hardcore, but you can get in with good grades, taking 18 credits per semester isn't going to impress anybody. Its been done, you won't be the first or last.

[/ QUOTE ]

I took 18 almost every semester until my senior year, when I had 9 in the fall and 12 in the spring. This kicked much ass. I think this is a decent line, considering senior classes are often very intense and time consuming.

squeek12 07-05-2005 02:59 AM

Re: Advice for college

nothumb 07-05-2005 03:05 AM

Re: Advice for college
Good rules. Execpt:


8. No drinking after 2 PM on Sunday.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since you will probably drink every other day of the week for a while, the no drinking Sunday afternoon (which does not by any stretch prevent you from taking a drinking lunch on Sunday, one of my favorite hobbies) gives you pretty much your only chance to prepare for the week ahead. Also you will presumably leave a lot of work until Sunday night. My typical Sunday in college involved getting a pretty good buzz on at lunch, chilling out a little bit, and then doing some work and going to bed.

If you're going to pick one day not to drink on Sunday is the clear favorite. I won't pretend I didn't drink 7 days a week through good bits of college but sober Sunday nights is actually an excellent plan.

However it doesn't mean Sunday has to be an uptight day, usually it was my most relaxed day.


Matt24 07-05-2005 03:10 AM

Re: Advice for college
I graduated from IU in May 04, from Kelley school of Biz with a degree in Entrepreneurship, I've been playing poker professionally since Sept of 04 btw. I second going to bball games and you should tailgate the football games, hell this year you may even go in, the passing attack may actually be fun to watch.

Getting into the biz school is cake, or at least it was. Used to you had to have a 3.0 in 3 classes out of Calculus, Finite, Business Admin(An older guy teaches this who lets you out early and is super cake, easy A, and K101(Excel and other computer stuff). So make sure you take the Business Admin which is X101 so you can subsitute that grade for one of the other 3 in case you suck in one of those others. The X101 is an elective so you arent forced to take it.

Clubs are good to be involved in because they look good on your resume, maybe you should start a Poker club and be president, seems simple enough, clubs arent that much work really. Hell I could guest speak.

I also recommend against living at Sterling Glen unless things have changed, the place is nice, but its so boring over there, its not like the commons, or Hoosier Courts or definately not the Villas, seems like nothing is ever going on, everyone stays in over there.

If going to the bars, see Hairbangers Ball at theluebird and Dave and Rae are usually good too.

Where are you from btw?

Chairman Wood 07-05-2005 03:39 AM

Re: Advice for college
This is all very good advice and you should give a big thank you to No Thumb. But one thing I would advise is step out of your "shell" and try new things. Now that doesn't mean just do anything for the hell of it but if anything sensible interests you explore it and give it a shot. Before I went to college I thought trying new food was adding a few new items to a pizza and a vacation was heading to a beach an hour away and riding jet skis and getting drunk all the time. Now trying new food means eating deep fried grasshoppers or bull's testicles and vacations for fun means hiking in the Andes and for purpose means doing Tsunami relief in Thailand and Sri Lanka. You will meet so many new people, get the hell out there and try ANYTHING new that remotely interests you. Although, I am somewhat biased when I say this and it does go along (for most people) with the idea of doing something new, I would tell you to play rugby!!! I have played against IU, rugby team so I know they have a club and they are somewhat well represented on campus. Rugby has its own sort of "culture" that one would only know by experience. It's a beautiful thing. I was involved in sports all my life but the sports that I played in high school (hockey, soccer, tennis) I had no chance of making the varsity team in college. I found a natural fit at Rugby. It was one of those things where I thought hell it's college I'll try something new and I have been in love with it ever since. Best sport ever. Don't worry either if you think you are too small, there exists a position for everyone regardless of size and shape. As much as I love to promote Rugby though, it is most important that you do get involved in something!!!! Whether it be Rugby, some other club sport, a fraternity, student newspaper, political groups, student government, etc. etc. etc. JOIN SOMETHING and make a big school like IU smaller. You will be much happier that you did.

Reef 07-05-2005 03:40 AM

Re: Advice for college

5. Wear shower shoes. I repeat, WEAR SHOWER SHOES.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't really want to hear the story behind this, but I kind of do.

Macdaddy Warsaw 07-05-2005 03:44 AM

Re: Advice for college
I'm drunk now (why, when drunk is it important to state this) and read the other replies half-heartedly so this was probably said.

Go out and have a good time, no matter how shy you are. Meet new people, make new friends. I was a shy kid my whole life and now entering my junior year I am regretting it more than I have probably rgegretted anything in my whole life. I probably didn't open up until second semester sophomore year (possibly because I had one of those long distance HS girlfriends) Just do it. Don't worry about getting a girlfriend too early, I don't think that should be a concern (companionship = nice, but if she crowds your style, kick her to the curb). Be more concerned about enjoying yourself and doing what you think is fun. You don't need to get crunked/high/stoned/etc. to do this, just go out and experience life and people.


Chairman Wood 07-05-2005 03:49 AM

Re: Advice for college
3) Grades are important, but not as much as building a well-rounded resume. Get involved on campus and in the community.

[/ QUOTE ]
squeek makes some good points and is right one with the one above. Now it depends on your major and what you want to go into but what I am about to say is correct for 85% of college students: Grades are important, but not nearly as important as what you do outside of the classroom that is related to your class. What I mean by this is an A in some course that you take is not as important as going to that same professor's office hours, chatting it up with him, getting a job with him over the summer that will cause him to write you a fat recommendation. The same thing applies with internships and stuff. I have had friends who have had C averages but great internship experience and recommendations galore have no problem getting jobs but people with A- averages and no experience or recommendations having a great deal of difficulty. If business is your thing, get in with your business professor and he should be happy to try to get you in with some company he knows of. If some kind of research is your thing, try to work for a professor during summer months or even during the year. Those types of things are more important than grades.

Popinjay 07-05-2005 05:26 AM

Re: Advice for college
I too am going be a freshman at college next year but I'm at Loyola Marymount in LA. However, I don't drink or do drugs for various reasons (yes I've done both several times). Any advice for me?

handsome 07-05-2005 06:07 AM

Re: Advice for college
Gotta agree w/ the books thing. is your friend.

Meet as many people as you can when you get there. Srsly. After your freshman year it will be much harder making new friends.

ClaytonN 07-05-2005 06:38 AM

Re: Advice for college
Well in a month and a half I'll be off to Indiana University for the first college year of my life. Let's hear some college tips / advice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Two people from my high school (suburb Atlanta) are going there. Cool stuff.

And yea, I'm going to UGA in the fall.

Brain 07-05-2005 06:42 AM

Re: Advice for college

5. Wear shower shoes. I repeat, WEAR SHOWER SHOES.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't really want to hear the story behind this, but I kind of do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we've all heard at least one of these. Let's not revisit those and scar our young friend.

Brain 07-05-2005 06:44 AM

Re: Advice for college
Good rules. Execpt:


8. No drinking after 2 PM on Sunday.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get it.

[/ QUOTE ]

How about no drinking after 7:30PM (or insert appropriate time for your time zone) when the second football game is over?

NoOuts 07-05-2005 07:17 AM

Re: Advice for college
If you drop the soap, it's generally ok to bend over to pick it up.

1800GAMBLER 07-05-2005 07:51 AM

Re: Advice for college
I too am going be a freshman at college next year but I'm at Loyola Marymount in LA. However, I don't drink or do drugs for various reasons (yes I've done both several times). Any advice for me?

[/ QUOTE ]


dcasper70 07-05-2005 09:56 AM

Re: Advice for college
Try to either have no classes before 10 AM, or have as many classes as possible stacked on Tuesday & Thursday.

Search out classes that are only once a week. They're out there...

Study hard Sunday through Wednesday so you can be silly on the weekend. Two or three hours 4 nights a week, develop a routine.

LoaferGee12 07-05-2005 10:07 AM

Re: Advice for college
I graduated from IU in May 04, from Kelley school of Biz with a degree in Entrepreneurship, I've been playing poker professionally since Sept of 04 btw. I second going to bball games and you should tailgate the football games, hell this year you may even go in, the passing attack may actually be fun to watch.

Getting into the biz school is cake, or at least it was. Used to you had to have a 3.0 in 3 classes out of Calculus, Finite, Business Admin(An older guy teaches this who lets you out early and is super cake, easy A, and K101(Excel and other computer stuff). So make sure you take the Business Admin which is X101 so you can subsitute that grade for one of the other 3 in case you suck in one of those others. The X101 is an elective so you arent forced to take it.

Clubs are good to be involved in because they look good on your resume, maybe you should start a Poker club and be president, seems simple enough, clubs arent that much work really. Hell I could guest speak.

I also recommend against living at Sterling Glen unless things have changed, the place is nice, but its so boring over there, its not like the commons, or Hoosier Courts or definately not the Villas, seems like nothing is ever going on, everyone stays in over there.

If going to the bars, see Hairbangers Ball at theluebird and Dave and Rae are usually good too.

Where are you from btw?

[/ QUOTE ]

How was the business school, difficulty-wise? I'm from a suburb outside Chicago and I'll be moving in to a Foster dorm.

CollinEstes 07-05-2005 10:10 AM

Re: Advice for college
My only things I would have changed about my approach to college is that the first two years when you are taking the generally easier classes try to make the best possible grades you can. If you can make As or Bs in those first two years it will be hard to screw up your GPA in the last two years when the classes get harder.

The reverse is true if you screw around those first two years and try to pick up a bad GPA in the last two years it is going to be very hard to do.

I looked back when I was applying for Law school and kicked myself over some Cs in easy classes that I was just lazy in.

My other advice: TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT PROFESSORS. Go to and look up you University and check out the profs. Whether you get the good professor of not could be the difference in not trying and getting an A, or busting your ass and making a C. Sad but true.

augie00 07-05-2005 10:17 AM

Re: Advice for college
I see you are a White Sox fan, so you will probably go far in this world. White Sox fans are quality people.

Here is some advice:

Don't fall in love. All women are whores.

Bradyams 07-05-2005 10:34 AM

Re: Advice for college
Some of these will be repeats of others' suggestions.

1) Go to [censored] class. Life will be much much easier if you do. I cannot stress how badly you need to go to class.

2) It does not count as going to class if all you do is sleep through it. Stay awake.

3) Look for books online before you buy them at the bookstore. You can get them used on Amazon for a lot cheaper sometimes.

4) Read those [censored] books you spent so much money on.

5) Use

6) I recommend not joining a frat. I'm not going to explain why since I'll probably get flamed by those who are or were in a frat.

7) Go to [censored] class.

samjjones 07-05-2005 10:38 AM

Re: Advice for college
Also, make at least 3-4 friends (more are preferred) in each of your classes. I went to business school at Rutgers (NJ state school), where a small class was 100+ people (most were 300-400 people). You'll be able to help each other prepare for any projects, and study groups are extremely helpful in preparing for exams. Business school isn't terribly hard, but it is competitive, so I'd second the suggestion of building your GPA up early. FWIW, my finance major has very little to do with my current job (software developer), which I've been doing for the 8 years since don't take things TOO seriously. Have fun and best of luck.

Wintermute 07-05-2005 11:23 AM

Re: Advice for college
Best piece of advice I can give is don't be a puss when you have a hangover. This means that during the week, you go to class hungover if need be. On Saturday, get up and resume drinking after some KFC or whatever... don't stay in on Sat night just because Friday night was rough. On Sunday, study hungover. Don't skip practice if you're hungover, too. I faked a shoulder injury when I was too drunk to execute a flip turn (swimmer) once--the other 500 odd practices I got through no matter what my condition. And somebody said it, I'd suggest taking it easy on Sundays party-wise with the obvious exceptions of Super Bowl and the like, and getting some work done.
Anyhow, if you whine/decide sleep it off when you're hungover, it'll cut into your time a LOT because you'll be hungover a lot.

turnipmonster 07-05-2005 11:32 AM

Re: Advice for college
best advice I ever got was to go to class, every day. the guy that told me that got 3 degrees (EE,CS and history!) in 4 years, and I asked him how he did it. he said he went to class, "you don't always have to do your homework, you don't have to study, but just go to class every day".


DemonDeac 07-05-2005 11:35 AM

Re: Advice for college
ill keep this short and sweet:
1)go to class

2)join a club. preferably a club sport cuz ull build some good friendships through the sport and women always like an athelete even if ur not on the varsity team. also, u can become an executive member of the club which'll look good on ur resume

Matt24 07-05-2005 11:52 AM

Re: Advice for college
The business school isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Your junior year will suck when you take I-CORE, but besides that, it isnt overly difficult. And by the way, that Business Administration class is X100 I think not X101, and the professor you want is Heslin or something close to that name.

Vote4Pedro 07-05-2005 01:06 PM

Re: Advice for college
cocaines a hell of a drug

Vote4Pedro 07-05-2005 01:13 PM

Re: Advice for college
DEFINITELY check out pickaprof and ratemyprof. Words cannot describe how much theyve helped me through my first 3 years

Vote4Pedro 07-05-2005 01:18 PM

Re: Advice for college
I'd like to hear your reasoning for #6.

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